Areas of Focus
- Educational and Psychological Measurement, Basic Theory and Application of Statistics
Work Experience
- 2009-06 to 2011-12 - Shenzhen University - Lecturer
- 2012-01 to 2017-06 - Shenzhen University - Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor
- 2017-07 to Present - Shenzhen University - Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1997-09 to 2000-07 Bachelor's Degree: Hunan Normal University
- 2003-09 to 2006-07 Master's Degree: Qinghai Normal University
- 2006-09 to 2009-07 Doctorate: South China Normal University
- Shenzhen University 'Liyuan Excellent Youth'
- Guangdong Province Higher Education 'Thousand Hundred Ten Project' Training Object
- Outstanding Teacher of Shenzhen
- Second Prize of Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award
- First Prize of the Seventh Shenzhen Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award
- The Impact of Early Neighborhood Cohesion, and Its Mechanism, on Cognitive Function in Later Life, Zhou, T., Zhang, X., Fan, S., Deng, Z., & Jiao, C., 2022
- The Associations of Meteorological and Environmental Factors with Memory Function of the Older Age in Urban Areas, Qiu, Y., Deng, Z., Jiang, C., Wei, K., Zhu, L., Zhang, J., & Jiao, C., 2022
- Prevalence, correlates, and behavioral outcomes of alcohol gifting in China, Zhang, L., Huang, L., Weiger, C.V., Jiao, C., Li, Y., & Wu, D., 2022
- COVID-19 uncertainty and sleep: the roles of perceived stress and intolerance of uncertainty during the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, Wu, D., Yang, T., Hall, D.L., Jiao, G., Huang, L., & Jiao, C., 2021
- The Association of Meteorological Factors with Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Qiu, Y., Wei, K., Zhu, L., Wu, D., & Jiao, C., 2021
- Perceived Beliefs, Uncertainty, and Behavioral Responses During the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: Findings From a Convenience Sample, Wu, D., Rockett, I., Yang, T., Yang, X. Y., Wang, M., & Jiao, C., 2021
- Effects of Basketball and Baduanjin Exercise Interventions on Problematic Smartphone Use and Mental Health among College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Xiao, T., Jiao, C., Yao, J., Yang, L., Zhang, Y., Liu, S., Grabovac, I., Yu, Q., Kong, Z., Yu, J. J., & Zhang, J., 2021
- Heterogeneous Association of Chinese Adolescents' Engaged Living With Problematic Internet Use: A Mixture Regression Analysis, Zhang, J., Jiao, C., Yu, C., Qiao, T., & Li, Z., 2021
- Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Mental Health Outcomes Among Chinese College Students During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic, Chi, X., Becker, B., Yu, Q., Willeit, P., Jiao, C., Huang, L., Hossain, M. M., Grabovac, I., Yeung, A., Lin, J., Veronese, N., Wang, J., Zhou, X., Doig, S. R., Liu, X., Carvalho, A. F., Yang, L., Xiao, T., Zou, L., Fusar-Poli, P., … Solmi, M., 2020
- The Effects of Subliminal Goal Priming on Emotional Response Inhibition in Cases of Major Depression, Zhang, M., Wang, S., Zhang, J., Jiao, C., Chen, Y., Chen, N., Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., & Zhang, S., 2020
