Areas of Focus
- Cognition and Learning
- Mental Health Education
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2002 - PhD in Developmental and Educational Psychology: South China Normal University
- 1999 - Master's in Developmental and Educational Psychology: Northwest Normal University
- 1996 - Bachelor's in Applied Psychology: Northwest Normal University
- Published over 100 papers and 3 academic monographs
- Hosted 2 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 4 provincial and ministerial projects
- Received two second prizes for Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Achievements
- The late parietal event-related potential component is hierarchically sensitive to chunk tightness during chunk decomposition, Zhang, Z., Lu, Z., Warren, C. M., Rong, C., & Xing, Q., 2020
- The benefit of interleaved presentation in category learning is independent of working memory, Wang, J., Liu, Z., Xing, Q., & Seger, C. A., 2020
- Identification and transformation difficulty in problem solving: Electrophysiological evidence from chunk decomposition, Zhang, Z. L., Luo, Y., Wang, C. L., Warren, C. M., Xia, Q., Xing, Q., Cao, B. H., Lei, Y., & Li, H., 2019
- Metacognitive Illusion in Category Learning: Contributions of Processing Fluency and Beliefs, Jiawei Wang and Qiang Xing, 2019
- The Effect of Working Memory Updating Ability on Spatial Insight Problem Solving: Evidence From Behavior and Eye Movement Studies, Xing Qiang, Lu Zheyi, Hu Jing, 2019
- 顿悟式组块破解的时间进程:ERP研究, 张忠炉,邢强,雷怡,李红, 2019
- 反馈对知觉类别学习影响:研究现状与展望, 邢强, 2019
- 编码和检索阶段的异质情境流畅性对再认的影响, 余玉荣,张婉璐,邢强, 2019
- 组块紧密性导致组块破解困难:部件类型还是交错关系?, 张忠炉,邢强,雷怡,李红, 2019
- The effect of the embodied guidance in the insight problem solving: an eye movement study, Xing, Q., Rong, C., Lu, Z., Yao, Y., Zhang, Z., & Zhao, X., 2018
- 反馈时间、反馈类型和掩蔽类型对概率类别学习的影响, 邢强,王家慰,黄秀青, 2018
- Commentary: are groups more or less than the sum of their members? the moderating role of individual identification, Zhonglu, Z. , Warren, C. M. , Yi, L. , Qiang, X. , & Hong, L., 2018
- 二语习得研究的新领域:语音类别学习, 邢强,刘凯, 2018
- 发展性阅读障碍儿童概率类别学习的标签和通道效应, 邢强,王蕊, 2018
- 初中生自我调节学习与学业求助行为的关系及其干预, 邢强,黄玉兰, 2018
- 反馈效价影响家族相似性类别学习的ERPs研究, 邢强,孙海龙,车敬上, 2018
- 高效率学习对学习倦怠的影响:学业情绪的中介作用, 邢强,胡婧,刘卓铭, 2018
- Differential impact of visuospatial working memory on rule-based and information-integration category learning, Qiang, X. , & Hailong, S., 2017
- 学习方式和抑制能力对概率类别学习的影响, 邢强,王蕊,林泽彦, 2017
- 练习组织方式:解释个体类别学习效果的新视角, 王家慰, 邢强, 2017
- 语音类别学习:模型、方法与相关研究, 邢强,刘凯, 2017
- 执行功能对言语顿悟问题解决的影响:基于行为与ERPs的研究, 邢强,孙海龙,占丹玲,胡婧,刘凯, 2017
- 负性情绪对选择性注意抑制的影响及其调节——基于女大学生黄体期的研究, 胡婧,任杰,邢强, 2017
- 发展性阅读困难儿童类别学习能力的干预策略, 邢强,王蕊, 2017
- 工作记忆对知觉类别学习的影响:问题与构想, 孙海龙, 邢强, 2017
- 嵌套范式下视空工作记忆对基于规则类别学习的影响, 孙海龙, 邢强, 2017
- 不同情绪调节模式对初中生注意转移和稳定性的影响, 余玉荣,韩迎春, 邢强, 2017
- 高中生心理弹性、情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感的关系——以广州市某中学为例, 夏静静,刘百里,邢强, 2016
- 社会距离与认知重评对医疗风险决策的影响, 邢强,王蕊,赵淑菁, 2016
- 自愿戒毒者的心理韧性及其对情绪Stroop效应的影响, 刘凯,杨千芊,黄德馨,党彩萍,邢强, 2016
- 问题解决诱发的易化效应及其脑机制研究, 邢强,张金莲, 2016
- 分类学习和推理学习:差异比较与研究展望, 夏静静,邢强, 2016
- 工作记忆容量与内容相关性对类别学习的影响, 邢强,夏静静,王彩燕, 2016
- 趋避动机研究及其对教育的启示, 邢强,刘凯, 2016
- 四字谜问题解决中原型启发的时间抵消与位置效应, 邢强,王蕊,唐志文,孙海龙, 2016
- 类别决策中情景标签效应的神经机制, 唐志文, 邢强,林英,孙海龙,黄荷艳, 2016
- 概率类别学习的线索位置和通道效应, 邢强,王小妹,鲁莹, 2016
- Chunk decomposition contributes to forming new mental representations: An ERP study, Zhang, Z. L. #, Xing, Q., Li, H., Warren, C. M., Tang, Z. W., & Che, J. S., 2015
- 不同学习方式对类别迁移的影响, 邢强,刘便荣, 2015
- 外部表征、工作记忆对小学生数学应用题解决的影响, 邢强,蔡新华,刘大革, 2015
- STA分析:认知多系统模型分析的新方法, 邢强,孙海龙, 2015
- 反馈延迟与掩蔽类型对知觉类别学习的影响, 邢强,孙海龙, 2015
- 克服固着:问题解决诱发遗忘效应, 邢强,张金莲, 2015
- 小学生数字线估计中的分段策略, 邢强,徐争鸣,蔡新华, 2015
- 非监控类别学习的分类策略与表征, 邢强,孙海龙,刘凯,夏静静, 2015
- 道德神经研究对儿童道德情感培养的启示, 唐志文, 邢强, 2015
- 观察学习与反馈学习方式对类别学习的影响, 邢强,孙海龙,车敬上, 2014
- 顿悟的准备效应:来自ERP的证据, 邢强,张忠炉, 2014
- 2019 - Second Prize for Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Achievements (First Place)
- 2014 - Second Prize for Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Achievements (First Place)
- 2014 - Second Prize for Excellent Undergraduate Classroom Teaching Award at Guangzhou University
- 2011 - National Excellent Supervisor for Education Masters
- 2011 - Excellent Teacher of Guangzhou
- 2010 - Second Prize for the Sixth Guangdong Higher Education Provincial Teaching Achievement Award (Fifth Place)