Areas of Focus
- Economic Psychology
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Social Psychology
Work Experience
- 2003-2005 Lecturer: Beijing Normal University, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000-2003 PhD: Beijing Normal University, Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- 1997-2000 Master's: Beijing Normal University, Developmental Psychology
- 1993-1997 Bachelor's: Beijing Normal University, Psychology
- 2008-2012 Postdoctoral Researcher: Northwestern University, USA
- 2005-2008 Postdoctoral Researcher: University of California, San Diego, USA
- Reevaluating the two-representation model of numerical magnitude processing, Jiang, T., Zhang, W., Wen, W., Zhu, H., Du, H., Zhu, X., ... & Chen, C., 2016
- Effects of minimal social cues on trust in the investment game, Xin, Z., Liu, Y., Yang, Z., & Zhang, H., 2016
- Is Order the Defining Feature of Magnitude Representation? An ERP Study on Learning Numerical Magnitude and Spatial Order of Artificial Symbols, Zhao, H., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Mei, L., Chen, C., Chen, L., Cao, Z., Dong, Q., 2012
- Distinct representations of subtraction and multiplication in the neural systems for numerosity and language, Prado, J., Mutreja, R., Zhang, H., Booth, J., Desroches, A., Minas, J., 2011
- Neural correlates of top-down letter processing, Liu, J., Li, J., Zhang, H., Huber, D., Rieth, C., Li, W., Tian, J., Lee, K., 2010
- Effective connectivities of cortical regions for top-down face processing: A Dynamic Causal Modeling study, Li, J., Liu, J., Liang, J., Zhang, H., Zhao J., Rieth, C., Huber, D., Li, W., Shi, G., Lin, A., Tian, J., Lee, K., 2010
- Two faces of the other-race effect: Recognition and classification of Caucasians and Chinese Faces, Ge, L., Zhang, H., Wang, L., Pascalis, O., Quinn, P., Kelly, D., Slater, A., Lee, K., 2009
- A distributed neural system for top-down face processing, Li, J., Liu, J., Liang, J., Zhang, H., Zhao, J., Huber, D., Rieth, C., Lee, K., Tian, J., Shi, G., 2009
- Detecting faces in pure noise images: a functional MRI study on top-down perception, Zhang, H., Liu, J., Huber, D. E., Cory, R. A., Tian, J., Lee, K., 2008
- Chinese kindergartners' automatic processing of numerical magnitude in Stroop-like tasks, Zhou, X., Chen, Y., Chen, C., Jiang, T., Zhang, H., Dong, Q., 2007
- Age-independent and age–dependent neural substrate for single-digit multiplication and addition arithmetic problems, Zhou, X., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Chen, C., Zhou, R., Dong, Q., 2006
- Numerical distance effect in the N240 component in a number-matching task, Zhou, X., Chen, C., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., Chen, C., Qiao, S., Zhao, H., Jiang, T., Guo, Y., 2006
- Event-related potentials of single-digit addition, subtraction, and multiplication, Zhou, X., Chen, C., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., Zhou, R., Zhao, H., Chen, C., Qiao, S., Jiang, T., Guo, Y., 2006
- Neural substrates for forward and backward recitation of numbers and the alphabet: A close examination of the role of intraparietal sulcus and perisylvian areas, Zhou, X., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Xue, G., Dong, Q., Jin, Z., Zhang, L., Peng, C., Zhao, H., Guo, Y., Jiang, T., & Chen, C., 2006
- Protective and risk factors in health-enhancing behavior among adolescents in China and the United States: Does social context matter?, Turbin, M. S., Jessor, R., Costa, F. M., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, C., 2006
- The role of social contexts in adolescence: Context protection and context risk in the United States and China, Costa, F. M., Jessor, R., Turbin, M. S., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, C., 2005
- Adolescent problem behavior in China and the United States: A cross-national study of psychosocial protective factors, Jessor, R., Turbin, M. S., Costa, F. M., Dong, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, C., 2003
- 谦卑型领导的自我构念及其认知神经机制, 张红川, 聂梦捷, 孙铃, 侯佳伟, 于泳红, 马敏, 2016
- 中国农民工心理健康水平变迁的横断历史研究: 1995~ 2011, 黄四林, 侯佳伟, 张梅, 辛自强, 张红川, 孙铃, & 窦东徽, 2015
- 中国人口生育意愿变迁: 1980——2011, 侯佳伟, 黄四林, 辛自强, 孙铃, 张红川, & 窦东徽, 2014
- 小学教师心理资本与主观幸福感的关系:职业压力的中介作用, 张西超, 胡婧, 宋继东, 张红川, 张巍, 2014
- 自我构念对主观幸福感的影响机制分析:自我效能感和关系和谐的中介作用, 邹璐, 姜莉, 张西超, 胡婧, 张红川, 2014
- 大学生正念水平与社会敏感性的关系, 孙铃, 张红川, 侯佳伟, 窦东徽, & 黄四林, 2013
- 流动人口幸福感:社会公平感与社会流动信念, 黄四林, 张红川, 侯佳伟, 孙铃, 窦东徽, & 辛自强, 2013
- 权力对于过去和未来时间心理距离的影响, 窦东徽, 张红川, 黄四林, 孙铃, & 侯佳伟, 2013
- 工作压力对职场网络偏差行为的影响: 工作意义的调节效应, 刘玉新, 张建卫, 张红川, 彭凯平, 2013
- 不同符号形式数字的数量表征, 赵晖, 张红川, 周新林, 郭易, 赵丽波, 董奇, 2008
- 前运动皮质与数字加工:脑功能成像研究的元分析研究, 张红川, 董奇, 周新林, 2007
- 初中生多重问题行为调查, 王成全, 董奇, 张红川, 赵希彬, 2007
- 青少年饮酒期望与饮酒行为的关系:追踪研究的证据, 王昌海, 管益杰, 王晓华, 杨涛, 张红川, 董奇, 2007
- 青少年健康危害行为影响机制的研究进展与教育启示, 李灵, 董奇, 张红川, 王昌海, 2005
- 数学认知: 脑与认知科学的研究成果及其教育启示, 董奇, 张红川, 周新林, 2005
- 数字加工的脑功能成像研究进展及其皮层定位, 张红川, 董奇, 周新林, 2005
- 发展性计算障碍——脑与认知科学研究的新成果及其对教育的启示, 董奇, 张红川, 张树东, 2004
- 事件相关功能磁共振成像设计的基本原理及其优化, 薛贵, 董奇, 张红川, 2003
- 事件相关功能磁共振成像研究及其在认知神经科学研究中的运用, 薛贵, 董奇, 张红川, 2003
- 数学认知能力的认知与脑机制理论模型综述, 张红川, 董奇, 2002
- 估算能力与精算能力:脑与认知科学的研究成果及其对数学教育的启示, 董奇, 张红川, 2002
- 初中生饮酒期望及其与饮酒行为关系的研究, 王成全, 董奇, 张红川, 赵希彬, 王昌海, 2002
- 学校危险和保护因素与初中生偏差行为的关系, 王成全, 赵希彬, 王昌海, 张红川, 董奇, 2002
- 3-6年级小学生师生关系:结构、类型及其发展, 王耘, 王晓华, 张红川, 2001
- 初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构特点分析, 张红川, 王耘, 孙燕青, 王昌海, 董奇, 2001
- 论定量与定性研究的结合问题及其对我国心理学