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Liu Lu
Sun Yat-Sen University
Language: Chinese, English, German
Internet Addiction Intervention Reward Decision-Making Cognition Neuroscience Endocrinology Fmri Cognitive Modeling Behavioral Experiments
Areas of Focus
  • Internet Addiction Issues and Interventions
  • Reward and Decision-Making Processes
  • Neural and Endocrine Basis of Cognition
Work Experience
  • 2019.2 - 2020.12: Postdoctoral Researcher, German Institute of Human Nutrition (Leibniz Institute, Germany)
  • 2018.4 - 2019.1: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Lübeck (Germany)
  • 2017.9 - 2018.1: Research Assistant, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2014.9 - 2017.7: PhD in Developmental and Educational Psychology, Beijing Normal University
  • 2016.9 - 2016.12: Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
  • 2012.9 - 2014.7: Combined Master's and PhD in Developmental and Educational Psychology, Beijing Normal University
  • Eating to dare - Nutrition impacts human risky decision and related brain function, Liu, L., Artigas, S.O., Ulrich A., Tardu, J., Mohr, P., Wilms, B., Koletzko, B., Park, S.Q., 2021
  • Reward-related decision-making deficits in internet gaming disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Yao, Y.W., Zhang, J.T., Fang, X.Y., Liu, L., Potenza, M., 2021
  • Modulators and determinants of human social decisions, Terenzi, D., Liu, L., Bellucci, G., Park, S.Q., 2021
  • Altered functional network activities for behavioral adjustments and Bayesian learning in young men with Internet gaming disorder, Ma, S.S., Li, C.R., Zhang, S., Worhunsky, P., Zhou, N., Zhang, J.T., Liu, L., Yao,Y.W., Fang, X.Y., 2021
  • Altered intrinsic connectivity distribution in internet gaming disorder and its associations with psychotherapy intervention, Liu, L., Potenza, M.N., Lacadie, C.M., Zhang, J.T., Yip, S.W., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Fang, X.Y., 2020
  • Unchanged food approach‐avoidance behaviour of healthy men after oxytocin administration, Melkonyan, A., Liu, L., Brown, E., Meyer, W., Madipakkam, A.R., Ringelmann, L., Park, S.Q., 2020
  • Is monetary reward processing altered in drug-naïve youth with a behavioral addiction? Findings from internet gaming disorder, Yao, Y.W., Liu, L., Worhunsky P., Lichenstein, S., Ma, S., Zhu, L., Shi, X., Yip, S.W., 2020
  • Resting-state connectome-based support-vector-machine predictive modeling of internet gaming disorder, Song, K.R., Potenza, M., Fang, X.Y., Gong, G.L., Yao, Y.W., Wang, Z.L., Liu, L., Ma, S.S., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Deng, L.Y., Wu, L.L., Zhang, J.T., 2020
  • Enhancement in dopamine reduces generous behaviour in women, Artigas, S.O., Liu, L., Strang, S., Burrasch, C., Hermsteiner, A., Münte, T., Park, S.Q., 2019
  • Alterations in functional networks during cue-reactivity in Internet gaming disorder, Ma, S.S., Worhunsky, P.D., Xu, J., Yip, S.W., Zhou, N., Zhang, J.T., Liu, L., Wang, L.J., Liu, B., Yao, Y.W., Fang, X.Y., 2019
  • The comorbidity between Internet gaming disorder and depression: interrelationship and neural mechanisms, Liu, L., Yao, Y.W., Li, C.R., Zhang, J.T., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Ma, S.S., Zhou, N., Fang, X.Y., 2018
  • Is neural processing of negative stimuli altered in addiction independent of drug effects? Findings from drug-naïve youth with internet gaming disorder, Yip, S.W., Gross, J.J., Chawla, M., Ma, S., Shi, X., Liu, L., Yao, Y., Zhu. L., Zhang, J.T., 2018
  • Activation of the ventral and dorsal striatum during cue reactivity in Internet gaming disorder, Liu, L., Yip, S.W., Zhang, J.T., Wang, L.J., Shen, Z.J., Liu,B., Ma, S.S., Yao, Y.W., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Dissociable neural processes during risky decision-making in individuals with Internet-gaming disorder, Liu, L., Xue, G., Potenza, M.N., Zhang, J.T., Yao,Y.W., Xia,C.C., Lan,J., Ma, S.S., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Functional and structural neural alterations in Internet gaming disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Yao, Y.W., Liu, L., Ma, S.S., Shi, X.H., Zhou, N., Zhang, J.T., Potenza, M.N., 2017
  • Craving Behavior Intervention in Ameliorating College Students’ Internet Game Disorder: A Longitudinal Study, Deng, L.Y., Liu L., Xia, C.C., Lan J., Zhang J.T., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Craving Behavioral Intervention for Internet Gaming Disorder: Remediation of Functional Connectivity of the Ventral Striatum, Zhang, J.T., Ma, S.S., Li, C.R., Liu, L., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Yao, Y.W., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Altered coupling of default-mode, executive-control and salience networks in Internet gaming disorder, Zhang, J.T., Ma, S.S., Yan, C.G., Zhang, S., Liu, L., Wang, L.J., Liu, B., Yao, Y.W., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Combined reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with Internet gaming disorder, Yao, Y.W., Chen, P.R., Li. C.R., Hare. T., Li, S., Zhang, J.T., Liu., L., Ma, S.S., Fang, X.Y., 2017
  • Altered resting-state neural activity and changes following a craving behavioral intervention for Internet gaming disorder, Zhang, J.T., Yao, Y.W., Potenza, M., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Liu, L., Wang, L.J., Liu, B., Fang, X.Y., 2016
  • Effects of craving behavioral intervention on neural substrates of cue-induced craving in Internet gaming disorder, Zhang, J.T., Yao, Y.W., Potenza, M., Xia, C.C., Lan, J., Liu, L., Wang, L.J., Liu, B., Fang, X.Y., 2016
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