Areas of Focus
- Neuroscience
- Complex Systems Science
- Brain-wide Neural Mechanisms
- Zebrafish Research
- Neural Dynamics
- Neurotransmitter Systems
- Neural Connectivity
- Behavioral Flexibility
- Neural Imaging
- Interdisciplinary Research
Work Experience
- 2013-2020 - Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA - Postdoctoral Research
- 2020-present - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology - Researcher, Research Group Leader
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006 - Bachelor of Science: Nanjing University, Department of Biochemistry
- 2013 - Doctor of Science: Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Real-time analysis of large-scale neuronal imaging enables closed-loop investigation of neural dynamics, Shang, C#, Wang, Y#, Zhao, M#, Fan Q, Zhao S, Qian Y, Mu, Y.*, 2024
- All-optical interrogation of brain-wide activity in freely swimming larval zebrafish, Chai, Y., Qi, K., Wu, Y., Li, D., Tan, G., Guo, Y., Chu, J.,Mu, Y.*, Shen, C., Wen, Q., 2024
- Unveiling Tryptophan Dynamics and Functions Across Model Organisms via Quantitative Imaging, Wang, K., Chen T., Zhang X., Cao, J., Zhao W., Du, J.*, Mu, Y.*, Tao, R.*, 2024
- Highly Dynamic and Sensitive NEMOer Calcium Indicators for Imaging ER Calcium Signals in Excitable Cells, Gu, W., Chen, JH., Zhang Y., Wang Z., Li, J., Wang S., Zhang H., Jiang A., Zhong Z., Zhang, J., Xi, C., Hou, T., Gill, D., Li, D., Mu, Y.*, , Wang, S.*, Tang, A. *, Wang, Y. *, 2024
- From animal biology to simulated models and back, Zhao, J., Xue, L., Mu, Y., P Ji, P.*, 2024
- Long-working-distance high-collection-efficiency three-photon microscopy for in vivo long-term imaging of zebrafish and organoids, Deng,P., Liu, X., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Kong, Y., Liu, L., Xiao, Y., Yang, S., Hu, J., Su, J., Xuan, A., Xu, J., Li, H., Su, X.,Wu, J., Jiang, Y.,Mu, Y.*, Shao, Z., Kong, C., Li, B., 2024
- A genetically encoded ratiometric indicator for tryptophan, Tao, R., Wang, K., Chen, Tl., Zhang, X., Cao, J., Zhao, W., Du, J.,Mu, Y., 2023
- Neuromodulatory system in network science, Li, D.,Mu, Y.*, 2024
- Signal propagation in complex networks, Ji, P., Ye, J.,Mu, Y., Lin, W., Tian, Y., Hens, C., Perc, M., Tang, Y., Sun, J., Kurths, J., 2023
- Time-resolved correlation of distributed brain activity tracks EI balance and accounts for diverse scale-free phenomena, Nanda, A., Johnson, G.,Mu, Y., Ahrens, M., Chang, C., Englot, D., Breakspear, M., Rubinov, M., 2023
- Simultaneous multi-plane imaging light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for simultaneously acquiring neuronal activity at varying depths, Jiao, Z., Zhou, Z., Chen, Z., Xie, J.,Mu, Y. , Du, J., Fu, L., 2023
- Dimensionality reduction of calcium-imaged neuronal population activity, Koh, T., Bishop, W., Kawashima, T., Jeon, B., Srinivasan, R.,Mu, Y., Wei, Z., Kuhlman, S., Ahrens, M., Chase, S., Yu, B., 2023
- Locus Coeruleus in Non-Mammalian Vertebrates, Wang, S., Wang, Z., Mu, Y. *, 2022
- Polarization effects on the fluorescence emission of zebrafish neurons using light-sheet microscopy, Ye, H., Xu, X., Wang, J., Wang, J., He, Y.,Mu, Y., Shi, G., 2022
- Tracking single cells in zebrafish brain, Zhao, S., Qian, Y., Mu, Y. *, 2021
