Areas of Focus
- Cognitive impairment and neural mechanisms related to depression
- Cognitive impairment characteristics and rehabilitation training for special children (including children with intellectual disabilities and autism)
- Impact of video game experience on cognitive functions of players (such as attention network, inhibition, dynamic tracking, attention switching)
Work Experience
- 2017-2019 - University of Bath - Postdoctoral Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006 - Bachelor's Degree in Psychology: Shaanxi Normal University
- 2010 - Master's Degree in Medical Psychology: Third Military Medical University
- 2015 - PhD in Psychology: South China Normal University
- 2017-2019 - Postdoctoral Research: University of Bath, UK
- Multisensory competition is modulated by sensory pathway interactions with fronto-sensorimotor and default-mode network regions, Huang, S., Li, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, B., Liu, X., & Mo, L., Chen, Q*, 2015
- 工作记忆训练对智障儿童认知康复的促进作用, 黄赛,缪素媚,张豹*,任杰*, 2019
- 抑郁情绪个体执行功能的转换成分缺失研究, 黄赛, 冯正直, 2010
- 抑郁症状个体注意网络的受损特点研究, 黄赛, 冯正直, 2010
- Enhanced memory-driven attentional capture in action video game players, Zhang, B., Liu, S., Hu, C., Luo, Z., Huang, S.*, & Sui, J*, 2020
- 动作电子游戏经验对视觉注意的积极影响, 张豹,刘树辉,缪素媚,黄赛*, 2019
- 网络游戏对抗分心物干扰能力的影响, 缪素媚,黄赛*,张豹, 2018
- 工作记忆与知觉负载对工作记忆表征引导注意的调节, 张豹, 胡岑楼, 陈颜璋, 缪素媚, 黄赛*, 2017
- 无关长时记忆表征能否引导视觉注意选择, 胡岑楼, 张豹*, 黄赛*, 2017
- 认知控制在工作记忆表征引导注意中的作用:来自眼动的证据, 张豹, 胡岑楼, 黄赛*, 2016
- 工作记忆表征的激活与抑制状态对注意引导效应的影响, 张豹, 邵嘉莹, 胡岑楼, 黄赛*, 2015