Areas of Focus
- Psychological mechanisms of cognition, emotion, creativity, and aesthetics
- Modern transformation of traditional Chinese psychological thoughts (Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism)
Work Experience
- 1998-2001 - Central China Normal University - Faculty of Education
- 2001-present - Nanjing Normal University - Teaching and research in basic psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1989 - Bachelor of Science: Nankai University
- 1998 - Doctor of Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Editor of the textbook 'Physiological Psychology' (Higher Education Press, 2012)
- Regulating Test Anxiety by Joy: Based on the Mutual Promotion and Mutual Counteraction (MPMC) Theory of Affect, Cheng Gao, Chang Liu*, Shao‑zhen Feng, Jing Luo, 2022
- Alpha and theta peak frequency track on- and off-thoughts, Jingyu Hua, Annemarie Wolff, Jianfeng Zhang, Lin Yao, Yufeng Zang, Jing Luo, Xianliang Ge, Chang Liu* & Georg Northoff, 2022
- 道的体验:论作为体验心理学的中国传统心理学, 刘昌, 2021
- Imagination-Based Loving-Kindness and Compassion Meditation: A New Meditation Method Developed from Chinese Buddhism, Junyi Hao, Chang Liu*, Shaozhen Feng, Jing Luo, 2021
- Under what circumstances is helping an impulse? Emergency and prosocial traits affect intuitive prosocial behavior, Rong Shi, Wei (Gabriel) Qi, Yi Ding, Chang Liu*, Wangbing Shen, 2020
- The Neural Basis of Fear Promotes Anger and Sadness Counteracts Anger, Jun Zhan, Jingyuan Ren, Pei Sun, Jin Fan, Chang Liu*, & Jing Luo, 2018
- Tracking the neurodynamics of insight: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies, Wangbing Shen, Yu Tong, Feng Li, Yuan Yuan, Bernhard Hommel, Chang Liu*, & Jing Luo, 2018
- 中国心理学:何以可能?如何建立?, 刘昌, 2018
- In search of the ‘Aha!’ experience: Elucidating the emotionality of insight problem-solving, Wangbing Shen, Yuan Yuan, Chang Liu*, & Jing Luo, 2016
- Unitary or non-unitary nature of working memory? Evidence from its relation to general fluid and crystallized intelligence, Caiping Dang, Johan Braeken, Emilio Ferrer, & Chang Liu*, 2012
- 2006 - National candidate of the 'New Century Talents Project'
- 2007, 2011 - Young and middle-aged science and technology leaders in Jiangsu Province '333 High-level Talent Training Project'
- 2008 - Excellent Graduate Supervisor of Nanjing Normal University
- 2004 - Excellent Science and Technology Worker of Jiangsu Province
- 2011 - Special government allowance of the State Council