Areas of Focus
- Personnel Measurement Methods
- Effective Management of Careers
- School Psychological Counseling
Work Experience
- Current - Hunan Normal University - Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Psychology Department
- Former - Tsinghua University - Visiting Researcher at the National Institute of Human Resources for Service Outsourcing
Academic Background & Achievements
- PhD in Psychology
- Master's Supervisor in Applied Psychology and MPA
- The Composition and Role of Teacher Efficacy, Xiefeng Lu, 2008
- Advanced Statistical Software Operation Manual: LISREL, AMOS, MPLUS, HLM, & MLwin, Xiefeng Lu (Contributor), 2004
- The Mechanism of Personality-Occupation Matching and Occupational Emotional Commitment: A Case Study of 407 Free Normal Students, Xiefeng Lu, 2013
- The Context Effect of Personality Tests, Xiefeng Lu, 2012
- Effect Size: Estimation, Reporting, and Interpretation, Xiefeng Lu, 2011
- The Moderating Role of Social Support on the Relationship Between Stress and Health Among College Students, Xiefeng Lu, 2011
- The Mental Health Status and Influencing Factors of Senior High School Students Before Exams, Xiefeng Lu, 2010
- The Evaluation Structure of Teacher Efficacy and Its Personality Constraints, Xiefeng Lu, 2010
- The Concept, Measurement Strategies, and Application of Person-Organization Fit: Reflections Based on Interactivity and Flexibility, Xiefeng Lu, 2010
- The Impact of Family Economic Status on Primary School Students' Self-Concept, Xiefeng Lu, 2008
- Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Questionnaire Development, Xiefeng Lu, 2008
- Mediator, Moderator, and Covariate: Concepts, Statistical Tests, and Comparisons, Xiefeng Lu, 2007
- The Structure, Function, and Limitations of Differentiated Teacher Efficacy, Xiefeng Lu, 2006
- Second Prize in Young Teachers' Classroom Teaching Competition at Hunan Normal University (2012.11)
- Outstanding Master's Thesis Supervisor in Hunan Province (2014.6)