Areas of Focus
- Behavioral Decision Making
- Intertemporal Decision Making
- Risk Decision Making
- Individual Differences in Decision Making
Work Experience
- 2017.4-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
- 2017.7-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Doctoral Supervisor
- 2009.10-2017.3 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2011.7-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Master's Supervisor
- 2006.12-2009.9 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2003.9-2006.7 Doctor of Education in Basic Psychology: Beijing Normal University
- 1997.9-2000.7 Master of Education in Basic Psychology: Beijing Normal University
- 1988.9-1992.7 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science: Beijing Normal University
- Computation of subjective value does not always elicit alternative-based information searching in intertemporal choice., Zhang, Y-Y., Zhou, L., Li, S., & Liang, Z-Y., 2022
- \"Carpe diem?\": Disjunction effect of incidental affect on intertemporal choice., Zhou, L., Zou, T., Zhang, L., Lin, J-M., Zhang, Y-Y., & Liang, Z-Y., 2021
- 健康领域的跨期决策与健康行为., 吴小菊, 陈俊芳, 符佳慧, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2020
- 风险决策和跨期决策的过程比较:基于确定效应和即刻效应., 周蕾, 李爱梅, 张磊,李纾, 梁竹苑., 2019
- Separate neural networks of gains and losses in intertemporal choice., Zhang, Y-Y., Xu, L., Liang, Z-Y., Wang, K., Hou, B., Zhou, Y., Li, S., & Jiang, T., 2018
- 跨期决策是否基于“折扣计算”:来自双分离范式的证据., 张阳阳, 周蕾, 游旭群, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2018
- Gain-loss asymmetry in neural correlates of temporal discounting: An approach-avoidance motivation perspective., Zhang, Y-Y., Xu, L., Rao, L-L., Zhou, L., Zhou, Y., Jiang, T., Li, S., & Liang, Z-Y., 2016
- 跨期选择的性质探索., 梁竹苑, 刘欢., 2011
- Neural mechanism of intertemporal choice: From discounting future gains to future losses., Xu, L., Liang, Z-Y., Wang, K., Li, S., & Jiang, T., 2009
- 跨期选择的神经机制:从折扣未来获益到折扣未来损失., 徐丽娟, 梁竹苑, 王坤, 李纾, 蒋田仔., 2009
- Impact of social norms on Chinese college students’ tobacco use., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y., Shadel, W. G., & Liang, Z-Y., 2022
- Gender-specific impact of self-monitoring and social norm information on walking behavior among Chinese college students assessed using WeChat: Longitudinal tracking study., Xu, Y., Yue, L-Z., Wang, W., Wu, X-J., Liang Z-Y., 2021
- 以小拨大:行为决策助推社会发展., 何贵兵, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2018
- 以小拨大:默认选项和反应模式效应助推中国器官捐献登记., 黄元娜, 宋星云, 邵洋, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2018
- Implementation of the tobacco-free campus policy on college campuses—Evidence from a survey of college students in Beijing., Gong, M., Liang, Z-Y., Zhang, Y-Y., Shadel, W. G., Zhou, L., & Xiao, J., 2016
- New paradigms for the old question: Challenge the expectation rule held by risky decision-making theories., Zhou, L., Zhang Y-Y., Li S., & Liang, Z-Y., 2018
- 风险决策中的领域特异性., 岳灵紫, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2018
- Not all gamblers are created equal: Gambling preferences depend on individual personality traits., Liu, H.-Z., Zheng, Y., Rao, L-L., Wang, F., Sun, Y., Huang G-H., Li, S., Liang., Z-Y., 2018
- A scanpath analysis of the risky decision-making process., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y-Y., Wang, Z-J., Rao, L-L., Wang, W., Li, S., Li, X., & Liang, Z-Y., 2016
- 决策风格的理论发展及建构:基于信息加工视角., 周蕾, 李纾, 许燕, 梁竹苑., 2014
- 不参赌是规避风险还是规避后悔?心理科学., 黄贵海, 周坤, 孙悦, 饶俪琳, 唐辉, 李纾, 梁竹苑., 2013
- “20%的概率获得蛋糕”=“获得蛋糕的20%”?检验风险决策的期望法则假设., 梁竹苑, 徐丽娟, 饶俪琳, 蒋田仔, 李纾., 2012
- 人类决策:基础科学研究中富有前景的学科., 李纾, 梁竹苑, 孙彦., 2012
- Believe in luck or in skill: Which locks people into gambling?, Zhou, K., Tang, H., Sun, Y., Huang, G-H., Rao, L-L., Liang, Z-Y., & Li, S., 2012
- Anticipated regret, risk perception, or both: Which is most likely responsible for our intention to gamble?, Li, S., Zhou, K., Sun, Y., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., & Liang, Z-Y., 2010
- 决策中个体差异研究现状述评., 梁竹苑, 许燕, 蒋奖., 2007
- Best Paper Award (2012): Not all gamblers are created equal: Which gamble to play depends on the personality trait. First Asia Pacific Conference on Gambling & Commercial Gaming Research, Macao, CHINA.