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C. Liu
Neuroscience Chinese academy of sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Language: Chinese, English
Marmoset Brain Mapping Neuroscience Imaging Connectivity Default Mode Network Social Cognition Brain Development Primate Models Neuroimaging
Areas of Focus
  • Marmoset Brain Mapping
  • Default Mode Network
  • Social Experience and Brain Development
Work Experience
  • 2016-2019 - Postdoctoral work
  • 2019-2020 - Research Assistant Professor: University of Pittsburgh
  • 2020-present - Research Group Leader: Translational Brain Imaging Research Group
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2009 - Bachelor of Science: Yunnan University, School of Life Sciences
  • 2009-2012 - Master: Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2012-2016 - PhD: University of Queensland, Queensland Brain Institute
  • Cross-species single-cell spatial transcriptomic atlases of the cerebellar cortex, Hao, S., Zhu, X., Huang, Z., Yang, Q., Liu, H., Wu, Y., Zhan, Y., Dong, Y., Li, C., Wang, H., Haasdijk, E., Wu, Z., Li, S., Yan, H., Zhu, L., Guo, S., Wang, Z., Ye, A., Lin, Y., Cui, L., Tan, X., Liu, H., Wang, M., Chen, J., Zhong, Y., Du, W., Wang, G., Lai, T., Cao, M., Yang, T., Xu, Y., Li, L., Yu, Q., Zhuang, Z., Xia, Y., Lei, Y., An, Y., Cheng, M., Zhao, Y., Han, L., Yuan, Y., Song, X., Song, Y., Gu, L., Liu, C., Lin, X., Wang, R., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Li, S., Li, H., Song, J., Chen, M., Zhou, W., Yuan, N., Sun, S., Wang, S., Chen, Y., Zheng, M., Fang, J., Zhang, R., Zhang, S., Chai, Q., Liu, J., Wei, W., He, J., Zhou, H., Sun, Y., Liu, Z., Liu, C., Yao, J., Liang, Z., Xu, X., Poo, M., Li, C., De Zeeuw, C., Shen, Z., Liu, Z., Liu, L., Liu, S., Sun, Y., Liu, C., 2024
  • Diverse and Asymmetric Patterns of Single-Neuron Projectome in Regulating Interhemispheric Connectivity, Fei, Y., Wu, Q., Zhao, S., Song, K., Han, J., Liu, C., 2024
  • Brain developmental and cortical connectivity changes in the transgenic monkeys carrying the human-specific duplicated gene srGAP2C, Meng, X., Lin, Q., Zeng, X., Jiang, J., Li, M., Luo, X., Chen, K., Wu, H., Hu, Y., Liu, C., Su, B., 2023
  • Temporal fingerprints of cortical gyrification in marmosets and humans, Wang, Q., Zhao, S., Liu, T., Han, J., Liu, C., 2023
  • An anatomical and connectivity atlas of the marmoset cerebellum, Zhu, X., Yan, H., Zhan, Y., Feng, F., Wei, C., Yao, Y., Liu, C., 2023
  • An integrated resource for functional and structural connectivity of the marmoset brain, Tian, X., Chen, Y., Majka, P., Szczupak, D., Sanz Perl, Y., Chern-Chyi Yen, C., Tong, C., Feng, F., Jiang, H., Glen, D., Deco, G., G. P. Rosa, M., C. Silva, A., Liang, Z., Liu, C., 2022
  • The Brain Circuits and Dynamics of Curiosity-Driven Behavior in Naturally Curious Marmosets, Tian, X., Silva, AC., Liu, C., 2021
  • Marmoset Brain Mapping V3: Population multi-modal standard volumetric and surface-based templates, Liu, C., Yen, CC., Szczupak, D., Tian, X., Glen, D., Silva, AC., 2021
  • A resource for the detailed 3D mapping of white matter pathways in the marmoset brain, Liu, C., Ye, F., Newman, J., Szczupak, D., Tian, X., Yen, C., Majka, P., Glen, D., Rosa, M., Leopold, D., and Silva, A., 2020
  • Anatomical and functional investigation of the marmoset default mode network, Liu, C., Yen, C., Szczupak, D., Ye, F., Leopold, D., and Silva, A., 2019
  • Transgenic rhesus monkeys carrying the human MCPH1 gene copies show human-like neoteny of brain development, Shi, L., Luo, X., Jiang, J., Chen, Y., Liu C, Hu, T., Li, M., Lin, Q., Li, Y., Huang, J., Wang, H., Niu, Y., Shi, Y., Styner, M., Wang, J., Lu, Y., Sun, X., Yu, H., Ji, W., and Su, B., 2019
  • A digital 3D atlas of the marmoset brain based on multi-modal MRI, Liu, C., Ye, F., Yen, C., Newman, J., Glen, D., Leopold, D., and Silva, A., 2018
  • Altered structural connectome in adolescent socially isolated mice, Liu, C., Li, Y., Edwards, T., Kurniawan, N., Richards, L., and Jiang, T., 2016
  • Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: a longitudinal MRI and DTI study, Liu, C., Tian, X., Liu, H., Mo, Y., Bai, F., Zhao, X., Ma, Y., and Wang, J., 2015
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