Areas of Focus
- Cognitive Psychology
- Emotional Psychology
- Psychology of Lying
Work Experience
- 2017/02 - Present - Director, Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2010/07 - 2024/01 - Director, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2006/08 - 2010/07 - Deputy Director, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2005/03 - 2018/05 - Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science
- 2004/11 - 2006/08 - Assistant Director, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2000/09 - Present - Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2001/02 - 2001/05 - Visiting Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia
- 1998/04 - 2006/10 - Head, Cognitive Psychology Research Office, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1998/04 - Present - Doctoral Supervisor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1997/12 - Present - Researcher, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1994/09 - 1996/08 - Visiting Scholar, Cognitive Science and Machine Intelligence Laboratory, University of Michigan
- 1993/07 - 1997/12 - Associate Researcher, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1991/06 - 1992/05 - Visiting Researcher, National Intelligent Computer Research and Development Center
- 1990/10 - 1993/06 - Assistant Researcher, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1990 - PhD in Cognitive Psychology: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1987 - MSc in Cognitive Psychology: Department of Psychology, Peking University
- 1984 - BSc in Psychology: Department of Psychology, Peking University
- The temporal effect of uncertain context on the perceptual processing of painful and non-painful stimulation, Zhuang, Y., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2024
- Acute psychosocial stress weakens the sense of agency in healthy adults, Chu, Y., Huang, G., Li, Y., Chen, Q., Liu, J., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- CAS(ME)3: A third generation facial spontaneous micro-expression database with depth information and high ecological validity, Li, J., Dong, Z., Lu, S., Wang, S-J., Yan, W-J., Ma, Y., Liu, Y., Huang, C., & Fu, X., 2023
- Developmental trajectory of time perception from childhood to adolescence, Li, Y., Gu, J., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- The functional brain network of subcortical and cortical regions underlying time estimation: An functional MRI study, Liu, M., Huang, G., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- Recognition of masked facial expressions based on transfer learning and data augmentation, Liu, Y., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- Word familiarity modulates the interference effects of mind wandering on semantic and reafferent information processing, Long, Z., Fu, Q., & Fu, X., 2023
- Multisensory transfer effects in implicit and explicit category learning, Sun, X., Yao, L., Fu, Q., Fu, X., 2023
- Sense of agency in the context of COVID-19 pandemic, Wang, Y., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- Recognition of masked facial expressions based on convolutional neural networks and data augmentation, Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2023
- Decoding the temporal representation of facial expression in face-selective regions, Zhang, Z., Chen, T., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhao, K., Liu, C. H., & Fu, X., 2023
- A longitudinal resource for population neuroscience of school-age children and adolescents in China, Fan, X-R., Wang, Y-S., Chang, D., Yang, N., Rong, M-J., Zhang, Z., He, Y., Hou, X., Zhou, Q., Gong, Z-Q., Cao, L-Z., Dong, H-M., Nie, J-J., Chen, L-Z., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J-X., Zhang, L., Li, H-J., Bao, M., Chen, A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Ding, J., Dong, X., Du, Y., Feng, C., Feng, T., Fu, X., Ge, L-K., Hong, B., Hu, X., Huang, W., Jiang, C., Li, L., Li, Q., Li, S., Liu, X., Mo, F., Qiu, J., Su, X-Q., Wei, G-X., Wu, Y., Xia, H., Yan, C-G., Yan, Z-X., Yang, X., Zhang, W., Zhao, K., Zhu, L., CCNC, LBCC, & Zuo, X-N., 2023
- 面部表情的阈下情绪启动效应及其机制, 李才文, 陈琴, 禤宇明, 傅小兰, 2023
- 不确定性容忍度对中、低特质焦虑大学生的状态担忧和状态焦虑的影响, 李映雪,傅小兰, 2023
- 儿童期创伤与共情的关系:一项三水平元分析, 孟现鑫, 俞德霖, 陈怡静, 张玲, 傅小兰, 2023
- 亲社会风险行为及其理论模型与神经机制, 占友龙,刘长林,肖啸,谭千保,傅小兰, 2023
- 新冠疫情风险感知对焦虑的影响:有调节的中介模型, 张伯明, 王艳华, 梁明明, 赵科, 傅小兰, 2023
- 同步与否:婴儿基本面部表情识别的发展特点, 朱丽雅,莫凡,张志豪,赵科,傅小兰, 2023
- A more objective quantification of micro-expression intensity through facial electromyography, Lu, S., Li, J., Wang, Y., Dong, Z., Wang, S-J., Fu, X., 2022