- Brain-wide, scale-wide physiology underlying behavioral flexibility in zebrafish, Mu, Y.*#, Narayan, S., Mensh, B., Ahrens, M.*, 2020
- Glia Accumulate Evidence that Actions Are Futile and Suppress Unsuccessful Behavior, Mu, Y.*#, Bennett, D. V. #, Rubinov, M. #, Narayan, S., Yang, C., Tanimoto, M., Mensh, B., Looger, L.L., and Ahrens, M., 2019
- Deformable Registration of Whole Brain Zebrafish Microscopy Using an Implementation of the Flash Algorithm Within Ants, Fleishman, G.M., Zhang, M., Tustison, N.J., Espinosa-Medina, I., Mu, Y., Khairy, K., and Ahrens, M., 2019
- Brain-wide Organization of Neuronal Activity and Convergent Sensorimotor Transformations in Larval Zebrafish, Chen, X. #, Mu, Y. #, Hu, Y. #, Kuan, A. #, Nikitchenko, M., Randlett, O., Chen, A.B., Gavornik, J., Sompolinsky, H., Engert, F., and Ahrens, M., 2018
- Brain-wide circuit interrogation at the cellular level guided by online analysis of neuronal function, Vladimirov, N., Wang, C., Hckendorf, B., Pujala, A., Tanimoto, M., Mu, Y., Yang, C., Wittenbach, J., Freeman, J., Preibisch, S., Koyama, M., Keller, P., Ahrens, M., 2018
- Multi-scale approaches for high-speed imaging and analysis of large neural populations, Friedrich, J., Yang, W., Soudry, D., Mu, Y., Ahrens, M.B., Yuste, R., Peterka, D.S., and Paninski, L., 2017
- Brain-wide mapping of neural activity controlling zebrafish exploratory locomotion, Dunn, T.#, Mu, Y. #, Narayan, S., Randlett, O., Naumann, E., Yang, C.T., Schier, A., Freeman, J., Engert, F., and Ahrens, M., 2016
- Simultaneous denoising, deconvolution, and demixing of calcium imaging data, Pnevmatikakis, E., Soudry, D., Gao, Y., Machado, T.A., Merel, J., Pfau, D., Reardon, T., Mu, Y., Lacefield, C., Yang, W., Ahrens, M., Bruno, R., Jessell, T., Peterka, D., Yuste, R., Paninski, L., 2016
- Fast Constrained Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Whole-Brain Calcium Imaging Data, Friedrich, J., Soudry, D., Mu, Y., Freeman, J., Ahrens, M., and Paninski, L., 2015
- Zebrafish Swimming into Neuroscience Research: A Visible Mind in A Transparent Brain, Shang, C., Mu, Y., and Du, J., 2015
- Light-sheet functional imaging in fictively behaving zebrafish, Vladimirov, N., Mu, Y., Kawashima, T., Bennett, D. V, Yang, C., Looger, L., Keller, P., Freeman, J., and Ahrens, M., 2014
- Mapping brain activity at scale with cluster computing, Freeman, J., Vladimirov, N., Kawashima, T., Mu, Y., Sofroniew, N., Bennett, D., Rosen, J., Yang, C., Looger, L., and Ahrens, M., 2014
- Progress in the application of zebrafish in neuroscience research, Shang, C., Mu, Y., and Du, J., 2014
- 用心看, 用眼听, 目遇之而为声, Mu, Y.*, Li, X., 2012
- Visual Input Modulates Audiomotor Function via Hypothalamic Dopaminergic Neurons through a Cooperative Mechanism, Mu, Y. #, Li, X. #, Zhang, B., and Du, J., 2012
- Grhl2 deficiency impairs otic development and hearing ability in a zebrafish model of the progressive dominant hearing loss DFNA28, Han, Y., Mu, Y., Li, X., Xu, P., Tong, J., Liu, Z., Ma, T., Zeng, G., Yang, S., Du, J., Meng, A., 2011
- Overexpression of Wlds or Nmnat2 in mauthner cells by single‐cell electroporation delays axon degeneration in live zebrafish, Feng, Y., Yan, T., Zheng, J., Ge, X., Mu, Y., Zhang, Y., Wu, D., Du, J., and Zhai, Q., 2010
- 斑马鱼在生命科学研究中的应用, Liu, C., Mu, Y., and Du, J., 2007