Areas of Focus
- Social Psychology
- Economic Psychology
Work Experience
- 2012-2015 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Key Laboratory of Mental Health
- 2015-Present - Central University of Finance and Economics - Department of Psychology, School of Sociology and Psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2012 - PhD in Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- The Impact of Chinese-style Modernization on the Social-psychological Behaviors of Chinese Individuals: Evidence from Sociological and Psychological Research, Zhang, J., & Zhao, N., 2023
- Examining the relationship between death anxiety and well-being of frontline medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Zhao, N. Liu, B.K., & Wang, Y.H., 2022
- The dark triad traits and the prediction of Eudaimonic Well-being, Liu,Y.Q(学生), Zhao ,N*(通讯作者),Ma, M., 2021
- Immediate/chronic death threat: the different effects on money desire, Zhao, N., Wang, R.C., & Han, E.H., 2021
- Residential mobility and trust: the moderating role of cognitive need for closure, Zhao, N., Xu, K.Q, & Sun L., 2021
- The relationship between motives for making money and life satisfaction: evidence from 31 cities in China, Zhao, N., Lai, H., & Zhao, R., 2021
- The impact of traditionality/modernity on identification- and calculus-based trust, Zhao, N., Shi, Y.Y., Xin, Z.Z. & Zhang, J.X., 2019
- Social network size and subjective well-being: the mediating role of future time perspective among community-dwelling retirees, Zhang, Z., Zhang, J.X., Zhao, N., & Yang, Y., 2019
- Going beyond the beauty-trust link: the moderating role of mood, Zhao, N., Ma, M, & Zhang, J.X, 2017
- Gender differences in trusting strangers: role of the target’s gender, Zhao, N., & Zhang, J.X, 2016
- Collective-efficacy as a mediator the relationship of leaders’ personality traits and team performance: a cross-level analysis, Li, X.S., Zhou, M.J., Zhao, N. et al., 2015
- Face value in trust building: evidence both from implicit and explicit measurement, Zhao, N., Zhou, M.J., Shi, Y.Y., & Zhang, J.X., 2015
- 一分价钱, 一分货? 价格质量效应的理论机制与调节因素, 赵娜, 秦学者, 刘雅倩, 孙铃, 2022
- 主观社会经济地位与产品类型对价格质量效应的影响, 刘雅倩, 段羽佳, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2023
- 数字迷信与消费行为:影响机制及边界, 徐凯强, 秦学者, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2022
- “红绿灯”营养信息标签助推低自控者健康决策, 王新雨, 罗子彤, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2023
- 极简主义量表的编制及应用, 秦学者, 乔琦, 刘雅倩, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2021
- 人口流动、信任与生活满意度:一个跨层次中介模型, 赵娜, 张莹, 2021
- 道德基础的潜类别及其在生活满意度和生命意义上的比较, 刘馨仪,乔琦,庄光燕, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2021
- 物质主义对于价格质量效应的影响机制:一个有调节的中介, 徐凯强, 赵娜*(通讯作者), 2020
- 新冠肺炎疫情下家庭支持对医护群体生命意义构建的影响, 赵娜, 赵然, 2020
- 中国老年人心理健康水平变迁的横断历史研究:1993-2016, 赵娜, 赖华, 2020
- 打破物质主义和孤独的恶性循环:敬畏的调节作用, 柯金宏,赵娜*, 2020
- 生命意义感获取的心理机制及其影响因素, 赵娜, 马敏, 辛自强, 2017
- 人情与人际信任:关系类型与主题的调节作用, 李小山, 赵娜, 周明洁, 刘金, 张建新, 2016
- 健康对老年人幸福感的影响:死亡焦虑的中介作用, 赵娜,周明洁,张镇,张建新, 2016
- 孤独感在老年人心理健康与幸福感之间的调节作用, 赵娜,周明洁,张建新, 2016
- 文化混搭的动理-混搭扳应方式、影响因素、心理后果及动态过程, 彭璐珞,赵娜, 2015
- 信任的文化差异研究:视角与方法, 赵娜, 周明洁,李永鑫,张建新, 2014
- 谣言传播的影响因素及动机机制研究述评, 赵娜,李永鑫,张建新, 2013
- 家庭收入与生活满意感的支柱关系检验, 郑昱,赵娜,王二平, 2011
- 工作-家庭支持的结构与测量及其调节作用, 李永鑫, 赵娜, 2009
- 冲突、平衡与促进: 工作-家庭关系研究的历史考察, 赵娜, 李永鑫, 2008
- 面子的心理学研究述评, 李艺敏, 赵娜, 2013
- 面板数据分析的发展和应用, 赵娜,郑昱,王二平, 2012
- 由冲突走向平衡:工作-家庭关系研究的新趋向, 李永鑫, 赵娜, 2009
- 人才测评中的笔迹分析技术, 赵娜, 李永鑫, 2007
- 人际信任研究视角及其心理机制, 赵娜,周明洁,张建新, 2014
- 中国人的自尊:特征、相关因素及培养, 蔡华俭,赵娜, 岳曦彤, 丰怡, 2011