Areas of Focus
- Pathogenic mechanisms of zoonotic protozoa
- Molecular epidemiology of zoonotic protozoa
- Environmental transmission dynamics of zoonotic protozoa
- Comparative genomics of zoonotic protozoa
Work Experience
- 2016.10-present - South China Agricultural University - Professor
- 2007.12-present - East China University of Science and Technology - Professor
- 2007.01-2007.11 - Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Professor
- 2005.09-2006.09 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA - Visiting Scholar
- 2004.06-2006.12 - Tongji University - Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
- 2000.01-2004.06 - National University of Singapore - Research Fellow
- 1993.07-1999.12 - Tianjin University - Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1996.03-1999.06 Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering: Tianjin University
- 1990.09-1993.06 M.Sc. in Microbiology: Nankai University
- 1986.09-1990.07 B.Sc. in Microbiology: Nankai University
- National Outstanding Youth Science Fund recipient
- Selected for the National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talent Project
- Expert with outstanding contributions recognized by the State Council
- Selected for the Ministry of Education's New Century Talent Program
- Multilocus sequence typing tool for Cyclospora cayetanensis, Guo, Y. Q., Roellig, D. M., Li, N., Tang K., Frace, M., ortega Y., Arrowood, M. J., Feng, Y. Y.*, Qvarnstrom, Y., Wang, L., Moss, D. M., Zhang, L. X., Xiao, L. H., 2016
- Comparative genomic analysis reveals occurrence of genetic recombination in virulent Cryptosporidium hominis subtypes and telomeric gene duplications in Cryptosporidium parvum, Guo, Y. Q.#, Tang, K.#, Rowe, L., Li, N., Roellig, D. M., Knipe, K., Frace, M., Yang, C. F., Feng, Y. Y.*, Xiao, L. H.*, 2015
- Subtyping novel zoonotic pathogen Cryptosporidium chipmunk genotype I, Guo, Y. Q., Cebelinski, E., Matusevich, C., Alderisio, K. A., Lebbad, M., McEvoy, J., Roellig, D. M., Yang, C. F., Feng, Y. Y.*, Xiao, L. H.*, 2015
- Occurrence, source, and human infection potential of Cryptosporidium and Enterocytozoon bieneusi in drinking source water in Shanghai, China during a pig carcass disposal incident, Hu, Y, Feng, Y. Y.*, Huang, C. C., Xiao, L. H.*, 2014
- Subtyping Cryptosporidium ubiquitum, a zoonotic pathogen emerging in humans, Li, N., Xiao, L. H., Alderisio, K., Elwin, K., Cebelinski, E., Chalmers, R., Santin, M., Fayer, R., Kvac, M., Ryan, U., Sak, B., Stanko, M., Guo, Y. Q., Wang, L., Zhang, L. X., Cai, J. Z., Roellig, D., Feng, Y. Y.*, 2014
- Multilocus sequence typing of an emerging Cryptosporidium hominis subtype in the United States, Feng, Y. Y.*, Tiao, N., Li N., Hlavsa, M., Xiao, L. H.*, 2014
- Genetic recombination and Cryptosporidium hominis virulent subtype IbA10G2, Li, N., Xiao, L. H., Cama, V. A., ortega, Y., Gilman, R. H., Guo, M. J., Feng, Y. Y.*, 2013
- Extended outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in a pediatric hospital, China, Feng, Y. Y.*, Wang, L., Duan, L. P., Gomez-Puerta, L. A., Zhang, L. X., Zhao, X. K., Hu, J. J., Zhang, N., Xiao. L. H., 2012
- Anthroponotic enteric parasites in monkeys in public park, China, Ye, J. B., Xiao, L. H, Ma, J. B., Guo, M. J., Liu, L. L., Feng, Y. Y.*, 2012
- Zoonotic potential and molecular epidemiology of Giardia species and giardiasis, Feng, Y. Y.*, Xiao, L. H.*, 2011
- National Outstanding Youth Science Fund recipient
- Selected for the National Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand Talent Project
- Expert with outstanding contributions recognized by the State Council
- Selected for the Ministry of Education's New Century Talent Program