Areas of Focus
- Quantum precision measurement
- Thorium nuclear optical clocks
- Ultracold molecule preparation
Work Experience
- 2024/01-Present - Tsinghua University, Department of Physics - Associate Professor
- 2021/12-2024/01 - Tsinghua University, Department of Physics - Assistant Professor
- 2021/02-2021/10 - University of Munich, Department of Physics - Postdoctoral Researcher, Supervisor: Professor Peter Thirolf
- 2016/01-2021/01 - University of Colorado Boulder, JILA - Postdoctoral Researcher, Supervisor: Professor Jun Ye
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2010/07-2016/01 PhD: National University of Singapore, Quantum Technology Centre, Supervisor: Professor Dzmitry Matsukevich
- 2006/08-2010/06 Bachelor: Lanzhou University, Longji Class (Physics)
- High phase-space density of laser-cooled molecules in an optical lattice, Y. Wu, J.J. Burau, K. Mehling, J. Ye, S. Ding, 2021
- Sub-Doppler Cooling and compressed trapping of YO molecules at uK temperatures, S. Ding, Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, J.J. Burau, J. Ye, 2020
- 3D magneto-optical trap of yttrium monoxide, A.L. Collopy, S. Ding, Y. Wu, I.A. Finneran, L. Anderegg, B.L. Augenbraun, J.M. Doyle, J. Ye, 2018
- Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions, G. Maslennikov, S. Ding, R. Hablutzel, J. Gan, A. Roulet, S. Nimmrichter, J. Dai, V. Scarani, D. Matsukevich, 2019
- Quantum simulations with a trilinear Hamiltonian, S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, D. Matsukevich, 2018
- Cross-Kerr nonlinearity for phonon counting, S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, D. Matsukevich, 2017
- Quantum parametric oscillator with trapped ions, S. Ding, G. Maslennikov, R. Hablutzel, H. Loh, D. Matsukevich, 2017
- Microwave control of trapped-ion motion assisted by a running optical lattice, S. Ding, H. Loh, R. Hablutzel, M. Gao, G. Maslennikov, D. Matsukevich, 2014
- Quantum logic for the control and manipulation of molecular ions using a frequency comb, S. Ding, D. Matsukevich, 2012