Areas of Focus
- Developmental Psychology
- Positive Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
Work Experience
- 2004-2005: Teaching and Research at Wenzhou Medical College
- 2008-2017: Teaching and Research at Chongqing Normal University
- 2009: Promoted to Associate Professor
- 2014: Promoted to Professor
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1997-2001: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Hunan Normal University
- 2001-2004: Master's Degree in Basic Psychology, Southwest Normal University
- 2005-2008: Ph.D. in Basic Psychology, Southwest University
- Resting-state functional connectivity of the sensory/somatomotor network associated with sleep quality: evidence from 202 young male samples, Bai, Y., Tan J., Liu, X., Cui, X., Li, D., & Yin, H, 2022
- Bullying victimization and suicidal ideation among adolescents: The mediating role of psychological suzhi and the moderating role of perceived school climate, Cao, G., Zhang, L., Deng, J., & Yin, H, 2022
- Association of white matter volume with sleep quality: a voxel-based morphometry study, Bai, Y., Zhang, L., Liu, C., Cui, X., Li, D., & Yin, H, 2021
- The gray matter volume of bilateral inferior temporal gyrus in mediating the association between psychological stress and sleep quality among Chinese college students, Zhang, L., Cao, G., Liu, Z., Bai, Y., Li, D., Liu, J., & Yin, H, 2021
- The gray matter volume of the right insula mediates the relationship between symptoms of depression/anxiety and sleep quality among college students, Yin, H., Zhang, L., Li, D., Xiao, L., & Cheng, M., 2021
- Automated cardiac segmentation of cross-modal medical images using unsupervised multi-domain adaptation and spatial neural attention structure, Liu, J., Liu, H., Gong, S., Tang, Z., Xie, Y., Yin, H., & Niyoyita, J. P., 2021
- The Effects of Angry Expressions and Fearful Expressions on Duration Perception: An ERP Study, Yin, H., Cui, X., Bai, Y., Cao, G., Zhang, L., Ou, Y., ... & Liu, J., 2021
- Effects of adolescent academic stress on sleep quality: Mediating effect of negative affect and moderating role of peer relationships, Deng, J., Zhang, L., Cao, G., & Yin, H, 2021
- Toward Robust Fault Identification of Complex Industrial Processes Using Stacked Sparse-Denoising Autoencoder With Softmax Classifier, Liu, J.P., Xu, L.C., Xie, Y.F., Ma, T.Y., Wang, J., Tang, Z.H., Gui, W.H., Yin, H.Z., & Jahanshahi, H., 2021
- How is psychological stress linked to sleep quality? The mediating role of functional connectivity between the sensory/somatomotor network and the cingulo-opercular control network, Zhang, L., Li, D., & Yin, H, 2020
- The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is essential in seconds range timing, but not in milliseconds range timing: An investigation with transcranial direct current stimulation, Yin, H., Cheng, M., & Li, D., 2019
- Gender differences in the effect of facial attractiveness on perception of time, Tian, Y., Li, L., Yin, H., & Huang, X., 2019
- A distinction between two instruments measuring dispositional mindfulness and the correlations between those measurements and the neuroanatomical structure, Zhuang, K., Bi, M., Li, Y., Xia, Y., Guo, X., Chen, Q., ...Yin, H., & Qiu, J., 2017
- Duration aftereffect depends on the duration of adaptation, Li, B., Xiao, L., Yin, H., Liu, P., & Huang, X., 2017
- Neural bases of unconscious error detection in a Chinese anagram solution task: Evidence from ERP study, Yin, H., Li, D., Yang, J., Li, W., Qiu, J., & Chen, Y. Y., 2016
- The recalibration patterns of perceptual synchrony and multisensory integration after exposure to asynchronous speech, Yuan, X., Bi, C., Yin, H., Li, B., & Huang, X., 2014
- The attention modulation on timing: an event-related potential study, Liu, Y., Zhang, D., Ma, J., Li, D., Yin, H., & Luo, Y., 2013
- Differentiation of stages in joke comprehension: Evidence from an ERP study, Du, X., Qin, Y., Tu, S., Yin, H., Wang, T., Yu, C., & Qiu, J., 2013
- Audiovisual temporal recalibration: space-based versus context-based, Yuan, X., Li, B., Bi, C., Yin, H., & Huang, X., 2012
- Spatiotemporal cortical activation underlying self-referencial processing evoked by self-hand, Su, Y., Chen, A., Yin, H., Qiu, J., Lv, J., Wei, D., ... & Wang, T., 2010
- 基于维度情绪观和具身观的时距知觉情绪效应, 尹华站,张丽,李丹, 2022
- 情绪动机方向和强度对时距知觉的影响, 尹华站,白幼玲,刘思格,李丹, 2021
- 恐惧面孔影响不同年龄个体时距知觉:任务难度的调节作用, 李丹,刘思格,白幼玲,崔晓冰,史焱,尹华站, 2021
- 三至六年级学习不良学生时间分配特点:基于心理账户的视角, 尹华站,白幼玲,黎钰林,赵心怡,陈思远,占申申,李丹, 2021
- 时间信息加工与信息加工时间特性双视角下的重要时间参数及其证据, 尹华站,崔晓冰,白幼玲,曹格格,邓靖歆,李丹, 2020
- 恐惧情绪面孔影响不同年龄个体时距知觉的研究, 李丹,尹华站, 2019
- 经颅直流电刺激在注意缺陷多动障碍治疗中的应用, 成梅,杨燕,尹华站, 2018
- 1s范围视听时距认知的分段性研究, 尹华站,李丹,陈盈羽,黄希庭, 2017
- 1~6秒时距认知分段性特征, 尹华站,李丹,陈盈羽,黄希庭, 2016
- 跨通道情境下双任务范式与计时中断范式中的效应比较, 尹华站,李丹,袁祥勇,黄希庭, 2013
- 时间加工分段性研究述评, 尹华站, 2013
- 时距加工“长度效应”研究述评, 尹华站,李祚山,李丹,黄希庭, 2010
- 时间信息自动加工与控制加工的电生理学指标, 尹华站,黄希庭, 2009
- 标量计时模型中的神经机制, 尹华站,黄希庭,李丹,张莹, 2008
- 攀缘激活的计时机制, 尹华站,李丹, 2007
- 时间知觉和关联负变化, 张志杰,尹华站,黄希庭, 2007
- 应当关注时间心理无意识的研究, 黄希庭,郭秀艳,朱磊,尹华站, 2006
- 人格六焦点模型及老化研究, 石伟,尹华站, 2004
- Chongqing Education Research Achievement First Prize
- Chongqing Higher Education Forum Paper Second Prize
- Chongqing Normal University Excellent Undergraduate Tutor Award
- Chongqing Normal University Teaching Excellence Award
- Guided students to win provincial and school-level awards in the National College Student 'Challenge Cup'
- Hunan Normal University Teaching Achievement Second Prize