Areas of Focus
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Micro-expression Recognition
- Affective Computing
Work Experience
- 2013-present - Hunan Normal University - Associate Professor
- 2016-present - Hunan Normal University - Master's Supervisor in Psychology
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2012 Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Selected as an Outstanding Young Talent in Social Sciences at Hunan Normal University
- Selected for the 'Shicheng Talent Plan' for Outstanding Young Talents at Hunan Normal University
- You see what you eat: effects of spicy food on emotion perception, Chen, D., Zhang, S., Wu, Q., & Ren, M., 2023
- The relationship between neuroticism and passive use of mobile social networks among Chinese young adults: The mediating role of fear of missing out and online social support, Zhang, S., Wu, Q., & Liu, R., 2023
- Effects of Investment Experience on the Stock Investment Task: The Mediating Role of Risk Perception, Li, Z., Wu, Q., Hong, P., & Tian, R., 2023
- The Intergroup Bias in the Effects of Facial Feedback on the Recognition of Micro-expressions, Peng, K., Wang, Y., & Wu, Q., 2023
- An ingroup disadvantage in recognizing micro-expressions, Wu, Q., Peng, K., Xie, Y., Lai, Y., Liu, X., & Zhao, Z., 2022
- Oxytocin impairs the recognition of micro-expressions of surprise and disgust, Wu, Q., Xie, Y., Liu, X., & Liu, Y., 2022
- The cost of beauty: Perception of makeup and male mate choice, Wu, Q., Liu, Z., Liu, X, Chen, D., 2022
- Disease threat and the functional flexibility of ingroup derogation, Wu, Q., Yang, S., & Zhou, P., 2019
- The ingroup disadvantage in the recognition of micro-expressions, Xie, Y., Zhong, C., Zhang, F., & Wu, Q., 2019
- The influence of facial width-to-height ratio on micro-expression recognition, Zhang, S., Xie, J., & Wu, Q., 2018
- Pathogen load and the nature of ingroup derogation: evolution of ingroup derogation based on the sexual Penna model, Hu, C., Li, X., & Wu, Q., 2018
- A false trail to follow: differential effects of the facial feedback signals from the upper and lower face on the recognition of micro-expressions, Zeng, X., Wu, Q., Zhang, S., Liu, Z., Zhou, Q., & Zhang, M., 2018
- Evolution of ingroup derogation, Wu, Q., Liu, W., Li, X., & Zhou, P., 2016
- Effects of hand washing on implicit anti-fat bias, Liu, Z., Liang, C., Zeng, X., & Wu, Q., 2016
- Facial feedback and micro-expression recognition, Guo, H., He, L., & Wu, Q., 2016
- The influence of emotional words on the recognition of microexpressions, Shen, X., Wu, Q., & Fu, X., 2016
- A price paid for our internal strife: Escalated intragroup aggression and the evolution of ingroup derogation, Wu, Q., Wang, L., Li, C., Li, X., & Zhou, P., 2016
- Electrophysiological evidence reveals differences between the recognition of microexpressions and macroexpressions, Shen, X. B., Wu, Q., Zhao, K., & Fu, X., 2016
- Behavioral immune system and ingroup derogation: The effects of infectious diseases on ingroup derogation attitudes, Wu, Q., Tan, C., Wang, B, & Zhou, P., 2015
- For micro-expression recognition: Database and suggestions, Yan, W. J., Wang, S. J., Liu, Y. J., Wu, Q., & Fu, X., 2014
- How fast are the leaked facial expressions: The duration of micro-expressions, Yan, W. J., Wu, Q., Liang, J., Chen, Y. H., & Fu, X., 2013
- Effects of duration of expressions on the recognition of microexpressions, Shen, X. B., Wu, Q., & Fu, X., 2012
- I undervalue you but I need you: The dissociation of attitude and memory toward in-group members, Zhao, K., Wu, Q., Shen, X., Xuan Y.,& Fu, X., 2012
- Electrophysiological correlates of visually processing subject's own name, Zhao, K., Wu, Q., Zimmer, H. D., & Fu, X., 2011
- CASME database: A dataset of spontaneous micro-expressions collected from neutralized faces, Yan, W. J., Wu, Q., Liu, Y. J., Wang, S. J., & Fu, X., 2013
- Automatic micro-expression analysis, Wu, Q., Shen, X.B., & Fu, X. L., 2012
- The machine knows what you are hiding: An automatic micro-expresson recognition system, Wu, Q., Shen, X., & Fu, X.L., 2011
- 我看不到你的疼痛:隐性自恋特质与疼痛共情的关系, 吴奇*, 谭惠中, 2022
- 行为免疫系统对个体就医行为倾向的影响, 吴奇*, 吴浩, 周晴, 陈东方, 鲁帅, 李林芮, 2022
- 一般社会信任与微表情识别准确率之间的关系, 彭坤领, 彭佳敏, 吴奇*, 2022
- 拿破仑情结的进化:相对身高劣势和求偶动机对男性冒险行为的影响, 吴奇*,钟春艳,谢锦源, 2021
- 群际偏差的进化: 人类对暴力与疾病威胁的适应, 周晴, 吴奇*, 2019
- 面部反馈在微表情识别过程中的作用, 吴奇*, 郭惠,何玲玲, 2016
- 洗手对内隐肥胖偏见的影响, 刘哲英, 梁晨, 吴奇*, 2016
- 短暂呈现的背景情绪词对面部表情识别的影响, 申寻兵, 吴奇, 傅小兰*, 2015
- 群际威胁及其对群体偏见的影响, 李郴,杨爽,吴奇*, 2015
- 人类社会行为的疾病回避功能述评, 杨爽, 李郴, 吴奇*, 2015
- 微表情研究的进展与展望, 梁静, 颜文靖, 吴奇, 申寻兵, 王甦菁, 傅小兰, 2013
- 微表情研究及其应用, 吴奇, 申寻兵, 傅小兰*, 2010
- 卡尔·斯宾塞·莱士利, 吴奇, 2011
- 情绪的外部表现及识别, 申寻兵,吴奇, 2016
- 情绪的外部表现及识别, 申寻兵,吴奇, 2023
- 戒毒人员反应抑制能力智能训练平台V1.0, 吴奇, 周萍, 石慧敏, 2022
- 基于个体眼动特征的自动化共情能力识别方法, 吴奇, 周萍, 李思琦, 2020
- 一种基于Gabor+EOH混合特征的自动微表情识别方法, 吴奇, 申寻兵, 傅小兰, 2016
- 自动微表情识别研究, 吴奇, 2012
- Jiangxi Medical Science and Technology Award Second Prize: Not mentioned