Areas of Focus
- Impact of violent video games on adolescent aggression and mechanisms
- Impact of media bullying reports/cyberbullying on real-life bullying behavior and psychological mechanisms in children and adolescents
- Impact of game addiction/online games on the mental health/behavior of children and adolescents
- Research on internet behavior of children and adolescents to provide consultation and preventive measures for relevant government/education/judicial departments
Work Experience
- 2021.7-Present - Southwest University - Professor
- 2019.12-2021.1 - University of California, Berkeley - Visiting Scholar (Supervisor: Professor Chunyan Yang)
- 2018.6-2021.6 - Southwest University - Postdoctoral Researcher (Supervisor: Professor Cheng Guo)
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2015.9-2018.6 Ph.D. in Developmental and Educational Psychology: Southwest University
- 2012.9-2015.6 Master's in Applied Psychology: Southwest University
- 2008.9-2012.6 Bachelor's in Psychology: Southwest University of Science and Technology
- Published over 40 papers in professional psychology journals
- Member of International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA)
- Member of Chinese Social Psychology Association
- Editorial board member of Aggressive Behavior journal
- Guest editor for Frontiers in Psychiatry
- Reviewer for multiple journals including Child Development, Computers & Education, and Psychology of Popular Media
- Recognized as an outstanding reviewer by School Psychology Review in 2022
- Self-concept clarity and subjective well-being: Disentangling within- and between-person associations, Xiang, G., Teng, Z., Li, Q., & Chen, H., 2023
- The effect of everyday moral sensitivity on bullying bystander behavior: parallel mediating roles of empathy and moral disengagement, Xie, Z., Liu, C., & Teng, Z., 2023
- How does interparental conflict affect adolescent preference-for-solitude? Depressive symptoms as mediator at between- and within-person levels, Zheng, K., Coplan, R. J., Teng, Z., Liang, L., Chen, X., & Bian, Y., 2023
- Violent video game exposure and bullying in early adolescence: A longitudinal study examining moderation of trait aggressiveness and moral identity, Teng, Z., Yang, C., Stomski, M., Nie, Q., & Guo, C., 2022
- Longitudinal link between bullying victimization and bullying perpetration: A multilevel moderation analysis of perceived school climate, Nie, Q., Yang, C., Stomski, M., Zhao, Z., Teng, Z., & Guo, C., 2022
- Depression and anxiety symptoms associated with internet gaming disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study, Teng, Z., Pontes, H. M., Nie, Q., Griffiths, M. D., & Guo, C., 2021
- Psychological suzhi and academic achievement in Chinese adolescents: A 2‐year longitudinal study, Nie, Q., Teng, Z., Yang, C., Lu, X., Liu, C., Zhang, D., & Guo, C., 2021
- Parenting style and cyber-aggression in Chinese youth: The role of moral disengagement and moral identity, Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Teng, Z., & Guo, C., 2021
- An intersectional examination of the effects of race/ethnicity and immigrant status on school victimization in predominantly Hispanic/Latinx high schools, Yang, C., Manchanda, S., Lin, X., & Teng, Z., 2021
- 父母, 同伴依恋与希望的相互作用模型: 一项大学新生的追踪研究, 向光璨, 滕召军, 郭成, 陈红, 缪华灵, 2021
- Internet gaming disorder and psychosocial well-being: A longitudinal study of older-aged adolescents and emerging adults, Teng, Z., Pontes, H. M., Nie, Q., Xiang, G., Griffiths, M. D., & Guo, C., 2020
- Violent video game exposure and (Cyber) bullying perpetration among Chinese youth: The moderating role of trait aggression and moral identity, Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Zhu, Z., & Guo, C., 2020
- Parent–adolescent attachment and peer attachment associated with Internet Gaming Disorder: A longitudinal study of first-year undergraduate students, Teng, Z., Griffiths, M. D., Nie, Q., Xiang, G., & Guo, C., 2020
- Moral disengagement and bullying perpetration: A longitudinal study of the moderating effect of school climate, Teng, Z., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Nie, Q., & Guo, C., 2020
- The influence of perceived social support on hope: A longitudinal study of older-aged adolescents in China, Xiang, G., Teng, Z., Li, Q., Chen, H., & Guo, C., 2020
- Longitudinal association between school climate and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of psychological suzhi, Nie, Q., Yang, C., Teng, Z., Furlong, M. J., Pan, Y., Guo, C., & Zhang, D., 2020
- A longitudinal study of link between exposure to violent video games and aggression in Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of moral disengagement, Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Guo, C., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., & Bushman, B. J., 2019
- Hope as mediator between teacher–student relationships and life satisfaction among Chinese adolescents: A between-and within-person effects analysis, Nie, Q., Teng, Z., Bear, G. G., Guo, C., Liu, Y., & Zhang, D., 2019
- 暴力视频游戏对个体亲社会性的影响: 一项元分析, 邵嵘, 滕召军, 刘衍玲, 2019
- Is prosocial video game exposure related to prosociality? An ERP study based on a prosocial help needed decision task, Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Liu, Y., & Guo, C., 2018
- Violent video game exposure and moral disengagement in early adolescence: The moderating effect of moral identity, Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Guo, C., & Liu, Y., 2017
- A cross-lagged model of the relationship between violent video game exposure and moral disengagement in middle school and high school students, Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Pan, Y., Liu, Y., & Guo, C., 2017
- A meta-analysis of the relationship between self-esteem and aggression among Chinese students, Teng, Z., Liu, Y., & Guo, C., 2015
- Online gaming, internet addiction, and aggression in Chinese male students: The mediating role of low self-control, Teng, Z., Li, Y., & Liu, Y., 2014
- The role of neuroticism in the relation between self-esteem and aggressive emotion among 1085 Chinese adolescents, Teng, Z., & Liu, Y., 2013
- Short-term effects of prosocial video games on aggression: An event-related potential study, Liu, Y., Teng, Z., Lan, H., Zhang, X., & Yao, D., 2015
- The effects of attachment style and security priming on the perception of others’ pain, Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Ran, G., & Teng, Z., 2017
- The relationships between rumination and core executive functions: A meta‐analysis, Yang, Y., Cao, S., Shields, G. S., Teng, Z., & Liu, Y., 2017
- Facilitation or disengagement? Attention bias in facial affect processing after short-term violent video game exposure, Liu, Y., Lan, H., Teng, Z., Guo, C., & Yao, D., 2017
- Different effects of paternal and maternal attachment on psychological health among Chinese secondary school students, Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Ran, G., & Teng, Z., 2016
- 感知的学校氛围与主客观学业成绩:心理素质及其分维度的中介作用, 聂倩, 张大均, 滕召军, 陆星月, 2018
- 公寓老年人主观幸福感及心理健康的中介作用, 游雪勤, 阴山燕, 郭成, 滕召军, 2018
- 小学生感知到的教师人际行为与学校满意度的关系: 学业自我概念的中介, 游雪勤, 郭成, 滕召军, 李振兴, 2018
- 暴力电子游戏对攻击行为的影响及其争论, 滕召军, 刘衍玲, 郭成, 2015
- 乐观偏差的认知神经机制, 滕召军, 刘衍玲, 刘勇, 翟瑞, 0201