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Related professors of Zhen Hu
6 professors
Hai-Peng An, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Tev Scale | Particle Physics | New Physics | Dark Matter | Detection | Cosmology | Universe | Theoretical Physics | Research | Physics
Li Qiang, Professor, Deputy Head of Technical Physics Department
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Particle Physics | High-Energy | Large Hadron Collider | China | Colliders | Standard Model | Tev Scale | Multi-Boson | Monte Carlo Simulations | Deep Learning
Xiaohu Sun, Assistant Professor / Researcher
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Higgs Boson | Particle Physics | Cms | Lhc | Colliders | Time Detectors | High Energy Physics | Experimental Physics | Atlas | Research
Zhenwei Yang, Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Particle Physics | Nuclear Physics | Experimental Physics | Heavy Flavor Hadrons | Decay Properties | Strong Interaction | Non-Perturbative | Cp Violation | Standard Model | New Physics
Zhou Chen, Assistant Professor
Peking University, Physics
Area of Focus
Lhc | Atlas | Cms | Experimental Physics | High-Energy Physics | Higgs Boson | Particle Physics | Collider | Physics Research | New Phenomena
Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University, Physics
Area of Focus
Particle Physics | Cosmology | Quantum Field Theory | Early Universe | Astrophysical Systems | Gravitational Waves | Cosmological Collider Physics | Amplitude Methods | Curved Spacetime | New Physics

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