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Peter Pimpl
Life Science
Southern University of Science and Technology
Language: English, German
Receptor Sorting Proteins Vesicle Transport Biogenesis Intracellular Compartments Aging Molecular Biology
Areas of Focus
  • Receptor-mediated sorting of proteins
  • Vesicle-mediated transport processes
  • Biogenesis and aging of intracellular compartments
Work Experience
  • 2017-present - Associate Professor, SUSTech-PKU Institute of Plant and Food Science, Department of Biology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
  • 2009-2017 - Independent Research Group Leader, Center for Plant Molecular Biology, Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Germany
  • 2005-2009 - Research Group Leader, Heidelberger Institute for Plant Sciences, Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg, Germany
  • 2003-2005 - Postdoc researcher, Center for Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • 2001-2003 - Marie Curie postdoctoral research fellow, Center for Plant Sciences, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • 1999-2000 - Research Assistant, Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, Georg August University Goettingen, Germany
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2001-05-03 Ph.D. in Sciences, summa cum laude, Georg August University Goettingen, Germany
  • 1997-11-03 Diploma in Biology, Georg August University Goettingen, Germany
  • Receptor-mediated sorting of soluble vacuolar proteins ends at the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE), Künzl, F., Früholz, S., Fäßler, F. Li, B. and Pimpl, P.*, 2016
  • Receptor-mediated transport of vacuolar proteins: a critical analysis and a new model, Robinson, D.G. and Pimpl, P.*, 2014
  • Clathrin and post-Golgi trafficking: a very complicated issue, Robinson, D.G., and Pimpl, P., 2014
  • Organelle pH in the Arabidopsis Endomembrane System, Shen, J., Zeng, Y., Zhuang, X., Sun, L., Yao, X., Pimpl, P., and Jiang, L., 2013
  • Ubiquitin initiates sorting of Golgi and PM proteins into the vacuolar degradation pathway, Scheuring, D., Künzl, F., Viotti, C., San Wan Yan, M., Jiang, L., Schellmann, S., Robinson, D.G., and Pimpl, P.*, 2012
  • Trying to make sense of retromer, Robinson, D.G., Pimpl, P., Scheuring, D., Stierhof, Y.D., Sturm, S., and Viotti, C., 2012
  • Multiple cytosolic and transmembrane determinants are required for the trafficking of SCAMP1 via an ER-Golgi-TGN-PM pathway, Cai, Y., Jia, T., Lam, S.K., Ding, Y., Gao, C., San, M.W., Pimpl, P., and Jiang, L., 2011
  • Multivesicular bodies mature from the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE) in Arabidopsis, Scheuring, D., Viotti, C., Kruger, F., Künzl, F., Sturm, S., Bubeck, J., Hillmer, S., Frigerio, L., Robinson, D.G., Pimpl, P.*, and Schumacher, K., 2011
  • Sorting of plant vacuolar proteins is initiated in the ER, Niemes, S., Labs, M., Scheuring, D., Krueger, F., Langhans, M., Jesenofsky, B., Robinson, D.G., and Pimpl, P.*
  • Retromer recycles vacuolar sorting receptors from the trans-Golgi network, Niemes, S., Langhans, M., Viotti, C., Scheuring, D., Yan, M.S., Jiang, L., Hillmer, S., Robinson, D.G., and Pimpl, P.*, 2010
  • The AAA-type ATPase AtSKD1 contributes to vacuolar maintenance of Arabidopsis thaliana, Shahriari, M., Keshavaiah, C., Scheuring, D., Sabovljevic, A., Pimpl, P., Häusler, R.E., Hülskamp, M., and Schellmann, S., 2010
  • The BFA-induced compartments from Golgi apparatus and trans-Golgi network are morphologically and functionally distinct in plant cells, Lam, S. K., Cai, Y., Tse, Y. C. Wang, J., Pimpl, P., Chan, H. Y. E., Xia, J. and Jiang, L., 2009
  • Coats of endosomal protein sorting: retromer and ESCRT, Schellmann, S*. and Pimpl, P.*, 2009
  • Oryzalin bodies: In addition to its antimicrotubule properties the dinitroaniline herbicide oryzalin causes nodulation of the endoplasmic reticulum, Langhans, M., Marcote, M.J., Pimpl, P., Virgili-Lopez, G., Robinson, D.G., and Aniento, F., 2008
  • In vivo Trafficking and Localization of p24 Proteins in Plant Cells, Langhans, M., Niemes, S., Pimpl, P. and Robinson, D. G., 2008
  • Golgi-mediated vacuolar sorting of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone BiP may play an active role in quality control within the secretory pathway, Pimpl, P., Taylor, J.P., Snowden, C., Hillmer, S., Robinson, D.G and Denecke, J., 2006
  • The GTPase ARF1p Controls the Sequence-Specific Vacuolar Sorting Route to the Lytic Vacuole, Pimpl, P., Hanton, S. L., Taylor, J. P., Pinto-DaSilva, L. L., and Denecke, J., 2003
  • Reevaluation of the effects of brefeldin A on plant cells using tobacco BY-2 cells expressing Golgi-targeted GFP and COPI-antisera, Ritzenthaler, C., Nebenführ, A., Movafeghi, A., Stussi-Garaud, C., Behnia, L., Pimpl. P., Staehelin, L.A., Robinson, D.G, 2002
  • Protein interactions in the secretory pathway, a growing demand for experimental approaches in vivo, Pimpl, P. and Denecke, J., 2002
  • Secretory bulk flow of soluble proteins is efficient and COPII dependent, Phillipson, B.A*., Pimpl, P.*, Lamberti Pinto daSilva, L., Crofts, A.J., Taylor, J.P., Movafeghi, A., Robinson, D.G., Denecke, J., 2001
  • A vacuolar sorting domain may also influence the way in which proteins leave the endoplasmic reticulum, Törmäkangas, K., Hadlington, J.L., Pimpl, P., Hillmer, S., Brandizzi, F., Teeri, T.H. Denecke, J., 2001
  • In situ localization and in vitro induction of plant COPI-coated vesicles, Pimpl, P., Movafeghi, A., Coughlan, S., Denecke, J., Hillmer, S., Robinson, D.G., 2000
  • ER retention of soluble proteins: Retrieval, retention, or both?, Pimpl, P. and Denecke, J., 2000
  • Arabidopsis Sec21p and Sec23p homologs. Probable coat proteins of plant COP-coated vesicles, Movafeghi, A., Happel, N., Pimpl, P., Tai, G-H., and Robinson, D.G., 1999
  • 2002: 'Horst-Wiehe-Prize' of the German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) for outstanding scientific work in the field of Botany. Freiburg, Germany
  • 2001: Marie Curie Individual post-doctoral Fellowship of the European Union (EU)
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