Areas of Focus
- Cognitive Neural Mechanisms of Creativity
- Innovative Learning
- Psychological Mechanisms and Neural Basis of Poetry Appreciation
- Language, Culture, and Creativity
Work Experience
- 1990/07-1998/07 - Wuhan Institute of Physical Education - Lecturer in Sports Psychology
- 2001/07-2007/06 - Huazhong University of Science and Technology - Associate Professor in the Institute of Education Science
- 2007/06-present - Central China Normal University - Professor in the School of Psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1983-1987 Bachelor of Science: Peking University
- 1987-1990 Master of Education: Central China Normal University
- 1998-2001 Doctor of Science: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2005-2006 Visiting Scholar: University of California, Berkeley
- Published over 60 papers in important academic journals
- Published 3 academic monographs
- The Role of Creative Publicity in Different Periods of the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: Taking the Creative Publicity of Chinese Poetry as an Example, Jia, D., Sun, C., Zhou, Z.*, Zhao, Q.*, Yu, Q.*, Liu, G., & Wang, Y., 2021
- Effects of Internet Language Related to COVID-19 on Mental Health in College Students: The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Flexibility, Wu, X., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Yuan, P., Yu, Q.*, Zhou, Z.*, & Zhao, Q.*, 2021
- The Effects of Emotional Design on Multimedia Learning and Appreciation of Chinese Poetry, Wang, Y., Zhou, Z.*, Gong, S.*, Jia, D., & Lei, J., 2021
- The effect of humor on insight problem-solving, Zhou, Z., Wu, J., Luo, H., Guo, Y., Tu, M., Yu, Q., & Zhang, L., 2021
- The use of internet language enhances creative performance, Zhang, Y.#, Chen, S.#, Li, S.Q.#, Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, Huang, F.R., & Wang, F.X., 2021
- The effect of precisely defined associative distance and stimulus acquisition mode in individual creativity support systems, Chen, X.K., Zhao, Q.B.*, Chen, S., Xu, S., Li, S., Chen, J.Y.*, & Zhou, Z.J.*, 2021
- The Effects of Zhongyong Thinking Priming on Creative Problem‐Solving, Zhou, Z., Zhang, H., Li, M., Sun, C., & Luo, H., 2020
- The effects of different types of social exclusion on creative thinking: The role of self-construal, Sun, C., Fu, H., Zhou, Z.*, & Cropley, D. H.*, 2020
- Boys benefit more from teacher support: Effects of perceived teacher support on primary students’ creative thinking, Zhang, H., Sun, C., Liu, X., Gong, S., Yu, Q., & Zhou, Z.*, 2020
- The effect of “Novelty Input” and “Novelty Output” on boredom during home quarantine in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The moderating effects of trait creativity, Liang, Z., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, Yu, Q.L.*, Li, S.Q., & Chen, S., 2020
- Dynamic cognitive processes of text-picture integration revealed by event-related potentials, Li, S.Q.#, Chen, S.#, Zhang, H.P., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, Huang, F.R.*, Sui, D.N., Wang, F.X., & Hong, J.Z.*, 2020
- The Effect of Zhongyong Thinking on Remote Association Thinking: An EEG Study, Zhou, Z., Hu, L., Sun, C., Li, M., Guo, F., & Zhao, Q., 2019
- The more similar, the healthier: The effect of perceived parent-child facial resemblance on parental physical health, Yu, Q., Guo, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, J., Du, X., Wei, X., Zhou, Z.*, Liu, S., & Gao, X., 2019
- People got lost in solving a set of similar problems, Huang, F.R. #, Zhao, Q.B.#, *, Zhou, Z.J.*, & Luo, J.*, 2019
- Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Neural Activity Associated with Information Selection in Open-ended Creativity, Zhou, S.Y., Chen, S., Wang, S., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, & Lu, C.M.*, 2018
- Uniformity and nonuniformity of neural activities correlated to different insight problems solving, Zhao, Q. B., Li, Y., Shang, X. L., Zhou, Z. J.*, & Han, L., 2014
- Neural pathway in the right hemisphere underlies verbal insight problem solving, Zhao, Q. B., Zhou, Z. J.*, Xu, H*. B., Fan, W. L., & Han, L., 2014
- Dynamic neural network of insight:A functional magnetic resonance imaging study on solving Chinese chengyu riddles, Zhao, Q.B., Zhou, Z. J.*, Xu, H. B.*, Chen, S., Xu, F., Fan, W. L., & Han, L., 2013
- 新颖语义联结在顿悟促进记忆效果中的作用, 陈石,梁正,李香兰,陈嫣然,赵庆柏*,于全磊*,李松清,周治金*,刘丽中, 2021
- 见仁见智? 中庸与创造性的关系探析, 张红坡, 李明珠, 周治金.*, 2020
- 父子 (女) 间面孔相似性的进化适应机制及其影响, 于全磊, 陈建文, 谭秀娟, 邓雪菲, 赵庆柏*, & 周治金*, 2020
- 新颖语义联结形成的右半球优势效应, 赵庆柏, 魏琳琳, 李瑛, 周治金*, 赵黎莉, 唐磊, 2017
- 元认知监控促进青少年信息问题解决的策略, 周治金, 魏琳琳, 李丹彦, 赵庆柏, 2017
- 网络语言的创造性加工过程:新颖N400与LPC, 赵庆柏, 柯娓, 童彪, 周治金*, 周宗奎*, 2017
- 心理负荷的评估:基于神经人因学的视角, 贾会宾, 赵庆柏*, 周治金*, 2013
- 汉语成语谜语问题解决中思路竞争的眼动研究, 黄福荣, 周治金*, 赵庆柏*, 2013
- 2011: Second Prize of the Seventh Hubei Academy of Social Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award for 'The Relationship between Knowledge and Creativity (Series of Papers)'
- 2010: First 'My Ideal Mentor' Award at Central China Normal University
- Research on understanding and generation of Chinese idioms from the perspective of neurolinguistics. Zhao Qingbai and Zhou Zhijin, The twelfth Hubei Academy of Social Sciences outstanding achievement award the third prize.
- Research on the generation process of teenagers' innovative thinking. Zhao Qingbai, Zhou Zhijin, Chen Shi. The tenth Hubei Academy of Social Sciences outstanding achievement award the third prize.