Areas of Focus
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Speech and Language Cognitive Development and its Neural Mechanisms
- Strength-based Special Education
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2013-2018 Ph.D.: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- 2010-2013 Master's: South China Normal University
- 2006-2010 Bachelor's: Jilin University
- Autistic preschoolers display reduced attention orientation for competition but intact facilitation from a parallel competitor: Eye-tracking and behavioral data, Yu, L.*, Wang, Z., Fan, Y., Ban, L., & Mottron, L.*, 2024
- Atypical brain lateralization for speech processing at the sublexical level in autistic children revealed by fNIRS, Lai, B., Yi, A., Zhang, F., Wang, S., Xin, J., Li, S., & Yu, L.*, 2024
- Reduced Neural Specialization for Word-level Linguistic Prosody in Children with Autism, Yu, L.*, Huang, D., Wang, S.*, & Zhang, Y., 2022
- Aberrant auditory system and its developmental implications for autism, Yu, L., Wang, S.*, 2021
- Public knowledge and stigma of autism spectrum disorder: Comparing China with the United States, Yu, L.*, Stronach, S., & Harrison, A. J., 2020
- Role of inter-trial phase coherence in atypical auditory evoked potentials in children with autism, Yu, L., Wang, S.*, Huang, D., Wu, X., & Zhang, Y.*, 2018
- Testing native language neural commitment at the brainstem level: A cross-linguistic investigation of the association between frequency-following response and speech perception, Yu, L., & Zhang, Y.*, 2018
- Neuromodulatory Effects of Auditory Training and Hearing Aid Use on Audiovisual Speech Perception in Elderly Individuals, Yu, L., Rao, A., Zhang, Y.*, Burton, C P., Rishiq, D., & Abrams, H., 2017
- Pitch Processing in Tonal-Language-Speaking Children with Autism: An Event-Related Potential Study, Yu, L., Fan, Y., Deng, Z., Huang, D., Wang, S.*, & Zhang, Y.*, 2015