Areas of Focus
- Development and mechanisms of prosocial behavior
- Early childhood stress and social adaptation
- Social judgment and decision-making
- Interpersonal and intergroup trust, cooperative behavior
Work Experience
- 2020.10–Present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
- 2017.01–2020.09 - Beijing Normal University - Postdoctoral/Researcher
- 2016.09–2016.12 - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2012–2016 PhD: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Social Psychology
- 2009–2012 Master's: Beijing Normal University, Developmental Psychology
- 2005–2009 Bachelor's: Anhui Normal University, Psychology
- Is wealth-based inequality aversion tendency universal? Effects of wealth differences on responses to unequal allocations in the United States and China., Ding, Y., Wu, J., Ji, T., Chen, X., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2022
- I deserve better outcomes: Self-esteem relates to stronger reactions to unfairness., Ding, Y., Wu, J., & Ji, T., 2022
- Reward, punishment, and prosocial behavior: Recent developments and implications., Wu, J., Luan, S., & Raihani, N., 2022
- Honesty and dishonesty in gossip strategies: A fitness interdependence analysis., Wu, J., Számadó, S., Barclay, P., Beersma, B., Dores Cruz, T. D., Lo Iacono, S., Nieper, A., Peters, K., Przepiorka, W., Tiokhin, L., Van Lange, P. A. M., 2021
- The relations between early-life stress and risk, time, and prosocial preferences in adulthood: A meta-analytic review., Wu, J., Guo, Z., & Gao, X., Kou, Y., 2020
- Cooperation in groups of different sizes: The effects of punishment and reputation-based partner choice., Wu, J., Balliet, D., Peperkoorn, L. S., Romano, A., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2020
- Disadvantaged early-life experience negatively predicts prosocial behavior: The roles of Honesty-Humility and dispositional trust among Chinese adolescents., Wu, J., Yuan, M., & Kou, Y., 2020
- Gossip in the dictator and ultimatum games: Its immediate and downstream consequences for cooperation., Wu, J., Balliet, D., Kou, Y., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2019
- Donors’ social class and their prosocial reputation: Perceived authentic motivation as an underlying mechanism., Yuan, M., Wu, J., & Kou, Y., 2018
- Life history strategy and human cooperation in economic games., Wu, J., Balliet, D., Tybur, J. M., Arai, S., Van Lange, P. A. M., & Yamagishi, T., 2017
- Reputation, gossip, and human cooperation., Wu, J., Balliet, D., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2016
- Gossip versus punishment: The efficiency of reputation to promote and maintain cooperation., Wu, J., Balliet, D., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2016
- Reputation management: Why and how gossip enhances generosity., Wu, J., Balliet, D., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2016
- When does gossip promote generosity? Indirect reciprocity under the shadow of the future., Wu, J., Balliet, D., & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2015
- 2018: First Prize for Outstanding Paper, Social Psychology Division, Chinese Psychological Society
- 2017: Junior Career Award, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 2016: Excellence in Research Award, Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 2015: Best Paper Award, 16th International Conference on Social Dilemmas
- 2013: Academic Rising Star Award, 8th Chinese Psychologists Academic Seminar