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Xin Leng
Life Science
Nanjing University
Language: Chinese, English
Conservation Biodiversity Ecology Ecosystem Population Community Mechanisms Function Agricultural Research
Areas of Focus
  • Conservation Biology
  • Population and Community Ecology
  • Biodiversity Formation Mechanisms
  • Ecosystem Function
Work Experience
  • Since 2005 - Nanjing University - Research on biodiversity formation mechanisms and conservation in agricultural ecosystems
  • Density-dependent interactions between Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle and phytoplankton: A mesocosm experiment, Jiang, H., Zhao, D.H., Zhao, H., Cai, Y., Xu, D.L., Zhou,C.F., Leng, X., Xie, D., 2013
  • Regime shifts and resilience of the Lake Taihu social-ecological system under long-term external disturbance (1960s–2000s), Xu, D.L., Cai, Y., Wu, X.Q., Jiang, H., Leng, X., An, S.Q., 2013
  • The variations of food web structure and energy availability of shallow lake with long-term eutrophication: a case study from lake Taihu, China, Xu, D.L., Cai, Y., Jiang, H., Wu, X.Q., Leng, X., An, S.Q., 2013
  • Comprehensive assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface sediments from the inflow rivers of Taihu basin, Cai, Y., Zhang, W.G., Zhou, M.C., Jiang, H., Xu, D.L., Zhao, D.H., Leng, X., Xiao, Y., 2013
  • Influences of land use on sediment pollution across multiple spatial scales in Taihu Basin, Cai, Y., Zhao, D.H., Xu, D.L., Jiang, H., Yu, M.Q., Leng, X., Xie, D. An, S.Q., 2013
  • Differential water uptake among plant species in humid alpine meadows, Leng, X., Cui, J., Zhang, S.T., Zhang, W.G., Liu, Y.H., Liu, S.L., An, S.Q., 2013
  • Spatiotemporal variation of plant diversity on ditch banks under different management regimes, Leng, X., Musters, C.J.M., de Snoo, G.R., 2011
  • Effects of mowing date on the opportunities of seed dispersal of ditch bank plant species under different management regimes, Leng, X., Musters, C.J.M., de Snoo, G.R., 2011
  • Effects of watershed vegetation on tributary water yields during the wet season in the Heishui Valley, China, Liu, Y.H., Leng, X. et al., 2011
  • Synergy between nature reserves and agri-environmental schemes in enhancing ditch bank target species plant diversity, Leng, X., Musters, C.J.M., de Snoo, G.R., 2010
  • Spatial variation in ditch bank plant species composition at the regional level: the role of environment and dispersal, Leng, X., Musters, C.J.M., de Snoo, G.R., 2010
  • Restoration of plant diversity on ditch banks: Seed and site limitation in response to agri-environment schemes, Leng, X., Musters, C.J.M., de Snoo, G.R., 2009
  • Effect of stand age and management regime on genetic diversity of Thuidium cymbifolium in western China, Wang, Z.S., An, S.Q., Liu, H., Feng, J., Zhang, F., Leng, X., 2006
  • Genetic Structure of the Endangered Plant Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) from the Zhoushan Archipelago Using RAPD Markers, Wang, Z.S., An, Sh.Q., Liu, H., Leng, X. et al., 2005
  • Effects of logging on the genetic diversity of Quercus tiaoloshanica Chun et Ko in a tropical montane forest of Hainan Island, southern China, Zheng, J.W., An, S.Q., Chen, L., Leng, X. et al., 2005
  • 海洋岛屿生物多样性保育研究进展, 魏娜,王中生,冷欣等, 2008
  • 种子漂移对舟山群岛临海植物滨柃遗传分化的影响, 张帆,安树青,王中生,冷欣等, 2007
  • 岛屿地理隔离对红楠(Machilus thunbergii)种群遗传结构的影响, 冷欣等, 2006
  • 岛屿特有种全缘冬青(Ilex integra)遗传多样性的ISSR分析, 冷欣等, 2005
  • 岛屿植物舟山新木姜子居群遗传多样性的RAPD分析, 王中生,安树青,冷欣等, 2004
  • 生态治理工程对太湖入湖河道水环境改善效果的研究, 龚雷婷,蔡颖,刘华,於梦秋,冷欣,安树青, 2012
  • 全球变化背景下的现代生态学-第六届现代生态学讲座纪要, 温腾,徐德琳,徐驰,赵德华,冷欣,耿其芳,安树青, 2012
  • 全球变化背景下生态学热点问题研究-第二届“国际青年生态学者论坛”, 万云,许丽丽,耿其芳,冷欣,安树青,唐剑武, 2012
  • 上海大莲湖退渔还湖工程水环境改善效果, 徐霞,王庆,刘华,赵晖,姜昊,冷欣,安树青, 2012
  • 滨海盐地碱蓬不同生长阶段叶片C、N、P化学计量特征, 李征,韩琳,刘玉虹,安树青,冷欣, 2012
  • 太湖流域河岸带不同土地利用下草本植物叶片和土壤C,N,P化学计量特征, 韩琳,李征,曾艳,安树青,冷欣, 2013
  • 沉水植物附植生物群落生态学研究进展, 纪海婷,谢冬,周恒杰,冷欣,郭璇,安树青, 2013
  • 蓝藻胞外多糖的生态学意义及其工业应用, 任欣欣,姜昊,冷欣,安树青, 2013
  • CML-publication Prize (2008-2009): Leiden University
  • CML-publication Prize (2009-2010): Leiden University
  • C.J.Kokprijzen nomination (2010): Outstanding PhD thesis in the Netherlands
  • Hugo de Vries prijs nomination (2010): Outstanding PhD thesis in the Netherlands
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