Areas of Focus
- Nuclear Physics
- Experimental Nuclear Physics
- Heavy Ion Nuclear Reaction Dynamics Experiments and Phenomenological Studies
- Dynamic Imaging Techniques at Femtometer Scale
- Experimental Measurement of Nuclear Matter State Equation
- Development and Research of Advanced Detectors and Detection Techniques
Work Experience
- 2017-present: Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 2012-2017: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 2007-2012: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
- 2006-2007: Research Fellow, Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg
- 2004-2006: Associate Researcher, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2002-2004: Visiting Scholar, German Heavy Ion Research Center
- 2001-2002: Assistant Researcher, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1995-2001: PhD in Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1991-1995: Bachelor's Degree in Physics, Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University
- Probing high-momentum component in nucleon momentum distribution by neutron-proton bremsstrahlung gamma-rays in heavy ion reactions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2024
- Studies of nuclear equation of state with the HIRFL-CSR external-target experiment, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2024
- The trigger system for the HIRFL-CSR external-target experiment, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2024
- Measurement of the high energy γ rays from heavy ion reactions using Cerenkov detector, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2024
- A CsI(Tl) hodoscope on CSHINE for Bremsstrahlung gamma rays in Heavy Ion Reactions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2023
- Fourier-over-Spheroid shape parametrization applied to nuclear fission dynamics, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2023
- Observing the ping-pong modality of the isospin degree of freedom in cluster emission from heavy-ion reactions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2023
- Properties of QCD Matter at High Baryon Density, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- Probing the high-density nuclear symmetry energy with the $\ksai-/ksai0$ ratio in heavy-ion collisions at √sNN ≈ 3 GeV, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- Production of high-energy neutron beam from deuteron breakup, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- On the stability of superheavy nuclei, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- An FPGA based trigger system for CSHINE, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- Reconstruction of fission events in heavy ion reactions with the compact spectrometer for heavy ion experiment, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- Track Recognition of DE-E Telescopes with Silicon Strip Detectors, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- The emission order of hydrogen isotopes via correlation functions in 30 MeV/u Ar+Au reactions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2022
- Rapidity distributions of Z=1isotopes and the nuclear symmetry energy from Sn+Sn collisions with radioactive beams at 270MeV/nucleon, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Double strangeness [1]cascade production as a probe of nuclear equation of state at high densities, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Probing the Symmetry Energy with the Spectral Pion Ratio, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Fission fragment mass yields of Th to Rf even-even nuclei*, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- A Compact Spectrometer for Heavy Ion Experiments in the Fermi energy regime, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Observing the polarization of cosmic-ray muons in student physics laboratory, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- CSHINE for studies of HBT correlation in heavy ion reactions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Symmetry energy Investigation with pion production from Sn+Sn systems, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2021
- Symmetry energy effect on emissions of light particles in coincidence with fast fission, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2020
- Orientation dichroism effect of proton scattering on deformed, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2020
- New probe to study the symmetry energy at low nuclear density with the deuteron breakup reaction, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2020
- Coexistence of Reflection Asymmetric and Symmetric Shapes in144Ba, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2020
- Transport model studies on the fast fission of the target-like fragments in heavy ion collisions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2019
- New Experimental Limits on Exotic Spin-Spin-Velocity-Dependent Interactions By Using SmCo5 Spin Sources, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2018
- Globe \Lambda hyperon polarization in nuclear collisions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2017
- Long-time drift of the isospin degree of freedom in heavy ion collisions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2017
- High-spin structures in the 129Xe nucleus, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2016
- Evidence for Octupole Correlations in Multiple Chiral Doublet Bands, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2016
- Dynamic isovector reorientation of deuteron as a probe to nuclear symmetry energy, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2015
- Collective band structures in the 99Tc nucleus, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2015
- Measurement of interaction between antiprotons, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2015
- Time-dependent isospin composition of particles emitted in fission events following Ar-40+Au-197 at 35 MeV/u, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2014
- Resolution of Chiral Conundrum in 106Ag: Doppler-Shift Lifetime Investigation, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2014
- Probing nuclear symmetry energy at high densities using pion, kaon, eta and photon productions in heavy-ion collisions, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2014
- Multiphonon gamma-vibrational bands in the gamma-soft nucleus 138Nd, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2013
- Feasibility studies on the burnup measurement of fuel pebbles with HPGe gamma spectrometer, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2013
- A practical method to determine the spatial resolution of GEM detector, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2013
- Systematics of azimuthal asymmetries in heavy ion collisions in the 1A GeV regime, Zhigang Xiao et al., 2012
- Observation of the antimatter helium-4 nucleus, Zhigang Xiao et al
- 2019: Wu Youxun Physics Prize
- 2018: Guangxi Science and Technology (Natural Science) Second Prize
- 2013: Tsinghua University Academic Newcomer Award
- 2010: Ministry of Education New Century Excellent Talents
- 2001: Chinese Academy of Sciences President's Scholarship