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Xinwen Bai
Psychology CAS
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: English, Chinese
Creativity Innovation Organization Motivation Team Management Decision-Making Intervention Performance Cognition
Areas of Focus
  • Organizational Creativity and Innovation
  • Work Motivation
  • Team Management
Work Experience
  • 2010.02-present - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Associate Researcher
  • 2009.03-2010.02 - University of Sheffield, UK - Visiting Scholar
  • 2006.09-2010.02 - Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Assistant Researcher
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2001.09-2006.06 PhD in Applied Psychology: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1997.09-2001.07 Bachelor in Psychology: South China Normal University
  • Creativity as a Means to Well-Being in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a Cross-Cultural Study, Tang, M., Hofreiter, S., Reiter-Palmon, R., Bai, X., & Murugavel, V., 2021
  • Creative Mindsets: Scale Validation in the Chinese Setting and Generalization to the Real Workplace, Zhou, Y., Yang, W., & Bai, X., 2020
  • Kick the Cat: A Serial Crossover Effect of Supervisors’ Ego Depletion on Subordinates’ Deviant Behavior, Ming, X., Bai, X., & Lin, L., 2020
  • Perceived control moderates the impact of academic stress on the attention process of working memory in male college students, Lin, L., Zhang, J., Wang, P., Bai, X., Sun, X., & Zhang, L., 2019
  • Town mouse or country mouse: Identifying a town dislocation effect in Chinese urbanization, Wang, F., Li, S., Bai, X., Ren, X., Rao, L., Li, J., Liu, H., Liu, H., Wu, B., & Zheng, R., 2015
  • The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE): Psychometric Properties and Normative Data in a Large Chinese Sample, Li, F., Bai, X., Wang, Y., 2013
  • The psychometric evaluation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale using a nationally representative sample of China, Bai, X., Wu, C., Zheng, R., & Ren, X., 2011
  • How long is long enough: Public concern about the academic careers of students from areas devastated by the Wenchuan Earthquake, Li, S., Wang, Z., Rao, L., Zheng, R., Ren, X., Li, J., Liu, H., Bi, Y., Wang, F., & Bai, X., 2011
  • Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: The effects of the Wenchuan earthquake, Rao, L., Han, R., Ren, X., Bai, X., Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z., Li, J, Zhang, K., & Li, S., 2011
  • Progression of the ‘‘Psychological Typhoon Eye’’ and Variations Since the Wenchuan Earthquake, Li S, Rao L, Bai X, Zheng R, Ren X, et al., 2010
  • Can overconfidence be debiased by low-probability/high-consequence event?, Li, S., Li, J., Chen, Y., Bai, X., Ren, X., Zheng, R., Wang, Z., Liu, H. & Rao, L., 2010
  • Psychological typhoon eye in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Li, S., Rao, L., Ren, X., Bai, X., Zheng, R., et al., 2009
  • Challenge and Hindrance Job Demands, Job Resource, and their Relationships with Vigor and Emotional Exhaustion, Lin, L., Siu, O-L., Shi, K., & Bai, X., 2009
  • Does your leader recognize your creativity? The impact of employee and supervisor characteristics on employee creativity evaluation, Zhou, Y., Bai, X., & Qi, S., 2020
  • Fighting for the family: The impact of family motivation on work engagement from the perspective of job crafting, Su, F., Lin, L., Li, W., Yu, G., & Bai, X., 2020
  • A good horse is easy to find, but a good judge is hard to come by: The mechanism and boundary conditions of decision-makers' mental models affecting creativity recognition, Bai, X., Qi, S., Ming, X., Zhou, Y., & Huang, M., 2019
  • Is conflict with your boss always harmful? The differential impact of task and relationship conflict on shared mental models and team performance, Bai, X., & Huang, M., 2019
  • Insightful eyes: The current state and future directions of creativity recognition research, Qi, S., Bai, X., & Lin, L., 2019
  • Reciprocal gratitude expression enhances employee work performance, Lv, X., & Bai, X., 2019
  • Positive face attention bias in individuals with high forgiveness traits, Wu, S., & Bai, X., 2019
  • Research progress on creativity recognition in the Chinese context, Qi, S., & Bai, X., 2019
  • Abusive management and employee creativity: The different roles of psychological contract breach and Zhongyong thinking, Shen, Y., Ma, C., Bai, X., Zhu, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, Q., & Liu, J., 2018
  • The impact of job crafting on work engagement, satisfaction, and performance of intellectual property personnel in research institutions, Lv, X., & Bai, X., 2017
