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Ying Lu
Basic Medical Sciences
Fudan University
Language: Chinese, English
Tumor Microenvironment Metabolism Tumor Immunity Regulatory Mechanisms Tumor Cells Immune Cells Clinical Translation Biochemistry Molecular Biology Genomics
Areas of Focus
  • Research on tumor microenvironment metabolism and tumor immunity, focusing on the regulatory mechanisms of interactions between tumor cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment, and potential clinical translational applications.
  • Using biochemistry and molecular biology, genomics, single-cell sequencing, and organoid models to analyze the regulatory mechanisms of tumor development in the urinary system and digestive tract.
Work Experience
  • 2019.07—2021.07 Postdoctoral Researcher - Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
  • 2021.08—Present Junior Researcher - Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2009.09—2013.06 Bachelor's in Biological Sciences: Nantong University
  • 2013.09—2019.06 Ph.D. in Basic Medicine: Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
  • Insulin signaling establishes a developmental trajectory of adipose Treg cells., Li, Y., Lu, Y., Lin, SH., Li, N., Han, Y., Huang, Q., Zhao, Y., Xie, F., Guo, Y., Deng, B., Tsun, A., Du, J., Li, D., Sun, J., Shi, G., Zheng, F., Su, X., Duan, S., Zheng, SG., Wang, G., Tong, X., Li, B., 2021
  • MondoA-TXNIP axis maintains regulatory T cell identity and function in colorectal cancer microenvironment., Lu, Y., Li, Y., Liu, Q., Tian, N., Du, P., Zhu, F., Han, Y., Liu, X., Liu, X., Peng, X., Wang, X., Wu, Y., Tong, L., Li, Y., Zhu, Y., Wu, L., Zhang, P., Xu, Y., Chen, H., Li, B., Tong, X., 2021
  • ERα down-regulates carbohydrate responsive element binding protein and decreases aerobic glycolysis in liver cancer cells., Lu, Y., Tian, N., Hu, L., Meng, J., Feng, M., Zhu, Y., Zhang, P., Li, M., Liu, Q., Tong, L., Tong, X., Li, Y., Wu, L., 2021
  • The nuclear translocation of transketolase inhibits the farnesoid receptor expression by promoting the binding of HDAC3 to FXR promoter in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines., Li, M., Zhang, X., Lu, Y., Meng, S., Quan, H., Hou, P., Tong, P., Chai, D., Gao, X., Zheng, J., Tong, X., Bai, J., 2020
  • Transketolase deficiency protects the liver from DNA damage by increasing levels of Ribose 5-Phosphate and nucleotides., Li, M., Lu, Y., Li, Y., Tong, L., Gu, XC., Meng, J., Zhu, Y., Wu, L., Feng, M., Tian, N., Zhang, P., Xu, T., Lin, SH., Tong, X., 2019
  • 2017: Second Prize in the Youth Group Paper Presentation Competition at the 3rd National Tumor Metabolism Conference
  • 2018: Best Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Immunocyte Biology Branch of the Chinese Society for Cell Biology
  • 2019: Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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