Areas of Focus
- Quantum field theory and fundamental particle theory
- Non-perturbative theory, symmetry spontaneous breaking, hadron physics, and physics beyond the standard model
Work Experience
- 1989-1991 - Lecturer, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 1992-1996 - Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 1997-present - Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 1998-present - Doctoral Supervisor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 2018-present - Long-term Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 1994.9-1995.10 - Visiting Researcher, Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Japan
- 1999.10-2000.1 - Visiting Scholar, Michigan State University, USA
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1982 - BSc in Physics, Peking University
- 1985 - MSc in Theoretical Physics, Peking University
- 1989 - PhD in Theoretical Physics, Tsinghua University
- Chiral effective Lagrangian for excited heavy-light mesons from QCD, Qing-Sen Chen, Hui-Feng Fu, Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang, 2021
- Beyond symmetries: Anomalies in transverse Ward-Takahashi identities, Yi-Da Li, Qing Wang, 2020
- Chiral effective Lagrangian for heavy-light mesons from QCD, Qing-Sen Chen, Hui-Feng Fu, Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang, 2020
- Direct Detection Constraints on Dark Photons with the CDEX-10 Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Z.She, L.P.Jia, Q.Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2020
- Search for a generic heavy Higgs at the LHC, Xin Chen, Yue Xu, Yongcheng Wu, Yu-Ping Kuang, Qing Wang, Hang Chen, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Zhen Hu, Congqiao Li, 2020
- Constraints on Spin-Independent Nucleus Scattering with sub-GeV Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter from the CDEX-1B Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Z.Z.Liu, Q.Yue, L.T.Yang, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2019
- Study on cosmogenic activation in germanium detectors for future tonne-scale CDEX experiment, JingLu Ma, Qian Yue, ShinTed Lin, Henry Tsz-King Wong, JinWei Hu, LiPing Jia, Hao Jiang, Jin Li, ShuKui Liu, ZhongZhi Liu, Hao Ma, WeiYou Tang, Yang Tian, Li Wang, Qing Wang, Yi Wang, LiTao Yang, Zhi Zeng, 2019
- Limits on light weakly interacting massive particles from the first 102.8kgday data of the CDEX-10 experiment, H.Jiang, L.P.Jia, Q.Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2018
- Derivation of the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations at large Nc limit and symmetry preserving truncations, Hui-Feng Fu, Qing Wang, Libo Jiang, 2017
- Derivation of the effective chiral Lagrangian for pseudoscalar, scalar, vector, and axial-vector mesons from QCD, K.Ren, H.F.Fu, Q.Wang, 2017
- Constraints on Axion couplings from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, S.K.Liu, Q.Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2017
- First results on 76Ge neutrinoless double beta decay from CDEX-1 experiment, Wang Li, Yue Qian, Wang Qing, CDEX collaboration, 2017
- Bulk and Surface Event Identification in p-type Germanium Detectors, L.T. Yang, H.B. Li, L.P. Ji, H. Jiang, J. Li, F.K. Lin, S.T. Lin, S.K. Liu, J.L. Ma, V. Sharma, L. Singh, M.K. Singh, A.K. Soma, S.W. Yang, L. Wang, Q. Wang, H.T. Wong, Q. Yue, W. Zhao, 2016
- Direct Detection of Exothermic Dark Matter with Light Mediator, Chao-Qiang Geng, Da Huang, Chun-Hao Lee, Qing Wang, 2016
- Search of low-mass WIMPs with a p-type point contact germanium detector in the CDEX-1 experiment, W.Zhao, Q.Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2016
- The Quark Propagator in a Truncation Scheme Beyond the Rainbow Approximation, Hui-Feng Fu, Qing Wang, 2016
- Connecting Neutrino Masses and Dark Matter by High-dimensional Lepton Number Violation Operator, Chao-Qiang Geng, Da Huang, Lu-Hsing Tsai, Qing Wang, 2015
- Computation of the O(p6) order low-energy constants: an update, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Zhen-Long Wei, Qing-Sen Chen, Qing Wang, 2015
- Exothermic isospin-violating dark matter after SuperCDMS and CDEX, Nan Chen, Qing Wang, Wei Zhao, Shin-Ted Lin, Qian Yue, Jin Li, 2015
- Study of the material photon and electron background and the liquid argon detector veto efficiency of the CDEX-10 experiment, SU Jian, ZENG Zhi, WANG Qing, 2014
- Limits on light weakly interacting massive particles from the CDEX-1 experiment with a p-type point-contact germanium detector at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Q.Yue, W.Zhao, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2014
- Limits on light WIMPs with a germanium detector at 177 eVee threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, S.K.Liu, Q.Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2014
- Higgsphobic and fermiophobic Z' as a single dark matter candidate, Nan Chen, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Aldo Deandrea, Luca Panizzi, 2014
- The p6 order full pseudoscalar mesonic chiral Lagrangian under the U group, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Feng-Jun Ge, Qing Wang, 2014
- Survival of New Physics: An Anomaly-free Neutral Gauge Boson at the LHC, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang, 2014
- The high order chiral Lagrangian, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, 2013
- The road of gaining mass for gauge boson: interpretation of Nobel Prize in physics 2013, Qing Wang, 2014
- Minimal Ward-Takahashi Vertices and Pion Light Cone Distribution Amplitudes from Gauge Invariant, Nonlocal, Dynamical Quark Model, Chuan Li, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, 2013
- First result on low-mass WIMs from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping underground laboratory, Wei Zhao, Qian Yue, Qing Wang, CDEX Collaboration, 2013
- Introduction of the CDEX experiment, Ke-Jun KANG, Jian-Ping CHENG, Jin LI, Yuan-Jing LI, Qian YUE, Qing WANG, CDEX Collaboration, 2013
- Amending the Vafa-Witten Theorem, Chuan Li, Qing Wang, 2013
- Computation of the p6 order low-energy constants with tensor sources, ShaoZhou Jiang, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang, 2013
- The Global Electroweak Fit and its Implication to Z', Ying Zhang, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, 2014
- A note on the soliton picture in a Skyrme-like model, JIA Duo-Jie, ZHANG Jin-Hu, WANG Qing, 2012
- Parameterization on the general gamma-Z-Z' Mixings, Ying Zhang, Qing Wang, 2012
- Electroweak chiral Lagrangian from the topcolor-assisted technicolor model with nontrivial technicolor fermion condensation and walking, Feng-Jun Ge, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, 2011
- Computation of the coefficients for $p^6$ order anomalous chiral Lagrangian, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Qing Wang, 2010
- Computation of the p6 order chiral Lagrangian coefficients, Shao-Zhou Jiang, Ying Zhang, Chuan Li, Qing Wang, 2010
- New Gauge Forces Beyond Standard Model, WANG Qing, WANG Shun-Zhi, ZHANG Ying, 2010
- Z' Boson Mixings with Z-g
- Beijing City Teaching Master
- National Quality Online Open Course 'Electrodynamics' Leader