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Xiaodong Yue
Capital Normal University
Hong Kong
Language: English, Chinese
Counseling Therapy Mental Health Psychology Adolescents Creativity Innovation Idolatry Youth Development
Areas of Focus
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Creative Thinking
  • Adolescent Idol Worship
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1993 - PhD in Psychology: Harvard University
  • First Chinese to receive a PhD in Psychology from Harvard University
  • Published over 100 academic papers
  • Authored popular books such as 'Feeling of Climbing to Heaven', 'Youth My Heart', 'Friend with Truth', 'Harvard Hotline', and 'Psychological Perspectives'
  • Test Anxiety and Self-Efficacy: Levels and Relationship among Secondary School Students in Hong Kong, Yue, X. D., 1996
  • Work Stress among Primary School Guidance Teachers in Hong Kong: Correlations, Regressions and Implications, Yue, X. D., 1997
  • The Assessment of Optimistic Self-Beliefs: Comparison of the Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean Versions of the General Self-Efficacy Scale, Schwarzer, R., Iwawaki, S., Lee, Y., Schroder, K., Yue, X. D., 1997
  • Evaluating Educational Problems, Behavioural Problems and Intervention Strategies in Secondary Schools in Hong Kong: Views from Students, Parents and Teachers, Yue, X.D. & Ho, K. K., 1998
  • Postpartum Depression and Social Support: A Comparative Study in Hong Kong, Chung, Y. K. & Yue, X. D., 1999
  • Filial Obligations and Expectations in China: Current Views from Young and Old People in Beijing, Yue, X. D. & Ng, S. H., 1999
  • Idol Worshipping for Vain Glory, Illusory Romance or Intellectual Learning: A Study in Nanjing and Hong Kong, Cheung, C. K. & Yue, X. D., 2000
  • Selection of Favorite Idols and Models among Chinese Young People: A Comparative Study in Hong Kong and Nanjing, Yue, X. D. & Cheung, K. C., 2000
  • Effects of age, relation and gender on intergenerational communication: A survey study in Beijing, Yue, X. D. & Ng, S. H., 2000
  • Measuring Optimism in Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese With the Revised Life Orientation Test, Lai, C.L. & Yue, X.D., 2000
  • Critical Thinking among University Students: Does the Family Background Matter?, Cheung, C. K, Rudowicz, E., Lang, G., Yue, X. D., & Kwan, A. S. F., 2001
  • Concepts of Creativity: Similarities and Differences among Hong Kong, Mainland and Taiwanese Chinese, Rudowicz, E. & Yue, X. D., 2001
  • Assessing University Students’ General and Specific Critical Thinking, Cheung, C. K., Rudowicz, E., Lang, G., Kwan, A. S. F. & Yue, X. D., 2002
  • Creativity of University Students: What is the Impact of Field and Year of Study?, Rudowicz, E. Cheung, C. K., Yue, X. D. & Kwan, A. S. F., 2002
  • Compatibility of Chinese and Creative Personalities, Rudowicz, E. & Yue, X. D., 2002
  • Perception of the Most Creative Chinese by Undergraduates in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei, Yue, X. D., & Rudowicz, E., 2002
  • Meritorious Attribution Bias: How Chinese Undergraduates Perceive Chinese and Foreign Creators, Yue, X. D., 2003
  • Identity Achievement and Idol Worship among Teenagers' in Hong Kong, Cheung, C. K., & Yue, X. D., 2003
  • Adolescent Coping in different Chinese family environment, Hamid, P. N., Yue, X. D., & Leung, C. M., 2003
  • Whoever is Influential is creative: How Chinese Undergraduates Choose Creative People in Chinese Societies, Yue, X. D., 2004
  • Adolescent Modeling after Luminary and Star Idols and Development of Self-efficacy, Cheung, C. K. & Yue, X. D., 2004
  • Self in Learning among Chinese Adolescents, Li, J, & Yue, X. D., 2004
  • Luminary Emergence and Eminence across Chinese History, Cheung, C.K. & Yue, X.D., 2006
  • Perception of the Most Creative People by Undergraduates from China, Germany, and the USA, Yue X. D., Lee Y. T, & Bender, M., 2006
