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Related professors of Liangyou Peng
10 professors
Mingxing Luo, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Zhejiang University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum Mechanics | String Theory | Particle Physics | Field Theory | Quantum Field Theory | Theoretical Models | Mathematical Physics | Computational Physics | Nuclear Physics | Astrophysics
Hai-Peng An, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Tev Scale | Particle Physics | New Physics | Dark Matter | Detection | Cosmology | Universe | Theoretical Physics | Research | Physics
Xu Feng, Boya Distinguished Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum Chromodynamics | Lattice | Hadrons | Flavor Physics | Nuclear Interactions | Computational Physics | Particle Physics | Theoretical Physics | Strong Interaction | Quantum Field Theory
Gao Yuanning, Professor, Dean of the School of Physics, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum Mechanics | Particle Physics | Nuclear Fusion | Nuclear Fission | Energy Production | Mathematical Modeling | Computational Simulations | Experimental Physics | Radiation | Nuclear Safety
Yu-Min Hou, Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Physics | Quantum Mechanics | Theoretical Physics | Experimental Physics | Condensed Matter | Particle Physics | Astrophysics | Computational Physics | Nuclear Physics | Optics
Jing Shu, Boya Distinguished Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum | Field Theory | Particle Physics | String Theory | Cosmology | Quantum Mechanics | Supersymmetry | Cern | Lhc | Dark Matter
Yinan Wang, Assistant Professor / Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
String Theory | Quantum Field Theory | Mathematical Physics | Supersymmetry | Phenomenology | Symmetry | Theoretical Physics | High Energy Physics | Particle Physics | Field Theory
Shouhua Zhu, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Physics | Theory | Research | Education | Quantum | Mechanics | Field Theory | Particle | Cosmology | Mathematical Methods
Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Particle Physics | Cosmology | Quantum Field Theory | Early Universe | Astrophysical Systems | Gravitational Waves | Cosmological Collider Physics | Amplitude Methods | Curved Spacetime | New Physics
Zhe Xu, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Relativistic Collisions | Heavy-Ion | Phenomenology | Transport Theory | Fluid Dynamics | Simulation | Computational Physics | Nuclear Physics | Theoretical Physics | Particle Physics

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