Areas of Focus
- Language Brain Mechanisms
- Language Development
- Reading Disorders
Work Experience
- 2015-05 to 2019-12 - Shenzhen University Brain Disease and Cognitive Science Research Center/Biomedical Engineering College - Lecturer
- 2020-01 to Present - Shenzhen University School of Psychology - Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005-09 to 2009-06 Bachelor's Degree in Psychology: Sun Yat-sen University
- 2010-01 to 2014-12 PhD in Linguistics: University of Hong Kong
- Research visit to MIT during PhD studies
- Published in high-impact journals like Science Advances, Nature Human Behaviour, PNAS, Developmental Science, Brain and Language
- Distinct spatiotemporal patterns of syntactic and semantic processing in human inferior frontal gyrus, Zhu, Y., Xu, M., Lu, J., Hu, J., Kwok, V. P. Y., Zhou, Y., Yuan, D., Wu, B., Zhang, J., Wu, J., & Tan, L. H., 2022
- The brain basis of handwriting deficits in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia, Yang, Y., Zuo, Z., Tam, F., Graham, S. J., Li, J., Ji, Y., Meng, Z., Gu, C., Bi, H.-Y., Ou, J., & Xu, M., 2022
- Personality traits modulate the neural responses to handwriting processing, Yang, Y., Li, J., Zhang, J., Zhou, K., Kao, H. S. R., Bi, H.-Y., & Xu, M., 2022
- Brain decoding in multiple languages: Can cross-language brain decoding work?, Xu, M., Li, D., & Li, P., 2021
- Sex Differences in Functional Brain Networks for Language, Xu, M., Liang, X., Ou, J., Li, H., Luo, Y. & Tan, L. H., 2020
- Earlier second language acquisition is associated with greater neural pattern dissimilarity between the first and second languages, Ou, J., Li, W., Yang, Y., Wang, N. & Xu, M., 2020
- Distinct distributed patterns of neural activity are associated with two languages in the bilingual brain, Xu, M., Baldauf, D., Chang, C. Q., Desimone, R. & Tan, L. H., 2017
- Effective connectivity of brain regions related to visual word recognition: An fMRI study of Chinese reading, Xu, M., Wang, T., Chen, S., Fox, P.T., & Tan, L.H., 2015
- Atypical lateralization of phonological working memory in developmental dyslexia, Xu, M., Yang, J., Siok, W.T. & Tan, L.H., 2015
- China’s language input system in the digital age affects children’s reading development, Tan, L.H., Xu, M., Chang, C.Q. & Siok, W.T., 2013
- Developmental Dyslexia in Chinese, Xu, M., Tan, L. H. & Perfetti, C., 2019
- Character Amnesia, Xu, M., 2016
- 2022: Fifth Hanxiang Youth Award, Ninth National EEG and Brain Imaging Academic Annual Conference Organizing Committee
- 2019/2022: Shenzhen University Liyuan Outstanding Youth, Shenzhen University