Areas of Focus
- Media use and its impact on children's executive function development
- Relationship between media multitasking and individual mental health and cognitive control
- Interaction between genes and environment on children's executive function development
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2015 PhD: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Research on media use and individual development
- Parental Problematic Smartphone Use and Children’s Executive Function: The Mediating Role of Technoference and the Moderating Role of Children’s Age, Yang, X., Jiang, P., & Zhu, L., 2023
- The longitudinal relationships between family functioning and children's conduct problems: the moderating role of attentional control indexed by intraindividual response time variability, Zeng, S., Wang, Z., Zhang, R., & Yang, X., 2022
- Perceived autonomy-supportive parenting and internet addiction: respiratory sinus arrhythmia moderated the mediating effect of basic psychological need satisfaction, Liu, D., Wang, Z., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., & Lin, S., 2021
- Parental marital conflict and growth in adolescents' externalizing problems: the role of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Peng, Y., Yang, X., & Wang, Z., 2021
- Intraindividual reaction time variability, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, and children’s externalizing problems, Zhang, R., Yang, X., Liu, D., & Wang, Z., 2020
- Chinese college students’ parental attachment, peer attachment, and prosocial behaviors: The moderating role of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Liu, D., Wang, Z., 2020
- The COMT rs4680 polymorphism, family functioning and preschoolers' attentional control indexed by intraindividual reaction time variability, Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Wang, Z., 2020
- The Relation between Electronic Game Play and Executive Function among Preschoolers, Yang, X., Wang, Z., Qiu, X., Zhu, L., 2020
- Cyberbullying perpetration among Chinese adolescents: The role of interparental conflict, moral disengagement, and moral identity, Yang, X., Wang, Z., Huan, C., & Liu, D., 2018
- The Relations between Television Exposure and Executive Function in Chinese Preschoolers: The Moderated Role of Parental Mediation Behaviors, Yang, X., Chen, Z., Wang, Z., & Zhu, L., 2017
- Predictors of media multitasking in Chinese adolescents, Yang, X., Zhu L., 2016
- Media multitasking and psychological wellbeing in Chinese adolescents: time management as a moderator, Yang, X., Xu, X., & Zhu, L., 2015
- Measuring generalised expectancies for negative mood regulation in China: The Chinese language Negative Mood Regulation scale, Wang, G., Mearns, J., Yang, X., Han, P., & Catanzaro, S. J., 2019
- 促进低龄儿童发展的电子媒体使用, 杨晓辉, 王振宏, 朱莉琪, 2016
- 大学生的媒体多任务操作与个性及不良情绪, 杨晓辉, 朱莉琪, 2014
- 儿童发展与电子媒体:基于生态科技微系统理论的视角, 杨晓辉, 王腊梅, 朱莉琪, 2014
- 中文版消极情绪调节期待量表的修订及信、效度检验, 王国芳, 杨晓辉, Mearns Jack, 2014
- 监狱警察角色压力和消极情绪调节期待对工作投入的影响:前摄应对的中介作用, 王国芳, 韩鹏, 杨晓辉, 2014
- 消极情绪调节期待研究趋向与前瞻, 王国芳, 杨晓辉, 2015
- 精神病态的家庭风险因素, 杨敏齐, 王国芳, 韩鹏, 杨晓辉, 2014