Areas of Focus
- Object recognition
- Visual illusions
- Predictive processing
- Neural networks
Work Experience
- Current - Nanjing Normal University - Lecturer
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2022 - Ph.D. in Philosophy: Radboud University Nijmegen
- Conceptual associations generate sensory expectations throughout the visual system, Yan, C., de Lange, F. P., Richter D., 2023
- Humans predict the forest, not the trees: Statistical learning of spatiotemporal structure in visual scenes, Yan, C., BV Ehinger, Pérez-Bellido, A., MV Peelen & de Lange, F. P., 2023
- Predictive remapping leaves a behaviorally measurable attentional trace on eye-centered brain maps, Yan, C., He, T., & Wang, Z., 2021
- Amodal completion instead of predictive coding can explain activity suppression of early visual cortex during illusory shape perception, Yan, C., Pérez-Bellido, A., & de Lange, F. P., 2021
- Inhibition of return revisited: Localized inhibition on top of a pervasive bias, Wang, B., Yan, C., Klein, R. M., & Wang, Z., 2018
- Adverse orienting effects on visual working memory encoding and maintenance, Wang, B., Yan, C., Wang, Z., Olivers, C. N., & Theeuwes, J., 2017
- Predictive remapping gives rise to inhibition of return in environment-centered coordinates, Yan C., He T., Raymond M. Klein, & Wang Z., 2016