Areas of Focus
- Adolescent Gratitude and Socialization
Work Experience
- 1998.07-2002.02: Assistant, Department of Political Education and Psychology, Xinyang Normal School
- 2002.02-Present: Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor, School of Education Science, Xinyang Normal University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1994.09-1998.06: Bachelor's in Education and Chinese Language and Literature, Henan University
- 2009.09-2012.06: PhD in Developmental and Educational Psychology, Central China Normal University
- Construction and Empirical Research of the Three-Dimensional Structure Theory of Gratitude, Anming He, 2012
- Research on the Values and Socialization of Adolescents in the Mobile Phone Era, Anming He, 2015
- Psychology, Anming He, 2009
- Psychology, Anming He, 2003
- Educational Psychology for Teachers, Anming He, 2013
- Public Psychology Course, Anming He, 2010
- Experimental Research on the Implicit Effect of Gratitude in College Students, Anming He, 2013
- Development of the Adolescent Gratitude Scale Based on Trait Gratitude, Anming He, 2012
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and Gratitude in College Students, Anming He, 2015
- Scenario Experiment on the Influence of Gratitude on Helping Behavior in College Students, Anming He, 2014
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Gratitude and Self-Harmony in Rural Left-Behind Elderly: Mediation or Moderation, Anming He, 2012
- Research on the Status and Relationship of Gratitude, Intrapersonal Emotional Intelligence, and Job Burnout in Rural Junior High School Teachers, Anming He, 2011
- The Relationship between Social Support and Loneliness in College Students: The Mediating Role of Gratitude, Anming He, 2015
- Gratitude, Loneliness, and Social Support in College Students, Anming He, 2014
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of Self-Harmony and Gratitude in College Students: The Moderating and Mediating Role of Materialistic Values and Emotional Intelligence, Anming He, 2015
- Operational Methods of Emotional Integration in Classroom Teaching, Anming He, 2015
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of Gratitude and Self-Harmony in College Students, Anming He, 2013
- Explicit Gratitude, Relative Implicit Gratitude, and Overall Implicit Gratitude, Anming He, 2013
- Implicit Gratitude in College Students under the SC-IAT Paradigm, Anming He, 2014
- Empirical Research on the Control Circle and Trait Coping Style of College Students, Anming He, 2012
- Analysis of the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Harmony in Rural Left-Behind Elderly: A Case Study of Henan Province, Anming He, 2012
- Psychology Serving the Economic and Social Construction of Central China, Anming He, 2014
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of Self-Harmony and Emotional Intelligence in College Students, Anming He, 2013
- The Social Mission of Psychology: Serving Economic and Social Construction, Anming He, 2014
- The Situation and Relationship among Gratitude, Intrapersonal Emotional Intelligence, and Burnout of Central Teachers in Rural Middle School, Anming He
- An Empirical Research on the Well-being and Its Influencing Factors of the Rural Left-behind Elderly, Anming He
- Analysis of the Connotation, Value, and Educational Art of Gratitude, Anming He, 2012
- The Relationship between Self-Harmony and Well-being in Rural Left-Behind Elderly, Anming He, 2012
- The Status of Self-Harmony in Rural Left-Behind Elderly and Its Correlation with Gratitude and Emotional Intelligence, Anming He, 2013
- The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Gratitude and Well-being in Rural Left-Behind Elderly, Anming He
- The Status and Influencing Factors of Well-being in Rural Left-Behind Elderly, Anming He
- The Influence of Mobile Phone Use on the Values of Adolescents, Anming He, 2014
- The Influence of Mobile Phone Use on Gratitude in College Students, Anming He, 2014
- Gratitude and Job Burnout in Rural Junior High School Teachers, Anming He
- Construction of the Three-Dimensional Structure Theory Model of Gratitude, Anming He, 2013
- Scenario Experiment on the Relationship between Gratitude, Indebtedness, Happiness, and Helping Behavior in College Students, Anming He, 2015
- Research on the Characteristics of Gratitude in College Students Based on Demographic Variables, Anming He, 2010
- Empirical Research on the Influence of Mobile Media on Gratitude in Middle School Students, Anming He, 2013
- Empirical Research on the Influence of Mobile Phone Use on Materialistic Values in College Students, Anming He, 2015
- Empirical Research on the Influence of Mobile Phone Use on Loneliness in College Students, Anming He, 2016
- Research on the Characteristics of Mobile Media and Its Influences upon Adolescent Values, Anming He
- The Role of Emotional Intelligence between Gratitude and Subjective Well-being of the Rural Left-behind, Anming He
- Analysis of the Degree of Emotional Teaching in Primary Schools, Anming He, 2009
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of the Big Five Personality Traits and Mobile Phone Use Motivation in Middle School Students, Anming He, 2016
- Goals and Evaluation Standards of Emotional Integration Teaching Model, Anming He, 2016
- Meta-Cognitive Research on the Concept, Culture, and Social Influence of Mobile Media in China, Anming He, 2012
- The Current Situation, Foundation, and Theoretical Conception of the Construction of an Outstanding Teacher Development Database, Anming He, 2011
- The Influence of Mobile Media on the Socialization of Primary and Secondary School Students and Educational Strategies, Anming He
- The Status and Psychological Strategies for Improving the Well-being of Rural Left-Behind Elderly, Anming He, 2011
- Psychological Crisis and Intervention Strategies for Disaster-Affected People after Major Disasters, Anming He, 2010
- The Significance and Strategies of Establishing Psychological Crisis Intervention Files for Impoverished College Students, Anming He, 2015
- Cross-Lagged Analysis of Gratitude and Mental Health in Middle School Students, Anming He, 2015
- Perceived Social Status and Status Consumption Tendency: Terror Management of Self-Esteem, Anming He, 2013
- The Moderating Role of Social Support between Materialistic Values and Compulsive Consumption Tendency in College Students, Anming He, 2012
- Provincial Government Special Allowance Expert
- First Batch of High-Level Talents in Henan Province
- Academic and Technical Leader in Henan Province
- Outstanding Young Social Science Expert in Henan Province
- National Outstanding Teacher of Education Master
- Outstanding Scholar in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Henan Province
- Innovative Talent in Humanities and Social Sciences in Henan Province
- Young Backbone Teacher in Henan Province
- Academic and Technical Leader of the Henan Provincial Department of Education
- Advanced Worker in Educational Science Planning in Henan Province
- Outstanding Instructor of Summer Social Practice Activities for College and University Students in Henan Province
- Outstanding Social Science Expert in Xinyang City
- Top Ten Teachers of Xinyang Normal University
- Model of Teacher Ethics