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Related professors of Xu Limei
10 professors
Shuo Yang, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum | Condensed Matter | Theory | Tensor Networks | Topology | Quantum States | Physics | Computational Methods | Quantum Computation | Quantum Information
Ji Feng, Boya Distinguished Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter | Computational Physics | Geometric Phase | Electronic Structures | Superconductors | Quantum Properties | Computational Methods | Materials Science | Quantum Physics | Research
Yu-Min Hou, Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Physics | Quantum Mechanics | Theoretical Physics | Experimental Physics | Condensed Matter | Particle Physics | Astrophysics | Computational Physics | Nuclear Physics | Optics
Li Dingping, Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter | Theory | Superconductivity | Mechanisms | Macroscopic | Phase Diagrams | Strongly Correlated | Many-Body | Bec | Phase Transitions
Yang Liu, Assistant Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Quantum | Materials | Science | Research | Physics | Engineering | Technology | Nanotechnology | Condensed Matter | Fabrication
Youdong Mao, Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Soft Matter | Condensed Matter | Biophysics | Cryo-Em | 4D Microscopy | Machine Learning | Protein Dynamics | Non-Equilibrium | Statistical Physics | Molecular Medicine
Yingying Peng, Assistant Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter | Spectroscopy | Physics | X-Ray | Inelastic Scattering | High-Temperature Superconductivity | Physical Phenomena | Research | Design | Instrumentation
Chao Tang, Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Statistical Physics | Complex Systems | Physical Biology | Systems Biology | Quantitative Rules | Life Systems | Biological Issues | Physics Methods | Research | Innovation
Yong Xu, Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter | Computational Physics | Topology | Quantum States | First-Principles | Material Science | Design | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Physics
Qi-Hua Xiong, Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Condensed Matter | Spectroscopy | Ultrafast | Semiconductor | Microcavity | Light-Matter Interaction | Exciton-Polariton | Non-Equilibrium | Perovskite | Two-Dimensional Materials

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