Areas of Focus
- Regulation mechanisms in development, aging, and metabolic diseases
Work Experience
- 2006 - 2014 - Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA
- 2013 - Present - Professor, Peking University, China
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1994 - BSc in Biochemistry, University of Aberdeen, UK
- 1998 - PhD in Molecular Cell Biology, Imperial College London, UK
- Funded by Human Frontier Science Program, Cancer Research UK, NIH, and more
- Stuxnet fine-tunes Notch dose during development using a functional Polycomb response element, He, T., Fan, Y., Du, J., Yi, M., Li, Y., Liu, M., Zhu, A. J., 2023
- Identification of Ubr1 as an amino acid sensor of steatosis in liver and muscle, Zhao, W., Zhang, Y., Lin, S., Li., Y., Zhu, A. J., Shi, H., Liu, M., 2023
- 2023 - Outstanding Class Teacher, Peking University
- 2022 - Outstanding PhD Thesis Advisor, Peking University
- 2021 - First Prize in Teaching Achievements, Peking University