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Related professors of Mao Yajun
10 professors
Shuiqiao Chen, Vice Director/Senior Engineer
Zhejiang University, Physics
Area of Focus
Physics | Experimental | Teaching | Reform | Technology | Research | Education | Methods | Innovation | Implementation
Liu Caiming, Associate Professor / Master's Supervisor
Zhejiang University, Physics
Area of Focus
Optics | Laser | Physics | Light | Refraction | Laser Display | Magnetic Pulse Compressor | Copper Halide Laser | Intelligent Laser Display | Research
Hai-Peng An, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Tev Scale | Particle Physics | New Physics | Dark Matter | Detection | Cosmology | Universe | Theoretical Physics | Research | Physics
Xi Chen, Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter Physics | Experimental Physics | Low-Dimensional Materials | Material Preparation | Physical Properties | Research | Science | Technology | Physics | Materials Science
Gao Fei, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Dark Matter | Detection | Neutrinos | Double Beta Decay | Coherent Scattering | Low Background | Measurement | Techniques | Physics | Experiments
Shuai-Hua Ji, Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | Strong Magnetic Fields | Low Temperature | Quantum Materials | Material Preparation | Physical Properties | Low-Dimensional Systems | Research | Technology | Physics
Yu'An Chen, Assistant Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum | Materials | Science | Physics | Research | Technology | Innovation | Quantum Computing | Nanotechnology | Experimental Physics
Tao Dong, Associate Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Spectroscopy | Quantum State | Ultrafast Control | Correlated Electron Materials | Infrared Spectroscopy | Terahertz Spectroscopy | Nonlinear Spectroscopy | Detection | Materials Science | Physics
Jia Liu, Assistant Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Dark Matter | Colliders | Higgs Boson | Neutrinos | Astrophysics | Particle Physics | Theoretical Physics | Research | Energy | Universe
Xiaohu Sun, Assistant Professor / Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Higgs Boson | Particle Physics | Cms | Lhc | Colliders | Time Detectors | High Energy Physics | Experimental Physics | Atlas | Research

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