- Perceived emotions and AU combinations in ambiguous facial expressions, Yan, W-J., Ruan, Q-N., Fu, X., Sun, Y-Q., 2022
- Editorial: Cross-modal learning: Adaptivity, prediction and interaction, Zhang, J., Wermter, S., Sun, F., Zhang, C., Engel, A. K., Röder, B., Fu, X., & Xue, G., 2022
- Editorial: Facial expression recognition and computing: An interdisciplinary perspective, Zhao, K., Chen, T., Chen, L., Fu, X., Meng, H., Yap, M. H., Yuan, J., & Davison, A. K., 2022
- 音乐训练影响儿童语音意识的认知神经机制, 刘逸姝,刘曦,张子健,傅小兰,刘烨, 2022
- 触觉二维图像识别中2D-3D空间信息转换的认知机制, 覃缨惠,於文苑,傅小兰,刘烨, 2022
- 心理学视角下的自动表情识别, 颜文靖,蒋柯,傅小兰, 2022
- 主动控制感量表中文版的信效度检验, 张伯明,黄冠华,郑爽,顾晶金,赵科,傅小兰, 2022
- Disappearing and appearing: Temporal binding effects are consistent across situations, Gu, J., Li, Y., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2021
- Reexamining the neural network involved in perception of facial expression: A meta-analysis, Liu, M., Liu, C. H., Zheng, S., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2021
- Effects of task-irrelevant emotional information on deception, Liang, J., Chen, Y-H., Yan, W-J., Qu, F., & Fu, X., 2018
- CAS(ME)2: A database for spontaneous macro-expression and micro-expression spotting and recognition, Qu, F., Wang, S-J., Yan, W-J., Li, H., Wu, S., & Fu, X., 2018
- A main directional mean optical flow feature for spontaneous micro-expression recognition, Liu, Y-J., Zhang, J-K., Yan, W-J., Wang, S-J., Zhao, G., & Fu, X., 2016
- CASME Ⅱ: An improved spontaneous micro-expression database and the baseline evaluation, Yan, W-J., Li, X., Wang, S-J., Zhao, G., Liu, Y-J., Chen, Y-H., & Fu, X., 2014
- How fast are the leaked facial expressions: The duration of micro-expressions, Yan, W-J., Wu, Q., Liang, J., Chen, Y-H., & Fu, X., 2013
- CASME database: A dataset of spontaneous micro-expressions collected from neutralized faces, Yan, W-J., Wu, Q., Liu, Y-J., Wang, S-J., & Fu, X., 2013
- The impact of individualism-collectivism, social presence, and group diversity on group decision making under majority influence, Zhang, D., Lowry, P. B., Zhou, L., & Fu, X., 2007
- 2023: Chinese Academy of Sciences 2022 Annual Award
- 2023: Second Prize, Jiangxi Medical Science and Technology Award, Jiangxi Medical Association
- 2022: Chinese Academy of Sciences 2021 Annual Award
- 2022: First Prize, Technical Invention Award, China Electronics Society
- 2020: Lifetime Achievement Award, Chinese Psychological Society
- 2020: March 8th Red Banner Collective, Central and State Organs
- 2019: National Women's Civilization Post
- 2018: Advanced Collective of 'Women Making Achievements', Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2018: First Prize, Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award
- 2018: 'Outstanding Editorial Board Member', Science Bulletin 2017
- 2017: Second Prize, Beijing Science and Technology Award
- 2017: 'Friend of Workers', Eighth Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Trade Union
- 2016: 'Outstanding Editorial Board Member', Science Bulletin 2015
- 2015: Excellent Graduate Student Supervisor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2013: Second Prize, Beijing Science and Technology Award
- 2013: 'Outstanding Editorial Board Member', Science Bulletin 2012
- 2012: National March 8th Red Banner Holder
- 2012: National Advanced Individual Title in Women's Innovation and Excellence
- 2012: National Advanced Female Worker in Education, Science, Culture, Health, and Sports System
- 2011: Excellent Lecturer in Tutor Training, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2011: Government Special Allowance
- 2010: Third Prize, China Standard Innovation Contribution Award
- 2009: Nomination Award for the Third Top Ten Outstanding Women of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2009: Zhu Liyuehua Excellent Teacher Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2009: BHP Billiton 'Tutor Research Award', Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2006: Honorary Title of Excellent Teacher, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2005: 'Cognitive Psychology' course rated as Excellent Course, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2000: Huawei Teaching Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2000: Excellent Communist Party Member, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing Area)
- 1984: Outstanding Graduate, Peking University
- 1983: Outstanding Three Good Student, Peking University
- 1982: Three Good Student, Peking University