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Shi Songhai
Life Science
Tsinghua University
Language: English, Chinese
Neural Development Neural Assembly Animal Behavior Cognition Electrophysiology Imaging Genetics Molecular Biology Cellular Biology Developmental Biology
Areas of Focus
  • Neural development and assembly
  • Regulation of animal behavior and cognition
  • Neurobiology methods (electrophysiology and imaging)
  • Genetics, molecular, cellular, and developmental biology
  • Mechanisms of major diseases related to neurodevelopment and function (cerebellar diseases and autism)
Work Experience
  • 2006-2019 Assistant Researcher/Associate Researcher/Researcher, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
  • 2006-2019 Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College
  • 2019-present Professor and Dean, School of Life Sciences & McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Tsinghua University
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1991-1996 Bachelor of Biological Sciences and Technology, Tsinghua University
  • 1996-2001 PhD in Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory & Stony Brook University, NY
  • 2001-2006 Postdoctoral Research, University of California, San Francisco & Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Specific synapses develop preferentially among sister excitatory neurons in the neocortex, Yu, Y.-C., Bultje, R.S., Wang, X., and Shi, S.-H., 2009
  • Mammalian Par3 regulates progenitor cell asymmetric division via Notch signaling in the developing neocortex, Bultje, R.S., Castaneda-Castellanos, D.R., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N., Kriegstein, A.R., and Shi, S.-H., 2009
  • Asymmetric centrosome inheritance maintains neural progenitors in the neocortex, Wang, X., Tsai, J.-W., Imai, J.H., Lin, W.-N., Valle, R.B., and Shi, S.-H., 2009
  • Clonal Production and Organization of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Neocortex, Brown, K.N., Chen, S., Han, Z., Lu, C.-H., Tan, X., Ding, L., Zhang, X.-J., Cruz, A. L., Saur, D., Anderson, S.A., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H., 2011
  • Preferential electric coupling regulates neocortical lineage-dependent microcircuit assembly, Yu, Y.-C., He, S., Chen, S., Fu, Y., Brown, K.N., Yao, X.H., Ma, J., Gao, K.P., Sosinsky, G.E., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H., 2012
  • Lineage-dependent structural and functional organization of the hippocampus, Xu, H.-T., Han Z., Gao, P., He, S., Li, Z., Shi, W., Kordish, O., Shao, W., Brown, K.N., Huang, K., and Shi. S-H., 2014
  • SDCCAG8 regulates pericentriolar material recruitment and neuronal migration in the developing neocortex, Insolera, R., Shao, W., Airik, R., Hildebrandt, F., and Shi, S.-H., 2014
  • Cortical neurogenesis in the absence of centrioles, Insolera, R., Bazzi, H., W. Shao, Anderson, K.V., and Shi, S.-H., 2014
  • Deterministic progenitor behavior and unitary production of neurons in the neocortex, Gao, P., Postiglione Pia, M., Krieger, T.G., Hernandez, L., T., Wang, C., Han, Z., Streicher, C., Papusheva, E., Insolera, R., Chugh, K., Kodish, O., Huang, K., Simons, B.D., Luo, L., Hippenmeyer, S., and Shi, S.-H., 2014
  • Inside-out radial migration facilitates lineage-dependent microcircuit assembly in the neocortex, He, S., Li, Z., Ge, S., Yu, Y.-C., and Shi, S.-H., 2015
  • Ontogenetic Establishment of Order-specific Nuclear Organization in the Mammalian Thalamus, Shi, W., Xianyu, A., Han, Z., Tang, X., Li, Z., Zhong, H., Mao, T., Huang, K., and Shi, S.-H., 2017
  • Precise Long-range Microcircuit-to- Microcircuit Communication Connects the Frontal and Sensory Cortices in the Mammalian brain, Ren, S.-Q., Li, Z., Lin, S., Bergami, M., and Shi S.-H., 2019
  • Centrosome Anchoring Regulates Mechanical Properties of Neural Progenitors and Cortical Formation, Shao, W., Yang, J., Brendel, M., Lee, C.H., Z. Yang, Lin, S., Li, Z., Joyner, A.L., Anderson, K.V., Zhang, J., Tsou, M.-F., Shi, H., and Shi, S.-H., 2020
  • Metabolic lactate production coordinates vasculature development and progenitor behavior in the developing mouse neocortex, Dong, X., Zhang, Q., Yu, X., Wang, D., Ma, J., Ma, J. and Shi, S.-H., 2022
  • Patterned cPCDH expression regulates the fine organization of the neocortex, Lv, X., Li, S., Li, J., Yu, X.-Y., Ge, X., Li, B., Hu, S., Lin, Y., Zhang, S., Yang, J., Zhang, X., Yan, J., Joyner, A. L., Shi, H., Wu, Q., and Shi, S.-H., 2022
  • Breakthrough of the Year, Runner-up, Science (1999)
  • Amersham Biosciences and Science Prize for Young Scientists, Grand Prize (2001)
  • Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship (2002)
  • Klingenstein Award (2007)
  • NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2008)
  • McKnight Scholar Award (2010)
  • Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists (2010)
  • The Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science, Finalist (2012)
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Faculty Scholar Award (2016)
  • Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist (2019)
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