Areas of Focus
- Team research, especially the mechanisms between team leadership, team motivation, and team effectiveness
- Work stress and mental health, occupational safety
- Culture and response bias
- Assessment and identification of factors influencing subjective well-being
Work Experience
- 2014.03-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
- 2011.04-2014.02 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2009.04-2011.03 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2004.05-2009.03 - China Electronics Corporation - Senior Manager (part-time after 2007.01)
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005.09-2008.06 Doctor of Science in Applied Psychology: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2000.09-2003.06 Master of Science in Applied Psychology: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1996.09-2000.06 Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Peking University
- 1998.09-2000.06 Bachelor of Economics (Minor): China Center for Economic Research, Peking University
- The Dual Effect of Transformational Leadership on Individual- and Team-Level Performance: The Mediational Roles of Motivational Processes, Lu, H., & Li, F., 2021
- Psychometric properties of the proactive vitality management scale in a Chinese sample, Ye, L., Chen, Y., & Li, F., 2020
- 安全变革型领导、安全效能感与安全绩效的关系——基于焦化企业的实证研究, 李锋, & 韩明, 2020
- Proactive personality and mental health: The role of job crafting, Zhang, L., Lu, H., & Li, F., 2018
- 团队变革型领导对安全结果影响机制的研究, 李仰霞, 吴玄娜, & 李锋, 2017
- 变革型领导与员工心理健康:工作情感的中介作用, 张蕊, & 李锋, 2017
- Job demands and driving anger: The roles of emotional exhaustion and work engagement, Li, F., Wang, G., Li, Y., & Zhou, R., 2017
- Socially Desirable Responding In Chinese University Students: Denial and Enhancement?, Li, F., Li, Y., & Wang, Y., 2015
- Driving anger in China: Psychometric properties of the Driving Anger Scale (DAS) and its relationship with aggressive driving, Li, F., Yao, X., Jiang, L., & Li, Y., 2014
- The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE): Psychometric Properties and Normative Data in a Large Chinese Sample, Li, F., Bai, X., & Wang, Y., 2013
- Job demands, job resources and safety outcomes: the roles of emotional exhaustion and safety compliance, Li, F., Jiang, L., Yao, X., & Li, Y.J., 2013
- Age-related and situation-related social desirability responding among Chinese teachers, Li, F., Niu, X. Y., & Li, Y. J., 2011
- Perceived colleagues' safety knowledge/behavior and safety performance: Safety climate as a moderator in a multilevel study, Jiang, L., Yu, G. T., Li, Y. J., & Li, F., 2010
- Task characteristics and team performance: The mediating effect of team member satisfaction, Li, F., Li, Y. J., & Wang, E. P., 2009
- The Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR): A Factor Analysis, Li, F., Li, Y. J., 2008
- 团队作业特征研究现状与展望, 李锋*, 王二平, 2008
- 极端性转移、启发式、社会称许性对职务信息完整性的影响, 周洁, 李锋, 王二平, 2007
- 信息提供者数量对职务信息完整性的影响, 周洁, 李锋, 王二平, 2006
- 高新技术企业领导集体有效性的理想与差距研究, 李永娟, 富萍萍, 王二平, 罗凤英, 李锋, 2005
- 工业组织心理学中的社会称许性研究, 李锋, 李永娟, 任婧, 王二平, 2004
- 社会称许性量表的测量等价性探讨, 白新文, 李锋, 陈毅文, 2004
- 核电组织错误的表现与类型, 李永娟, 王二平, 李锋, 于广涛, 2003
- 核电事件再分析—通过编码方法进行探索, 李永娟, 王二平, 于广涛, 李锋, 2003
- 应用多质—多评价者程序对评定误差的分析, 李锋, 王二平, 张福松, 2002