  • Which Chinese Creators are Famous and Why: Views from Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Students, Cheung, C. K. & Yue, X. D., 2007
  • Exploration of Chinese Humor: Historical Review, Empirical Findings, and Critical Reflections, Yue, X. D., 2010
  • Development and Validation of the Acculturative Hassles Scale for Chinese Students (AHSCS): An example of Mainland Chinese university students in Hong Kong, Pan, J. Y., Yue, X. D. & Chan, C. L. W., 2010
  • Who Are the Best-Known National and Foreign Creators — A Comparative Study among Undergraduates in China and Germany, Yue, X. D., Bender, M., & Cheung, C. K., 2010
  • From Glamour-Oriented Idolatry to Achievement-Oriented Idolatry: A Priming Experiment in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Yue, X. D., Wong, C. W., & Cheung, C. K., 2010
  • The Chinese Ambivalence to Humor: Views from University Students in Hong Kong and China, Yue, X. D., 2011
  • Pentangular Dimensions of Chinese Adolescents’ Idol Worship, Cheung, C. K., & Yue, X. D., 2011
  • Different Attitudes toward Humor between Chinese and Americans: An evidence from IAT, Jiang, F., Yue, X. D., & Lu, L., 2011
  • Sojourn Students’ Humor Styles as Buffers to Achieve Resilience, Cheung, C. K., & Yue, X. D., 2012
  • Idol Worship as Compensation for Parental Absence, Cheung, C. K. J. & Yue, X. D., 2012
  • Dialectical Thinking and Health Behaviors: The Effects of Theory of Planned Behavior, Jiang, F., Lu, L., Hou,Y. Yue, X. D., 2012
  • Humor Styles, Optimism, and their Relationships with Distress among Undergraduates in Three Chinese Cities, Cheung, C. K., & Yue, X. D., 2013
  • Sustaining Resilience Through Local Connectedness Among Sojourn Students, Cheung, C. K., & Yue, X. D., 2013
  • Addictive Internet Use and Parenting Patterns Among Secondary School Students in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, Cheung, C., Yue, X. D. & Wong, D. S., 2014
  • The Activation of Theory of Mind Network Differentiates between Point-to-Self and Point-to-Other Verbal Jokes: An fMRI Study, Feng, S., Ye, X., Mao, L., Yue, X. D., 2014
  • Perception of Humorists: a Cross-Cultural Study of Undergraduates in Hong Kong, Hangzhou, and Vancouver, Hiranandani, N. A. & Yue, X. D., 2014
  • Humour Styles, Gelotophobia and Self-Esteem among Chinese and Indian University Students, Hiranandani, N. A. & Yue, X. D., 2014
  • Up or Down? How Culture and Color Affect Judgments, Jiang, F., Lu, S., Yao, X., Yue, X.D., 2014
  • Can You Forgive? It Depends on How Happy You Are, Jiang, F., Yue, X. D., Lu, S. & Yu, G., 2014
  • Humor Styles, Self-Esteem, and Subjective Happiness, Yue, X. D., Liu, K.W., Jiang, F., & Hiranandani, N. A., 2014
  • Using the Brief Resilience Scale to Assess Chinese People’s Ability to Bounce Back From Stress, Lai, J. C. L., & Yue, X. D., 2014
  • Humor Styles and Loneliness: A Study among Hong Kong and Hangzhou Undergraduates, Yue, X. D., Wong, A. Y. M., & Hiranandani, N. A., 2014
  • Influence of Parenting Patterns on the Addictive Internet use of Secondary School Students in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, Cheung, C. K., Yue, X. D., & Wong, D. D. W., 2015
  • How Belief in Just World Benefits Mental Health: The Effects of Optimism and Gratitude, Jiang, F., Yue, X. D., Lu, S., Yu, G., & Zhu, F., 2015
  • Short Photoperiod Condition Increases Susceptibility to Stress in Adolescent Male Rats, Xu, L. Z., Liu, L. J., Yuan, M., Li, S. X., Yue, X. D., Lai, J. L., & Lu, l., 2016
  • Humor Styles, Creative Personality Traits, and Creative Thinking in a Hong Kong Sample, Yue, X. D. & Hui, A. N., 2015
  • Whoever is Influential is Successful Too: How Chinese Undergraduates Choose Admirable People in Chinese Societies, Yue, X. D., & Hiranandani, N. A., 2016
  • Applying Western Models of Volunteering in Hong Kong: The Role of Empathy, Prosocial Motivation and Motive-Experience Fit for Volunteering, Aydinli-Karakulak, A. Bender, M., Chong, M. L. A., & Yue, X.
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