  • A dual-path model affecting sales creativity and sales performance, Pan, W., & Bai, X., 2017
  • Attribution analysis of academic misconduct among Chinese researchers based on a survey of researchers involved in major national science and technology projects, Bai, X., Zhang, Q., Du, P., Yan, J., & Liu, Z., 2017
  • The impact of enterprise characteristics and high-performance work systems on employee turnover rate, Jiao, Y., & Bai, X., 2017
  • Do extroverts win? The nonlinear relationship between extroversion and sales performance, Liu, Y., & Bai, X., 2016
  • New research progress on the impact of prosocial motivation on creativity, Li, Y., & Bai, X., 2016
  • Implicit representation of academic misconduct among Chinese researchers, Li, W., Bai, X., & Liu, Z., 2016
  • Factors influencing the growth efficiency of high-level young talents: A case study of the Hundred Talents Program, Bai, X., & Huang, Z., 2015
  • Kindness lights up creativity: The impact of intrinsic and prosocial motivation on creativity, Li, Y., & Bai, X., 2015
  • A dual-path model of intrinsic and prosocial motivation affecting employee creativity, Li, Y., & Bai, X., 2015
  • The impact of team mental model similarity and accuracy on team creativity, Lin, X., Bai, X., & Lin, L., 2014
  • The impact of performance approach goal orientation and transactional leadership on sales performance, Chen, F., & Bai, X., 2014
  • Empowering leadership and team performance: The mediating role of transactive memory systems, Lin, X., Lin, L., Wang, Y., & Bai, X., 2014
  • Factors influencing the similarity of mental models of complex system operators, Wang, W., Lin, X., & Bai, X., 2014
  • The buffering effect of job resources on the stressor-job satisfaction relationship: A test of the matching hypothesis, Lin, L., Song, Y., Bai, X., Ren, X., & Zheng, R., 2013
  • The impact of four types of distributive justice indicators on job satisfaction, Zhang, Y., & Bai, X., 2012
  • Motivated information processing theory and its application in industrial and organizational psychology, Wu, M., & Bai, X., 2012
  • The impact of self-efficacy on the gambler's fallacy among individual securities investors, Wu, M., Weng, X., Sun, L., & Bai, X., 2013
  • A contingency model of the impact of shared mental models on team performance, Bai, X., Liu, W., & Lin, L., 2011
  • Structure and measurement of psychological harmony, Ren, X., Bai, X., Zheng, R., & Zhang, K., 2009
  • The psychological harmony status of residents in the Wenchuan earthquake disaster area and its relationship with government satisfaction, Bai, X., Ren, X., Zheng, R., & Li, S., 2009
  • The 'psychological typhoon eye' effect in the Wenchuan '5.12' earthquake, Li, S., Liu, H., Bai, X., Ren, X., Zheng, R., Li, J., et al., 2009
  • Research on the psychological harmony status of the Chinese public, Bai, X., Ren, X., Zheng, R., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., & Zhang, K., 2008
  • Empirical test of the changes in employment relationships and their influencing factors, Liu, J., Liu, X., & Bai, X., 2007
  • Development characteristics of two types of shared mental models in team tasks and interactions, Bai, X., Wang, E., Ma, D., Zhou, Y., & Ren, J., 2006
  • Development of shared mental models in three-person soccer team confrontations and their relationship with team performance, Zhou, Y., Lv, J., Bai, X., Wei, T., & Wang, E., 2006
  • Big Five personality and performance: A team-level study, Bai, X., Wang, E., & Li, Y., 2006
  • Cross-training and team performance, Bai, X., & Wang, E., 2005
  • Exploration of the measurement equivalence of the social desirability scale, Bai, X., Li, F., & Chen, Y., 2004
  • Concept and determination conditions of measurement equivalence, Bai, X., & Chen, Y., 2004
  • Shared mental models and research status, Bai, X., & Wang, E., 2004
  • 2006: Excellent Graduate of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2004: First Prize for Outstanding Young Paper at the National Social Psychology Academic Annual Conference
  • 2005-2006: Graduate Scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2004-2005: Graduate Scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2004-2005: Second Prize for Research Assistant at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2005-2006: Second Prize for Research Assistant at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2002-2003: Third Prize for Management Assistant at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2003-2004: Third Prize for Management Assistant at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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