Areas of Focus
- Personality and Social Psychology
- Development and Cultivation of Prosocial Behavior
- Adolescent Values and Moral Development
- Social Justice and Behavior
- Promotion of Public Morality and Adolescent Character Development
Work Experience
- 1988-present - Beijing Normal University - Teaching and Research
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1981-1985 Bachelor's Degree in Education: Beijing Normal University
- 1985-1988 Master's Degree in Education: Beijing Normal University
- 1996-1999 Doctorate in Education: Beijing Normal University
- The relations between early-life stress and risk, time, and prosocial preferences in adulthood: A meta-analytic review, Wu, J.*, Guo, Z., Gao, X., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- Disadvantaged early-life experience negatively predicts prosocial behavior: The roles of Honesty-Humility and dispositional trust among Chinese adolescents, Wu, J., Yuan, M., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- System justification enhances life satisfaction of high-and low-status people in China, Li, W., Wu, J., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- Testing the status-legitimacy hypothesis in China: Objective and subjective socioeconomic status divergently predict system justification, Li, W., Yang, Y., Wu, J., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- Self-compassion relates to reduced unethical behavior through lower moral disengagement, Yang, Y., Guo, Z., Wu, J., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- The effect of target’s power on prosocial behavior: A cross-cultural study, Fu, X., Padilla-Walker, L. M., Nielson, M. G., Yuan, M., & Kou, Y*., 2020
- Gossip in the dictator and ultimatum games: Its immediate and downstream consequences for cooperation, Wu, J.*, Balliet, D., Kou, Y. *, & Van Lange, P. A. M., 2019
- Linking self-compassion and prosocial behavior in adolescents: The mediating roles of relatedness and trust, Yang, Y., Guo, Z., Kou, Y. *, & Liu, B., 2019
- Chinese adolescents with higher social dominance orientation are less prosocial and less happy: A value-environment fit analysis, Yang, Y., Li, W., Sheldon, K. M., & Kou, Y*., 2019
- The role of relative intrinsic aspirations in Chinese adolescents’ prosocial behaviors, Fu, X., Liu, X., Yang, Y., Zhang, M., & Kou, Y*., 2018
- The different roles of relative ingroup prototypicality in the outgroup attitudes of majority and minority groups, Wang, J., Wang, L., & Kou, Y*., 2018
- Three good deeds and three blessings: The kindness and gratitude interventions on Chinese prisoners, Yang, Y., Zhao, H., Aidi, M., & Kou, Y*., 2018
- Donors’ social class and their prosocial reputation: Perceived authentic motivation as an underlying mechanism, Yuan, M., Wu, J.*, & Kou, Y*., 2018
- Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being in Chinese adolescents: The roles of prosocial behavior and internet addictive behavior, Yang, Y., Li, P., Fu, X., & Kou, Y*., 2017
- Orientations to happiness and subjective well-being in Chinese adolescents, Yang, Y., Li, P., & Kou, Y*., 2017
- Group boundary permeability moderates the effect of a dependency meta-stereotype on help-seeking behavior, Zhang, L., Kou, Y.*, Zhao, Y., & Fu, X., 2016
- Self-compassion and life satisfaction: The mediating role of hope, Yang, Y., Zhang, M., & Kou, Y*., 2016
- Belief in a just world lowers bribery intention, Bai, B. Y., Liu, X. X., & Kou, Y*., 2016
- Dishonest behavior is not affected by an image of watching eyes, Cai, W., Huang, X., Wu, S., & Kou, Y*., 2015
- The impacts of moral evaluations and descriptive norms on children's and adolescents’ tolerance of transgression, Wang, J., Fu, X., Zhang, L., & Kou, Y*., 2015
- Materialistic values among Chinese adolescents: Effects of parental rejection and self-esteem, Fu, X., Kou, Y.*, & Yang, Y., 2015
- Belief in a just world lowers perceived intention of corruption: The mediating role of perceived punishment, Bai, B. Y., Liu, X. X., & Kou, Y*., 2014
- The effect of empathy on cooperation, forgiveness, and “Returning Good for Evil” in the prisoner's dilemma, Xu, H., Kou, Y., & Zhong, N., 2012
- Emotional reactions to scandals: When does moral character make a difference?, Jiang,J.,Kou, Y., et al., 2011
- 5-6岁幼儿对四种基本情绪相关词汇的理解与运用, 唐久晴,姚小喃,寇彧*., 2021
- 老年人的元刻板印象及其对社会互动的影响, 林之萱,杨莹.寇彧*., 2020
- 生活目标对青少年不道德行为的影响:道德推脱的中介作用, 郭震, 赵宇迪,姚小喃,寇彧*., 2020
- 社会阶层如何影响个体的亲社会行为?——机制与相关因素的探讨, 苑明亮, 李文岐, 寇彧*., 2019
- 个体的政治倾向及其变化机制, 李文岐, 张梦圆, 寇彧*., 2018
- 幸福倾向及其对幸福感的影响:机制及发展, 郭震, 杨莹, 张梦圆, 寇彧*., 2018
- 社会排斥与个体助人意愿:归属感需求的调节作用, 李沛沛, 黄程, 寇彧*., 2017
- 亲社会自主动机对青少年幸福感及亲社会行为的影响:基本心理需要满足的中介作用, 杨莹, 寇彧*., 2017
- 初中生偶像崇拜及其与生活目标和主观幸福感的关系:性别的调节作用, 时嘉惠, 张梦圆, 杨莹, 冯姬, 寇彧*., 2016
- 亲社会名声与亲社会行为, 苑明亮, 张梦圆, 寇彧*., 2016
- 亲子依恋对青少年社会支配倾向的影响:相对外在生活目标的中介作用, 艾迪玛, 杨莹, 傅鑫媛, 寇彧*., 2016
- 提高学生自我管理能力的心理学方法, 寇彧, 陆智远., 2016
- 青少年亲社会行为量表的编制与维度的再验证, 杨莹, 张梦圆, 寇彧*., 2016
- 基于学生需求和学习规律的社会心理学教学改革, 寇彧*, 傅鑫媛, 苑明亮, 时嘉惠, 白呈希., 2016
- 论西方道德心理研究的新综合取向:道德基础理论, 张梦圆, 苑明亮, 寇彧*., 2016
- 权力对亲社会行为的影响:机制及相关因素, 蔡頠, 吴嵩, 寇彧*., 2016
- 自我控制可以抵御不良示范性规范对初中生环保行为的影响吗?, 傅鑫媛, 方秀英, 寇彧*., 2016
- 陌生他人在场及其行为对个体道德伪善的影响, 傅鑫媛, 陆智远, 寇彧*., 2015
- 如何有效应对校园欺负行为?, 寇彧., 2015
- 干预初中生的同伴关系以促进其亲社会行为, 杨晶, 余俊宣, 寇彧*, 傅鑫媛., 2015
- 亲社会互动中的幸福感:自主性的作用, 杨莹, 寇彧*., 2015
- 自私行为的传递效应, 余俊宣, 寇彧*., 2015
- 自主定向与依赖定向的群际帮助在动机与后果上的差异, 张兰鸽, 王磊, 张应兰, 寇彧*., 2015
- 青少年的亲社会行为及其发展, 张梦圆, 杨莹, 寇彧*., 0201
- 2016: Fifth National Education Science Research Outstanding Achievement Award for 'Social Psychology'
- 2010: Fourth Zhu Zhixian Psychology Award
- 2008: Fifth Outstanding Society Worker Title by Beijing Federation of Social Science Circles
- 2006: Fourth Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award by Beijing Normal University