Areas of Focus
- Vocational Psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- PhD: Southwest University
- Living a calling and work-family interface: A latent profile analysis, Zhang, C., Dik, B. J., & Dong, Z., 2021
- Profiles of calling and their relation to university-to-work transition outcomes, Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Li, M., & You, X., 2021
- Forget about the money? A latent profile analysis of calling and work motivation in Chinese employees, Zhang, C., & Hirschi, A., 2021
- Trajectories of calling in the transition from university to work: A Growth Mixture Analysis, Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., & You, X., 2021
- Reciprocal relation between authenticity and career decision self-efficacy: A longitudinal study, Zhang, C., Zhou, J., Dik, B. J., & You, X., 2019
- Reciprocal relation between authenticity and calling among Chinese university students: A latent change score approach, Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Dik, B. J., Wei, J., & You, X., 2018
- The future work self and calling: The mediational role of life meaning, Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Herrmann, A., Wei, J., & Zhang, J., 2017
- A measure of perceived chronic social adversity: Development and validation, Zhang, J., Ding, C., Tang, Y., Zhang, C., & Yang, D., 2017
- 状态-特质好奇量表在中国大学生群体中的测评, 陈梁杰, 蔡诗涵, 张媛, 王一凡, 张春雨, 2017
- 随机截距因子分析模型在控制条目表述效应中的应用, 韦嘉, 张春雨, 赵永萍, 张进辅, 2016
- Self-directed career attitude as predictor of career and life satisfaction in Chinese employees: Calling as mediator and job insecurity as moderator, Zhang, C., Hirschi, A., Herrmann, A., Wei, J., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Assessing calling in Chinese college students: Development of a measure and its relation to hope, Zhang, C., Herrmann, A., Hirschi, A., Wei, J., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Work as a calling in China: A qualitative study of Chinese college students, Zhang, C., Dik, B. J., Wei, J., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Factor structure of the Gender Role Conflict Scale-Short Form in Chinese heterosexual and gay samples, Zhang, C., Blashill, A. J., Wester, S. R., O’Neil, J. M., Vogel, D. L., Wei, J., & Zhang, J., 2015
- Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale-Brief (BFNE) and the BFNE-Straightforward for middle school students, Wei, J., Zhang, C., Li, Y., Xue, S., & Zhang, J., 2015
- 正负性表述的方法效应:以核心自我评价量表的结构为例, 张春雨, 韦嘉, 赵清清, 张进辅, 2015
- 马洛-克罗恩社会赞许性量表(简版)在中学生群体中的试用, 韦嘉, 韩会芳, 张春雨, 孙丽娟, 张进辅, 2015
- 中文版Friedam-Bendas考试焦虑量表在中学生群体的试用, 韦嘉, 张春雨, 董山川, 陈维, 张进辅, 2014
- 师范生职业使命感与学业满意度及生活满意度的关系:人生意义感的作用, 张春雨, 韦嘉, 张进辅, 李喆, 2013
- 中学生迷信信念量表信效度再验证, 韦嘉, 张春雨, 赵清清, 张进辅, 2013
- 特质性元情绪量表在中学生群体中的初步应用, 韦嘉, 张春雨, 赵清清, 张进辅, 2013
- Calling与使命:中西文化下的心理学界定与发展, 张春雨, 韦嘉, 张进辅, 2012
- 工作设计的新视角:员工的工作重塑, 张春雨, 韦嘉, 陈谢平, 张进辅, 2012
- 男同性恋的身体意象:特点与理论分析, 张春雨, 韦嘉, 罗禹, 陈谢平, 张进辅, 2012
- 二维自尊量表修订版在中学生群体中的信效度检验, 韦嘉, 张春雨, 赵清清, 张进辅, 2012
- 述情障碍成因的认知及社会机制, 张春雨, 张进辅, 张静秋, 张苹平, 2011
- 员工过劳现象的形成机理与管理方法——立足工作要求-资源模型的分析, 张春雨, 张进辅, 2010
- 员工妒忌问题研究, 张春雨, 张进辅, 2010
- Second Prize in the English Group of the Young Teachers' Teaching Basic Skills Competition at Shaanxi Normal University (2018)
- Advanced Individual in the International Summer School for Undergraduates at Shaanxi Normal University (2018)