Areas of Focus
- Systematic study of Chinese people's views on mental illness
- Research on help-seeking behavior
- Research on the process of psychological counseling and therapy
- Psychological autopsy study of university student suicides
- Research on self-harm behavior in adolescents
- Research on the model of school psychological counseling in China
Work Experience
- 2001-present - Central China Normal University, School of Psychology - Professor
- 1989-2001 - Central China Normal University, Faculty of Education - Faculty Member
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1998.9-2001.12 Doctorate: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education, Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- 1986.9-1988.12 Master's: Central China Normal University, Faculty of Education, Theoretical Psychology
- 少年夫妻老来伴: 夫妻依恋与留守老人孤独感, 谢其利, 李崇敬, 全小山, 何飞, 江光荣, 2018
- 抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍治疗的神经心理机制——脑成像研究的ALE元分析, 任志洪, 阮怡君, 赵庆柏, 张微, 赖丽足, 江光荣, 2017
- 抑郁症网络化自助干预的效果及作用机制——以汉化MoodGYM为例, 任志洪, 李献云, 赵陵波, 余香莲, 李政汉, 赖丽足, 阮怡君, 江光荣, 2016
- 大学生自伤行为的强化敏感性基础, 应梦婷, 江光荣, 于丽霞, 鲁婷, 2016
- 心理咨询中工作同盟的发展模式与咨询效果, 朱旭, 胡岳, 江光荣, 2015
- 当事人对领悟的看法: 质化分析, 胡姝婧, 江光荣, 2014
- 自伤青少年的冲动性, 于丽霞, 凌霄, 江光荣, 2013
- 当事人眼里的工作同盟:质的分析, 朱旭, 江光荣, 2011
- 暴力电子游戏的短期脱敏效应:两种接触方式比较, 郭晓丽, 江光荣, 朱旭, 2009
- 归因、自我效能和社会容认度对心理求助行为的影响, 夏勉, 江光荣, 2007
- Culture-based emotional working models of attachment, western-based attachment, and psychosocial functioning of chinese young adults, Sun, Q. W., Wang, C. D. C., & Jiang, G. R., 2017
- The Predictive Role of Mastery Experience in Chinese Counselor’s Counseling Self-efficacy, Bo Hu, Changming Duan, Guangrong Jiang, & Lixia Yu, 2015
- The Use of Directives in Counseling in China: The Counselor Perspective, Changming Duan, Clara Hill, Guangrong Jiang, Bo Hu, Yujia Lei, Jie Chen, & Lixia Yu, 2014
- Therapist directives: Use and outcome in China, Changming Duan, Clara Hill, Guangrong Jiang, Bo Hu, Harold Chui, Kayi Hui, Jingqing Liu, & Lixia Yu, 2012
- Hubei Development Research Third Prize (2013): Awarded by Hubei Provincial Government for the research report on university student suicides in Hubei
- First Prize for Outstanding Achievements in University Student Mental Health Education in Hubei Province (2011): Awarded by Hubei Provincial Department of Education for the research on university student suicides in Hubei
- Special Prize for Outstanding Achievements in University Student Mental Health Education in Hubei Province (2009): Awarded by Hubei Provincial Department of Education for the research on university student suicides in Hubei
- Second Prize for Outstanding Bestsellers by National University Presses (2008): Awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the China University Press Association for the book 'Theories and Practices of Psychological Counseling' (2005)
- Second Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences Research in Chinese Universities (2006): Awarded by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China for the book 'Research on the Social Ecological Environment of Classes' (2002)
- First Prize for Outstanding Philosophy and Social Science Books in East China (1999): Awarded by the 13th East China Outstanding Philosophy and Social Science Books Selection Committee for the book 'Psychological Counseling and Therapy' (1995)