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Academic Information
Southwest University
2022/01 - Present: Professor at Southwest University
2019/10 - 2020/10: Visiting Scholar at Dartmouth College
2016/09 - 2021/06: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2012/09 - 2014/06: Master's in Applied Psychology from Southwest University
2007/09 - 2011/07: Bachelor's in International Economics and Trade from Nanjing Forestry University
2022/01 - Present: Professor at Southwest University
2019/10 - 2020/10: Visiting Scholar at Dartmouth College
Neural mechanisms of emotion and affect Regulation of negative emotions Brain structure and function abnormalities in patients with emotional mental disorders
A distributed fMRI-based neuromarker for the subjective experience of fear, Zhou, F., Zhao, W., Qi, Z., Geng, Y., Yao, S., Kendrick, K. M., Wager, T. D., Becker, B., 2021
Empathic pain evoked by sensory and emotional-communicative cues share common and process-specific neural representation, Zhou, F., Li, J., Zhao, W., Xu, L., Zheng, X., Fu, M., Becker, B., 2020
Human extinction learning is accelerated by an angiotensin antagonist via ventromedial prefrontal cortex and its connections with basolateral amygdala, Zhou, F., Geng, Y., Xin, F., Li, J., Feng, P., Liu, C., Becker, B., 2019
Orbitofrontal gray matter deficits as marker of Internet gaming disorder: converging evidence from a cross‐sectional and prospective longitudinal design, Zhou, F., Montag, C., Sariyska, R., Lachmann, B., Reuter, M., Weber, B., Becker, B., 2019
Shifted balance of dorsal versus ventral striatal communication with frontal reward and regulatory regions in cannabis‐dependent males, Zhou, F., Zimmermann, K., Xin, F., Scheele, D., Dau, W., Banger, M., Becker, B., 2018
The anxiety‐specific hippocampus–prefrontal cortex pathways links to procrastination through self‐control, Zhang, R., Chen, Z., Hu, B., Zhou, F., Feng, T., 2021
Oxytocinergic modulation of threat-specific amygdala sensitization in humans is critically mediated by serotonergic mechanisms, Liu, C., Lan, C., Li, K., Zhou, F., Yao, S., Xu, L., Becker, B., 2021
Neural basis underlying the relation between boredom proneness and procrastination: The role of functional coupling between precuneus/cuneus and posterior cingulate cortex, Wang, X., Zhang, R., Chen, Z., Zhou, F., Feng, T., 2021
Serotonin and early life stress interact to shape brain architecture and anxious avoidant behavior–a TPH2 imaging genetics approach, Liu, C., Xu, L., Li, J., Zhou, F., Yang, X., Zheng, X., Becker, B., 2021
The Association between Body Mass Index and Intra-Cortical Myelin: Findings from the Human Connectome Project, Dong, D., Wang, Y., Long, Z., Jackson, T., Chang, X., Zhou, F., Chen, H., 2021
Segregating domain-general from emotional context-specific inhibitory control systems-ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex serve as emotion-cognition integration hubs, Zhuang, Q., Xu, L., Zhou, F., Yao, S., Zheng, X., Zhou, X., Becker, B., 2021
Decreased homotopic interhemispheric functional connectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder, Yao, S., Zhou, M., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Zhang, Q., Zhao, Z., Kendrick, K. M., 2020
Putamen volume predicts real‐time fMRI neurofeedback learning success across paradigms and neurofeedback target regions, Zhao, Z., Yao, S., Zweerings, J., Zhou, X., Zhou, F., Kendrick, K. M., Becker, B., 2021
Intrinsic connectivity of the prefrontal cortex and striato-limbic system respectively differentiate major depressive from generalized anxiety disorder, Xu, X., Dai, J., Chen, Y., Liu, C., Xin, F., Zhou, F., Becker, B., 2021
Oxytocin modulates the intrinsic dynamic between attention-related large-scale networks, Xin, F., Zhou, F., Zhou, X., Ma, X., Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Yao, S., Dong, D., Biswal, B. B., Kendrick, K. M., Becker, B., 2019
