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Zhe Zhang
Neuroscience Chinese academy of sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Neural Regulation Homeostasis Sleep Brain Circuits Neurotransmitters Cognition Behavior Molecular Mechanisms Neural Circuits Neuroscience
Areas of Focus
  • Neural regulation of homeostatic behaviors
  • Sleep regulation mechanisms
Work Experience
  • 2015-2019 - University of California, Berkeley - Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 2019-present - Research Group Leader in Homeostatic Neural Regulation
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2010 - Bachelor of Science: Wuhan University, School of Life Sciences
  • 2015 - PhD: Imperial College London, Life Sciences
  • Cold-sensitive ventromedial hypothalamic neurons control homeostatic thermogenesis and social interaction-associated hyperthermia, Feng, C., Wang, Y., Zha, X., Cao, H., Huang, S., Cao, D., Zhang, K., Xie, T., Xu, X.*, Liang, Z.*, Zhang, Z.*, 2022
  • Cortical excitability signatures for the degree of sleepiness in human, Chia. H. # , Tang. X. # , Cao. Y. # , Cao.H., Zhang. W., Wu. J., Zhu. Y., Chen. Y., Lin. Y., Wu. Y., Zhang. Z.*, Yuan. T.*, Hu. R.*, 2021
  • An Excitatory Circuit in Perioculomotor Midbrain for non-REM Sleep Control, Zhang, Z.#, Zhong, P.#, Hu, F., Barger. Z., Ren,Y., Ding.X., Li,S., Weber, F., Chung, S., Palmiter.R D., Dan, Y. *, 2019
  • Control of Non-REM sleep by midbrain neurotensinergic neurons, Zhong, P.#,Zhang, Z.#, Barger. Z.,Ma C.Y.,Liu D.Q.,Din X.L., Dan, Y. *, 2019
  • Neuronal Ensembles Sufficient for Recovery Sleep and The Sedative Actions of alpha2 Adrenergic Agonists, Zhang, Z.#, Ferretti, V.#, Guntan, I., Moro, A., Steinberg, E.A., Ye, Z., Zecharia, A.Y., Yu, X., Vyssotski, A.L., Brickley, S.G., Yustos, R.,Pillidge, Z.E.,Harding, E.C., Wisden, W. , Franks, N.P.*, 2015
  • Prefrontal Corticotectal Neurons Enhance Visual Processing through the Superior Colliculus and Pulvinar Thalamus, Fei, Hu.#, Tsukasa Kamigaki., Zhe, Zhang., Siyu, Zhang., Usan Dan., Dan, Y. *, 2019
  • A Hypothalamic Switch for REM and non-REM Sleep, Chen, K.S., Xu, M., Zhang, Z., Chang, W.C., Gaj, T., Schaffer, D.V., and Dan, Y.*, 2018
  • Identification of Preoptic Sleep Neurons Using Retrograde Labelling and Gene Profiling, Chung, S., Weber, F., Zhong, P., Tan, C.L., Nguyen, T.N., Beier, K.T., Hormann, N., Chang, W.C., Zhang, Z., Do, J.P., Ao, S.Y.,Krashes, M.J., Tasic, B., Cetin, A., Zeng, H., Knight, Z.A., Luo, L., Dan, Y.*, 2017
  • Wakefulness is Governed by GABA and Histamine Cotransmission, Yu, X., Ye, Z., Houston, C.M., Zecharia, A.Y., Ma, Y., Zhang, Z., Uygun, D.S., Parker, S., Vyssotski, A.L., Yustos, R., Franks, N.P. , Brickley, S.G. ,Wisden, W.*, 2015
  • Circadian Factor BMAL1 in Histaminergic Neurons Regulates Sleep Architecture, Yu, X., Zecharia, A., Zhang, Z., Yang, Q., Yustos, R., Jager, P., Vyssotski, A.L., Maywood, E.S., Chesham, J.E., Ma, Y., Brickley, S.G. , Hastings, M.H. , Franks, N.P. ,Wisden, W.*, 2014
  • Staying Awake - a Genetic Region That Hinders alpha (2) Adrenergic Receptor Agonist-induced Sleep, Gelegen, C., Gent, T.C., Ferretti, V., Zhang, Z., Yustos, R., Lan, F., Yang, Q.Z., Overington, D.W.U., Vyssotski, A.L., van Lith, H.A., Wisden, W. ,Franks, N.P.*, 2014
  • Impact of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on the development of zebrafish embryos, Lei, Y., Xiao, Q., Huang, S., Xu, W.S., Zhang, Z., He, Z.K., Liu, Y., and Deng, F.J.*, 2011
  • Znrg, a novel gene expressed mainly in the developing notochord of zebrafish, Zhou, Y.P., Xu, Y., Li, J.Z., Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., and Deng, F.J.*, 2010
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