Areas of Focus
- Neural mechanisms of environmental stress on cognitive function
- Mind-body training methods for cognitive function improvement
- Cognitive aging and its neural mechanisms
- Color psychology
Work Experience
- 2016/03—Present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher, Doctoral Supervisor
- 2017/04—2018/04 - University of California, San Francisco - Visiting Scholar
- 2009/07—2016/02 - Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher, Master's Supervisor
- 2007/11—2008/12 - George Mason University, Department of Psychology - Research Assistant
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2003/09—2009/06 PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 1999/09—2003/07 Bachelor's in Biological Sciences: Beijing Forestry University
- Effect of Emotion on Prospective Memory in Those of Different Age Groups, Jinhua Xian, Yan Wang*, Buxin Han, 2020
- Different neurocognitive patterns of conflict control in Tibetans living above and below 4000 m, Hailin Ma, Buxin Han, Yan Wang*, 2019
- Long-term exposure to high altitude attenuates verbal and spatial working memory: evidence from an ERP study, Hailin Ma, Delong Zhang, Xuebing Li, Huifang Ma, Niannian Wang, Yan Wang*, 2019
- Study of Gong tone matching to five-color based on event-related potential, Cuilan Ma, Chunhua Jia*, Yiran Yuan, Yan Wang, Xiaoqian Liu, Huiwen Huang, Ning Liu, Tong Wu, Bei Zhang, Shuang Zhang, 2019
- Competition among the attentional networks due to resource reduction in Tibetan indigenous residents: evidence from event-related potentials, Delong Zhang, Xinjuan Zhang, Hailin Ma, Yan Wang, Huifang Ma, Ming Liu, 2018
- Long-Term Exposure to High Altitude Affects Conflict Control in the Conflict-Resolving Stage, Ma H#, Wang Y*#, Wu JH, Wang BX, Guo SC, Luo P, Han B, 2015
- Overactive Performance Monitoring Resulting from Chronic Exposure to High Altitude, Ma H, Wang Y*, Wu JH, Liu H, Luo P, Han B*, 2015
- Long-Term Exposure to High Altitude Affects Response Inhibition in the Conflict monitoring Stage, Ma H, Wang Y*, Wu JH, Luo P, Han B*, 2015
- Long-Term Exposure to High Altitude Affects Voluntary Spatial Attention at Early and Late Processing Stages, Wang Y*, Ma H, Fu S, Guo S, Yang X, Luo P, Han B*, 2014
- Perceptual load, voluntary attention, and aging: An event-related potential study, Wang Y, Fu S, Greenwood P, Luo YJ, Parasuraman R*, 2012
- Orienting and focusing in voluntary and involuntary visuospatial attention conditions: an Event-related potential study, Wang Y, Wu JH, Fu S, Luo YJ*, 2010
- Perceptual load interacts with involuntary attention at early processing stages: event-related potential studies, Fu S*, Huang YX, Luo YJ, Wang Y, John Fedota, Pamela M Greenwood, Raja Parasuraman, 2009
- Orienting in voluntary and involuntary attention condition, Wang Y, Luo YJ*, 2007
- An ERP study for the degrees of the difficulty in visual search, Ma Y, Wang Y, Luo YJ*, 2007
- 长期高海拔缺氧对大学生冲突抑制功能的影响, 陶格同, 安心, 姜园, 马海林,韩布新,王妍*, 2020
- 长期高海拔暴露影响移居者空间工作记忆——来自时域和频域分析的证据, 马海林,莫婷,曾桐奥,王妍*, 2020
- 长期高海拔暴露对藏族世居者空间工作记忆的影响——来自时频分析的证据, 马海林, 莫婷, 王妍*, 2020
- 急性高原缺氧对静息态脑电功率的影响, 刘冰,韩布新,安心,王妍*, 2017
- 高海拔驻留时间对注意网络的影响, 安心,马海林,韩布新,刘冰,王妍*, 2017
- 患者的药物颜色偏好, 张腾霄, 胡 鑫, 肖春曲, 谢敬聃*, 王妍, 2016
- C1调制效应的理论评述及影响因素, 陈建,袁杰,汪海玲,王妍,傅世敏*, 2013
- 中国面孔表情图片系统的修订, 龚栩,黄宇霞, 王妍, 罗跃嘉*, 2011
- 大学生面孔表情材料的标准化及其评定, 王妍, 罗跃嘉*, 2005
- 面孔表情的ERP研究进展, 王妍,罗跃嘉*, 2004
- Tibet Autonomous Region Science and Technology Award Third Prize (2018): Research on Detection and Evaluation Technology of Individual Cognitive Function Affected by Plateau Hypoxia Environment