Areas of Focus
- Spatial categorization
- Spatial attention and memory
- Language
Work Experience
- 2014.6-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Professor
- 2012.7-2014.5 - State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University - Assistant Professor
- 2010.11-2011.5 - Northwestern University - Visiting Scholar
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2012.06 - Ph.D.: State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
- 2008.06 - M.S.: State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
- 2003.06 - B.S.: School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University
- Brain activation during phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters in deaf signers., Yanyan Li, Danling Peng, Li Liu, James R. Booth, and Guosheng Ding, 2014
- Altered intra- and inter-regional synchronization of superior temporal cortex in deaf people., Yanyan Li, James R. Booth, Danling Peng, Yufeng Zang, Li Junhong, Chaogan Yan, and Guosheng Ding, 2013
- Sensitive period for white-matter connectivity of superior temporal cortex in deaf people., Yanyan Li, Guosheng Ding, Jame R. Booth, Ruiwang Huang, Yating Lv, Yufeng Zang, Yong He, and Danling Peng, 2012
- 聋人早期手语经验对脑功能及结构的塑造作用., 丁国盛 李妍妍, 2012
- 手语神经机制的研究回顾及展望., 邹丽娟 丁国盛 李妍妍, 2008
- 言语学习引起的脑功能和结构变化., 李妍妍, 丁国盛, 2007