Intrinsic, dynamic and effective connectivity among large-scale brain networks modulated by oxytocin, Jiang, X., Ma, X., Geng, Y., Zhao, Z., Zhou, F., Zhao, W., Kendrick, K. M., 2021
In the nose or on the tongue? Contrasting motivational effects of oral and intranasal oxytocin on arousal and reward during social processing, Kou, J., Lan, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, Q., Zhou, F., Zhao, Z., Kendrick, K. M., 2021
Disorder-and emotional context-specific neurofunctional alterations during inhibitory control in generalized anxiety and major depressive disorder, Liu, C., Dai, J., Chen, Y., Qi, Z., Xin, F., Zhuang, Q., Zhou, X., Zhou, F., Becker, B., 2021
Modafinil enhances cognitive, but not emotional conflict processing via enhanced inferior frontal gyrus activation and its communication with the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, Li, J., Yang, X., Zhou, F., Liu, C., Xin, F., Daumann, B., Daumann, J., Kendrick, K. M., Becker, B., 2020
Impaired cognitive performance under psychosocial stress in cannabis-dependent men is associated with attenuated precuneus activity, Zhao, W., Zimmermann, K., Zhou, X., Zhou, F., Fu, M., Dernbach, C., Becker, B., 2020
Common and disorder-specific neurofunctional markers of dysregulated empathic reactivity in major depression and generalized anxiety disorder, Xu, X., Dai, J., Liu, C., Chen, Y., Xin, F., Zhou, F., Becker, B., 2020
A dimensional approach to jealousy reveals enhanced fronto-striatal, insula and limbic responses to angry faces, Zheng, X., Luo, L., Li, J., Xu, L., Zhou, F., Gao, Z., Kendrick, K. M., 2019
Oxytocin facilitates self-serving rather than altruistic tendencies in competitive social interactions via orbitofrontal cortex, Xu, X., Liu, C., Zhou, X., Chen, Y., Gao, Z., Zhou, F., Kendrick, K. M., 2019
Is Internet gaming disorder associated with general or gaming-specific neural alterations in emotional processing?, Becker, B., Yu, F., Montag, C., Lachmann, B., Lachmann, R., Zhou, F., 2019
Oxytocin differentially modulates specific dorsal and ventral striatal functional connections with frontal and cerebellar regions, Zhao, Z., Ma, X., Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, F., Wang, J., Becker, B., 2019
Real-time functional connectivity-informed neurofeedback of amygdala-frontal pathways reduces anxiety, Zhao, Z., Yao, S., Li, K., Sindermann, C., Zhou, F., Zhao, W., Becker, B., 2019
Sex-and context-dependent effects of oxytocin on social sharing, Ma, X., Zhao, W., Luo, R., Zhou, F., Geng, Y., Xu, L., Kendrick, K. M., 2018
Oxytocin facilitates empathic-and self-embarrassment ratings by attenuating amygdala and anterior insula responses, Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, F., Ma, X., Yao, S., Becker, B., Kendrick, K. M., 2018
Oxytocin enhancement of emotional empathy: generalization across cultures and effects on amygdala activity, Geng, Y., Zhao, W., Zhou, F., Ma, X., Yao, S., Hurlemann, R., Kendrick, K. M., 2018
Altered orbitofrontal activity and dorsal striatal connectivity during emotion processing in dependent marijuana users after 28 days of abstinence, Zimmermann, K., Yao, S., Heinz, M., Zhou, F., Dau, W., Banger, M., Becker, B., 2018
A dimensional approach to determine common and specific neurofunctional markers for depression and social anxiety during emotional face processing, Luo, L., Becker, B., Zheng, X., Zhao, Z., Xu, X., Zhou, F., Kendrick, K. M., 2018
Men who compliment a Woman's appearance using metaphorical language: Associations with creativity, masculinity, intelligence and attractiveness, Gao, Z., Yang, Q., Ma, X., Becker, B., Li, K., Zhou, F., Kendrick, K. M., 2017
Impulse control and restrained eating among young women: Evidence for compensatory cortical activation during a chocolate-specific delayed discounting task, Dong, D., Wang, Y., Jackson, T., Chen, S., Wang, Y., Zhou, F., Chen, H., 2016