- Mental health problems among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19: The importance of nutrition and physical activity, Chi, X., Liang, K., Chen, S. T., Huang, Q., Huang, L., Yu, Q., Jiao, C., Guo, T., Stubbs, B., Hossain, M. M., Yeung, A., Kong, Z., & Zou, L., 2021
- Does Cardiorespiratory Fitness Influence the Effect of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Executive Function?, Cui, J., Zou, L., Herold, F., Yu, Q., Jiao, C., Zhang, Y., Chi, X., Müller, N. G., Perrey, S., Li, L., & Wang, C., 2020
- Moving More and Sitting Less as Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors are Protective Factors for Insomnia, Depression, and Anxiety Among Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Lu, C., Chi, X., Liang, K., Chen, S. T., Huang, L., Guo, T., Jiao, C., Yu, Q., Veronese, N., Soares, F. C., Grabovac, I., Yeung, A., & Zou, L., 2020
- Cognitive Benefits of Activity Engagement among 12,093 Adults Aged over 65 Years, Zhang, J., Zou, L., Jiao, C., Zhang, M., Wang, L., Song, W., Yu, Q., Grabovac, I., Zhang, Y., Willeit, P., & Yang, L., 2020
- Social hierarchies in third-party punishment: A behavioral and ERP study, Cui, F., Wang, C., Cao, Q., & Jiao, C., 2019
- Altruistic and self-serving goals modulate behavioral and neural responses in deception, Cui, F., Wu, S., Wu, H., Wang, C., Jiao, C., & Luo, Y., 2018
- Music induced happy mood suppresses the neural responses to other's pain: Evidences from an ERP study, Cheng, J., Jiao, C., Luo, Y., & Cui, F., 2017
- Impaired Empathy Processing in Individuals with Internet Addiction Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study, Jiao, C., Wang, T., Peng, X., & Cui, F., 2017
- Unconscious Processing of Facial Expressions in Individuals with Internet Gaming Disorder, Peng, X., Cui, F., Wang, T., & Jiao, C., 2017
- The time course of indirect moral judgment in gossip processing modulated by different agents, Peng, X., Jiao, C., Cui, F., Chen, Q., Li, P., & Li, H., 2017
- Using Exponential Random Graph Models to Analyze the Character of Peer Relationship Networks and Their Effects on the Subjective Well-being of Adolescents, Jiao, C., Wang, T., Liu, J., Wu, H., Cui, F., & Peng, X., 2017
- “老漂族”领悟社会支持对认知功能的影响:有调节的中介模型, 范舒茗,王逸欣 & 焦璨, 2021
- “老漂族”去性别化心理特点明显, 焦璨,王逸欣 & 陈容若, 2020
- “老漂族”领悟社会支持对主观幸福感的影响:心理弹性的中介作用, 焦璨, 2020
- “老漂族”领悟社会支持对孤独感的影响——基于心理弹性、认知功能的中介作用, 焦璨,尹菲,沈小芳 & 黄雨赋, 2020
- 男性服刑人员正念水平与攻击性的关系, 张洁婷,张境锋,邱伟雄,文超,崔汉卿 & 焦璨, 2019
- 保护“老漂族”群体的认知功能, 焦璨& 范舒茗, 2019
- 纳入式分类分析法在潜在剖面模型的后续多元回归中的应用, 张洁婷,张敏强 & 焦璨, 2019
- 谣言传播的情境、内容、传播者与受众特征及相关认知神经科学研究, 彭晓哲,崔芳,焦璨 & 李红, 2018
- 饮酒对反应抑制的影响及其神经机制, 闫丁,汪婷,王程瑶 & 焦璨, 2017
- 过程性考核在高校专业课中的实践与探索:以心理测量学为例, 焦璨, 2016
- 简版流调中心抑郁量表在老年人中的因子结构, 闫丁& 焦璨, 2016
- 白领精神信仰与工作、生活满意度的关系研究——基于深圳市的调查, 焦璨& 郭黎明, 2015
- 基于CD-CAT的多策略RRUM模型及其选题方法开发, 戴步云,张敏强,焦璨,黎光明,朱华伟 & 张文怡, 2015
- 社会关系模型在心理研究中的应用, 徐桃,张敏强,王小婷,黄兆锋 & 焦璨, 2015
- 基于社会
- Shenzhen University 'Liyuan Excellent Youth'
- Guangdong Province Higher Education 'Thousand Hundred Ten Project' Training Object
- Outstanding Teacher of Shenzhen
- Second Prize of Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award
- First Prize of the Seventh Shenzhen Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award