Areas of Focus
- Plant Reproductive Ecology
- Biology Curriculum and Teaching for Middle School
Work Experience
- 2002.7-present: Teacher at School of Life Sciences, Anhui Normal University
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1999.7 Bachelor: Anhui Normal University
- 1999.9-2002.6 Master: Anhui Normal University
- 2002.7-2007.6 PhD: Anhui Normal University
- 2008 Promoted to Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor
- 2009 Promoted to Education Master's Supervisor
- 2014.8-2014.12 Visiting Scholar Abroad
- 2014.10 Promoted to Professor
- 2018.2 Head of Master's Program in Subject Teaching (Biology)
- 2019.3 Doctoral Supervisor in Education
- Floral morphology and breeding system in Polygonum hastato-sagittatum Mak. (Polygonaceae), Ming Lin Chen, 2012
- Distyly in Polygonum jucundum Meisn., Chen Ming-Lin, Zhang Xiaoping, 2010
- Comparative reproductive biology of Primula merrilliana Schltr. and P. cicutariifolia Pax., Chen Ming-Lin, 2009
- Floral polymorphism in Polygonum bistorta L., MING-LIN CHEN, XIAO-YU WANG AND AUBREY L. FUNKE, 2018
- Aadaptive anatomical structure for nastic movement in Mimosa pudica L., Chen Ming-Lin*, Wen-Bin Mao, Mei-Chen Cui, 2013
- The breeding system and reproductive ecology of the endangered plant Fagopyrum dibotrys, Ming-Lin Chen, Ya-Li You, Hui-Hui Wen And Ying Li, 2014
- Floral syndrome and breeding system of Senna (Cassia) corymbosa, Chen Ming Lin* and You Ya Li, 2011
- Sedum peltatum (Crassulaceae): A new species from Anhui, China, Ming-Lin Chen, Xue Han, Li-Fang Zhang, Xin-Hua Cao, 2017
- 安徽秋浦河源湿地植物物种多样性研究, 陈明林,文慧慧,汪小平,陈文豪,张自生, 2014
- 花柱异型研究进展, 陈明林, 游亚丽, 张小平, 2010
- 水分胁迫下外来种铜锤草和本地种酢浆草的生理指标比较研究, 陈明林, 王友保, 2008
- 安徽特有植物安徽羽叶报春的繁殖生物学研究, 陈明林, 2007
- 盐胁迫下外来种铜锤草和本地种酢浆草的生理指标比较研究, 陈明林, 张云华, 严密, 2007
- 皖南山区维管植物多样性研究, 陈明林, 张小平, 孙影芝, 2004
- 说课在生物专业师范生职前训练中的应用及注意问题, 陈明林, 2008
- 生命科学一级学科硕士授权点专业课程体系改革和优化, 陈明林, 张小平, 2010
- 新课改视域下对生物学教学目标的认识与反思, 陈明林, 2011
- “绿叶中色素的提取和分离”实验校本课程开发与应用研究, 陈明林, 王明, 叶笑蕾, 汤静, 文慧慧, 2014
- 2013: Third Prize for Excellent Scientific Paper in Natural Sciences, Anhui Province
- 2013.12: Third Prize for Teaching Achievement Award in Higher Education, Anhui Province
- 2018.8: Second Prize for National Education Master's Teaching Achievement Award
- 2018.11: Second Prize for National Education Professional Degree Case Teaching Competition