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Wang Yaping
Medical School
Nanjing University
Language: Chinese, German, English
Genetic Variations Epigenetics Tumor Phenotype Oxidative Damage Aging Regulatory Networks Molecular Mechanisms High-Throughput Sequencing Complex Diseases Genetic Basis
Areas of Focus
  • Genetic variations and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of tumor phenotype-related genes
  • Oxidative damage and aging, regulatory networks and molecular mechanisms of aging-related diseases
  • Application of high-throughput sequencing in the genetic basis research of complex diseases
Work Experience
  • 1987-2004: Jiangsu Cancer Hospital, Assistant Researcher, Associate Researcher (1994), Researcher (1999)
  • 2004-present: Nanjing University Medical School, Professor of Medical Genetics, Doctoral Supervisor
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1996-1997: Studied at the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn Medical School, Germany
  • 2001-2002: Medical Doctorate, Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn Medical School, Germany
  • MUC5B Promoter Variant and Rheumatoid Arthritis with Interstitial Lung Disease, Juge PA, Lee JS, Ebstein E, Furukawa H, Dobrinskikh E, Gazal S, Kannengiesser C, Ottaviani S, Oka S, Tohma S, Tsuchiya N, Rojas-Serrano J, González-Pérez MI, Mejía M, Buendía-Roldán I, Falfán-Valencia R1, Ambrocio-Ortiz E, Manali E, Papiris SA, Karageorgas T, Boumpas D, Antoniou K, van Moorsel CHM, van der Vis J, de Man YA, Grutters JC, Wang Y, Borie R, Wemeau-Stervinou L, Wallaert B, Flipo RM, Nunes H, Valeyre D, Saidenberg-Kermanac'h N, Boissier MC, Marchand-Adam S, Frazier A, Richette P, Allanore Y1, Sibilia J, Dromer C, Richez C, Schaeverbeke T, Lioté H, Thabut G, Nathan N, Amselem S, Soubrier M, Cottin V, Clément A, Deane K, Walts AD, Fingerlin T, Fischer A, Ryu JH, Matteson EL, Niewold TB, Assayag D, Gross A, Wolters P, Schwarz MI, Holers M, Solomon JJ, Doyle T, Rosas IO, Blauwendraat C, Nalls MA, Debray MP, Boileau C, Crestani B, Schwartz DA, Dieudé P., 2018
  • Combined seven miRNAs for early hepatocellular carcinoma detection with chronic low-dose exposure to microcystin-LR in mice, Xu, L., Li, T., Ding, W., Cao, Y., Ge, X., & Wang, Y., 2018
  • The differential effects of microcystin-LR on mitochondrial DNA in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, Wang, X., Xu, L., Li, X., Chen, J., Zhou, W., Sun, J., & Wang, Y., 2018
  • Variants of the ABCA3 gene might contribute to susceptibility to interstitial lung diseases in the Chinese population, Zhou, W., Zhuang, Y., Sun, J., Wang, X., Zhao, Q., Xu, L., & Wang, Y., 2017
  • Chronic exposure to microcystin-LR affected mitochondrial DNA maintenance and caused pathological changes of lung tissue in mice, Li, X., Xu, L., Zhou, W., Zhao, Q., & Wang, Y., 2016
  • Effects of chronic exposure to microcystin-LR on hepatocyte mitochondrial DNA replication in mice, Li, X., Zhao, Q., Zhou, W., Xu, L., & Wang, Y., 2015
  • Association of AluYb8 insertion/deletion polymorphism in the MUTYH gene with mtDNA maintain in the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, Guo, W., Zheng, B., Guo, D., Cai, Z., & Wang, Y., 2015
  • Mucin 5B promoter polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to interstitial lung diseases in Chinese males, Wang, C., Zhuang, Y., Guo, W., Cao, L., Zhang, H., Xu, L., Fan, Y., Zhang, D., Wang, Y., 2014
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