Areas of Focus
- Comparative Higher Education
- Education Policy Research
- Entrepreneurship Education Research
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Vocational Education Research
Work Experience
- 2022.1-present - Hangzhou Normal University, School of Education - Assistant Researcher, Lecturer, Associate Professor
- 2018.9-2021.12 - Hangzhou Normal University, Development and Planning Office - Assistant Researcher
- 2016.8-2016.11 - UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (Hamburg) - Consultant
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2008.09-2012.06 Bachelor's Degree in Education: Zhengzhou University
- 2013.09-2015.06 Master's Degree in Comparative Education: Zhejiang University
- 2015.09-2018.06 Doctorate in Comparative Education: Zhejiang University
- An exploration of guanxi: a type of social capital, among Chinese Min Kao Min, Min Kao Han, and Han students, Wang Xuyan, 2023
- The dark side of university student entrepreneurship: Exploration of Chinese universities, Wang Xuyan, 2022
- Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Responses and Challenges, Wang Xuyan, 2022
- A preliminary exploration of factors affecting a university entrepreneurship ecosystem, Wang Xuyan, 2021
- Cross-ethnic friendships among ethnic minority and Han students at a Chinese university, Wang Xuyan, 2021
- Changes in the affordability of 4-year public higher education in China during massification, Wang Xuyan, 2021
- Diversifying funding sources for public higher education in China during massification, Wang Xuyan, 2020
- 面向未来的全球数字素养与能力标准框架——基于《2019年DQ全球标准报告》的分析, Wang Xuyan, 2021
- 美国高校大数据精准指导弱势学生发展研究, Wang Xuyan, 2020
- 大学创业生态系统构建机制研究——以加州大学洛杉矶分校为例, Wang Xuyan, 2018
- “众创时代”,创业教育如何出新, Wang Xuyan, 2016
- 促进亚太地区创业教育的举措与倡——第四届联合国教科文组织亚太地区创业教育会议综述, Wang Xuyan, 2015
- 约翰·霍普金斯大学发展探析, Wang Xuyan, 2015
- GALCHS 视野下的创业教育生态发展观, Wang Xuyan, 2016
- 学术型研究生招生制度比较研究, Wang Xuyan, 2016
- 印度高等教育大众化进程中的经费来源渠道探析, Wang Xuyan, 2016
- 提升教育公平:奥巴马政府K-12教育改革简析, Wang Xuyan, 2014