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Qihan Zhang
Tianjin Normal University
Language: Chinese, English
Motor Cognition Joint Movement Neuroplasticity Training Efficiency Motion Capture Fnirs Fmri Physiological Instruments Brain Activation Cognitive Neuroscience
Areas of Focus
  • Exploring motor cognition, joint movement, training-based neuroplasticity changes, and training efficiency using motion capture systems, fNIRS, fMRI, and physiological multi-channel instruments.
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2009-2013 Bachelor of Science: Tianjin Normal University
  • 2013-2016 Master of Education: Tianjin Normal University
  • 2016-2019 Doctor of Education: Tianjin Normal University
  • Brain activation of elite race walkers in action observation, motor imagery, and motor execution tasks: a pilot study, ZHANG Qihan, ZHANG Peng, SONG Lu, YANG Yu, YUAN Sheng, CHEN Yixin, SUN Shinan, BAI Xuejun, 2019
  • The cognitive neural mechanisms of individual movement in continuous contact movement influenced by obstacles, BAI Xuejun, ZHANG Qihan, ZHAO Guang, SUN Hongjin, CHEN Yixin, SUN Shinan, ZHANG Peng, SONG Lu, YANG Yu, YUAN Sheng, 2019
  • Application of functional near-infrared spectroscopy technology in lie detection research, BAI Xuejun, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Qihan, SONG Lu, YANG Yu, 2018
  • Comparison of new word learning ability between children and adults in natural reading: evidence from eye movement, LIANG Feifei, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Qihan, WANG Yongsheng, BAI Xuejun, 2017
  • Comparison of brain activation patterns between motor execution and motor imagery based on fNIRS, BAI Xuejun, ZHANG Qihan, ZHANG Peng, ZHOU Song, LIU Ying, SONG Xing, PENG Guohui, 2016
  • Representation of Chinese two-character words in the mental lexicon: evidence from fNIRS, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Qihan, PENG Guohui, SONG Xing, BAI Xuejun, 2016
  • Functional differentiation of the lateral prefrontal cortex during behavioral inhibition under non-emotional and emotional backgrounds: an fNIRS study, BAI Xuejun, LIU Ying, ZHANG Peng, ZHANG Qihan, 2015
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of two vocabulary learning strategies in college students' English learning, BAI Xuejun, ZHANG Qihan, 2014
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