Areas of Focus
- Bone development and metabolism
- Aging regulation of mesenchymal stem cells
- Fat metabolism and diabetes
Academic Background & Achievements
- Bachelor: Wuhan University
- PhD: Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Postdoctoral Researcher: NIH Human Genome Research Institute, USA
- Foxp2 regulates anatomical features that may be relevant for vocal behavior and bipedal locomotion, Xi Zhi Guo
- Foxp1 controls cell fate commitment and senescence of mesenchymal stem cells during skeletal aging, Xi Zhi Guo
- Bone marrow fibrosis with fibrocytic and immunoregulatory responses induced by β-catenin activation in osteoprogenitors, Xi Zhi Guo
- Ablation of Wntless in endosteal niches impairs lymphopoiesis rather than HSC maintenance, Xi Zhi Guo
- Foxp1/2/4 regulate endochondral ossification as a suppresser complex, Xi Zhi Guo
- Ectodermal Wnt signaling regulates abdominal myogenesis during ventral body wall development, Xi Zhi Guo
- Osteoblastic Wnts differentially regulate bone remodeling and the maintenance of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, Xi Zhi Guo
- Wnts-mediated reciprocal regulation between cartilage and bone development during endochondral ossification, Xi Zhi Guo
- Ndrg2 regulates vertebral specification in differentiating somites, Xi Zhi Guo
- Wls-mediated Wnts differentially regulate distal limb patterning and tissue morphogenesis, Xi Zhi Guo